Category Archives: product

Best Dressed Man Wading through Selenium..

Brownliner Uniform It seems like every component of fishing has a 5 year span where the technology changes every time you blink. My old neoprene waders have served me really well, but I missed the entire “breathable Goretex” revolution.

I was hoping to avoid another sweaty Brownliner odyssey, and had ordered a set of boot foot Hodgeman WadeWell II hip waders. Hip waders have never had much of a place other than surfcasting and motivational posters, as their usefulness is limited. I wade like a drunken sailor, and hip waders is an easier way to get water somewhere where it ought not to be.

The “Little Stinking” is an exception, September flows are miniscule and about 24″ of water is all that I’ve encountered, other than stifling triple digit heat.

Boot foot waders with the traditional lugged soles give me some purchase getting in and out of the creek. Felt soles are fine, but always prove treacherous climbing or descending dirt banks.

Goretex uppers removes half of the expected weight, and the flexibility of a thin fabric versus rubber walled sheath, gives the feel of wearing overalls, rather than clumsy armor.

More importantly, this gives me a single fast drying object that I can clip onto a clothesline briefly, or set in the garage to dry. My proximity to the local creek means nightly usage, fast dry mean less exposure to sunlight, the nemesis of all rubber. The traditional neoprene and boot ensemble require a great deal more drying time, only because both inside (sweat)  and outer layers must be dried.

So far I am most pleased, we’ll see whether October usage is as pleasant, but for hot summer use, these cheap waders are just the ticket.

Update: After six months of heavy usage, they’re about the most comfortable wading boot I’ve used, update posted here.

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Singlebarbed Maritime Products, We Pretend to be Aloof, but hock the Volvo Anyway

norsemanSo what is it about the Northern latitudes that prevents anglers from baiting their own hook? The proud Norse heritage, the blond invaders that held Europe in terror, discovered the New World, and invented Volvo, are suddenly squeamish?

Earlier we reported on the The Perfect Gift for the angler with everything, now another Icelandic beer guzzling couch potato entrepreneur wades in with the mini fish trawler. (MSN Video)

I have no idea what they cost, but this figures prominently in our plan for world domination.

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Singlebarbed does dogfood

geekComputer technical types love jargon that lifts the customers eyebrow. It’s a simple explanation really, Ma cut the crusts off our sandwich in elementary school, we been on the prod ever since.

“Dogfood” describes the process by which you first eat what you wish to serve the customer. Our cadre of coupon shopping Singlebarbed ultra consumers (me) report back on some of the items mentioned in prior posts.

Brass Beads: The brass beads mentioned from Rings & Things arrived, the beads are what I was looking for, but watch the hole size. The standard is a 1mm hole which will fit over the eye of a #20 Tiemco 100, nothing larger.

Hook and Bead comparisonThe 2mm bead is the perfect size for #20 and #18 hooks. They will fit over the hook point of larger hooks, #18 and #16.

The 4mm size has a larger hole but it was a hook point thread as well, make sure you get the 1.5mm hole size. The 3mm beads have a 1mm hole but are too big a bead to fit around the bend of a small hook.

Brass Barbell: The price list for the brass dumbbell eyes arrived from China. Small $26.40 /1000, Medium $32.40 /1000, and Large $40.80 /1000. Considering the shops sell them for about 25-29 cents each, that is a stunning price. Contact information available at the TopMim web site.

HH-66 Cement: I checked the big chain hardware stores and none carry it. If ordered from the Internet, the thinner requires an extra $15 handling charge as it is not allowed on planes. That makes a lifetime of head cement cost $40 instead of $20. Still a deal, I have an order enroute.

Many asked about head cement bottles or applicators, they are available as fingernail polish bottles (glass) with brush applicator, or my favorite, the squeeze needle nose, Needle bottle. Plastic bottles can be dissolved by certain cements, so if you haven’t tested it yet, don’t buy 600 of them.

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Pebble finish fly lines

RioThe downside of working in fly shops is that instead of getting a paycheck, you get first dibs in the “going out of business” sale.

Downside because 30 years later I still have unopened fly lines in pristine condition, yet have run out of my favorite. An English company, Masterline, made a pebble finished dry fly line called a “Chancellor Chalkstream.” These were uncommon for their day, as both Scientific Anglers and Cortland offered only smooth finishes.

Hal Jannsen marketed these lines under his label in the early 90’s – they were dyed oddball colors, like purple or brown.

I see Masterline is still in business, but it doesn’t appear as if they make anything other than an introductory fly line. I seem to remember someone making a “beaded surface” or pebble finish line, but now that I am interested, I can’t remember who it was..anyone care to share some information?

The prevailing theory is that as the line exited the guides it skipped from sphere to sphere, rather than constant contact and constant friction – as such, they would shoot quite a bit further than a conventional line.

Late Breaking News: I found the last of the Chancellor lines, available at $135.00 each. That’s a dab rich for my blood, are there any made by contemporary companies?

Think like the fatted calf

Armani StormtrooperI take my Armani clad shock troops out of the financial district; lock and load with laptops, cell phones, personal digital assistants, dry erase markers and ample frappachino, then plunk them into a “World Class Trout Experience” – hoping they will learn to “Think Like a Fish?”

I ‘ve been attempting to think like a fish for a couple of decades – finally decided that fish think rather poorly. I assume that this experience will teach your executives to mill aimlessly in circles when out of their comfort zone, to snap at brightly colored foreign objects, to flee at the hint of movement in your industry, and be gutted mercilessly when your company is acquired?

I think I would be a lot more comfortable with some form of predator metaphor.

“Together we put on competitive ‘waders’ and literally put your management team in the ‘water’ near the customer ‘stream.’ “

So they can flail around ineffectually, learn brand loyalty by changing flies constantly, expose them to superstitious ritual, go in over their head at the first careless step, and blame the weather for their failure to execute.

Nice. On day two you’ll have to teach them the difference between “watering hole” and fishing hole ..

Reproduction is overrated

muskol_prod_img.gifThe last couple of years I haven’t been able to find the Muskol liquid repellant and was beginning to fear that it was no longer made. Replacing it on store shelves was an assortment of products, flavored with Mango, Licorice, or Vanilla.

I read the dermatologist testimonials that framed each package, but failed to pull the trigger, opting instead to go with my last bottle of “the good stuff.” One vendor assured me the product was no longer made, and that 100% DEET had caused its demise.

I looked up DEET on the Web, curious what I had been basting myself with for the last decade. Not to worry, as prolonged exposure merely  mutates your chromosomes until reproduction is futile. I did giggle at the excerpt from the EPA:

” Sunscreen products are intended for frequent generous use, and DEET products are intended for spare infrequent use. “

It’s obvious the above author doesn’t fish, as most anglers slather themselves mightily prior to leaving the parking lot. I had always hoped that Muskol was introducing both a shampoo and a body wash, myself.

Fear not, Muskol is alive and well. It no longer boasts of “100% DEET” like the old concoction, now it is a 70% DEET, 30% Active Toluamides. DEET is a toluamide, so they may just be wordsmithing the container to make reproduction still seem possible.

This ain’t high fashion

I felt terrible, 20 years of hard fishing displayed proudly on my vest; assorted tears, imbedded flies, stains from Muskol and fly floatants, tattered wool patch minus the wool, and the reek of perishables left in pockets forgotten.

It was the perfect vest, the kind that your girlfriend holds with two fingers at arm’sgross_universe.jpg length; shoulders sunbleached from olive to indescribable, pockets tattered, stitching non existant… I felt like I was telling the vet to put the needle to Old Yeller.

I needed a new vest.

I have always been partial to “shorties” – and now that exposed midriff is fashionable again, am even more so. The short vest allows a gear fiend to load what’s required, and keeps fly boxes, cameras, and sandwiches above the water line – safe from harm.

Researching what was available affirmed that gear had come a long way. Instead of a single “D” ring for the landing net, there were attachments and retractable devices aplenty. Pockets had multiplied by at least a dozen, linings were available, colors were rampant, but shorties were still in short supply.

Requirement: Neutral Color

I love the new colors available, but I would rather blend with my environment. Red or Burnt Orange vests are very dapper, but I would as soon sneak up on you undetected.

Requirement: Repairable

The stitching and lining must be accessible so that I can restitch or repair the vest when needed. The down side of dangling items is heavy brush – as I am defending my rod, the vest will recieve the brunt of limbs and thorns. You will tear attachments from your vest, you’ll snag open pockets as well – make sure you select a vest that can be repaired easily. Tippet material and a bare fish hook can be used to quickly repair a torn pocket, it’ll hold until you get back to town.

Requirement: Unlined or mesh

I am going to wade stupid repeatedly, and the bigger the fish – the more likely I will wade agressively. I will get wet, I need the vest to drain quickly. Extra lining means additional drying time…no issue in August, but a big issue in January.

Requirement: Loose fitting

I may need to shuck out of this straight-jacket in a hurry, and I might have to do it underwater. This ain’t high fashion.

Requirement: Comfortable Neck enclosure

If you insist on loading your vest with everything you own, you will feel it on the neck and shoulder area. Your neck will be sunburnt, and even the slightest chafing will be painful. Get soft material near the neckline if possible.

vertmaster.jpgI bought a Simm’s Vertical Master – not quite a shorty, but short enough to keep dry flies above water, mesh lined for a fast drain, and has a soft collar to ease the chafing.

This is season one with the new togs, it has performed as advertised, holding 2 to 3 times more gear than my old Columbia shorty. It appears that Columbia has moved onto mainstream gear, as I could find no vests in their product catalog.

What is not replacable is the patina acquired by the old rags…it gave all of my fish stories instant credibility, inspiring fear in fellow anglers, and revulsion from their womenfolk.

Rod Physics Redux

orvis_logo.jpgTo market fly fishing tackle is to “suspend disbelief” akin to the theatre. Orvis has debuted their “Zero G” line of fly rods and their marketing department must’ve taken the gentlemanly path through college as Sociology or Psych majors…

I may have slept through the same lecture, but wouldn’t the force applied to the rod cause the angler to go backwards into the brambles? Think Zero G and force has an an equal and opposite reaction, no?

While it may be possible to remain relatively motionless if you cast at light speed, any silicon based life forms that inhabit the dead rivers of Mars, are safe as hell.

 “…so you feel your cast and know where your fly line is at all times. “

If we are going to do the “space thing” can we skip to the Force part?

Prospective owners should be aware that boron filaments are part of the weight reduction. Boron rods were introduced in the 80’s as the successor to graphite and never seemed to catch on,  important to remember that Boron is a metal filament, so shelve this in a lightning storm.

The Perfect gift for the Angler

97lb_weakling.jpgThe story is that this inventive fellow took his family fishing and was teased unmercifully at his ineptitude. You be the judge of the result…

For the “bobber-cator” crowd, this little device may be indispensable, no more long casts with waterlogged glo-bug yarn and multiple split shot, as technology has risen to challenge with the advent of the Vilco SR ProwlerCat .

In the event of in-stream hostilities or ridicule from a fellow angler, you can easily secure a small proximity torpedo kit to the ProwlerCat, allowing you effortlessly silence your critic(s) and secure the best water for yourself.

Rocket Rod devotees now can exercise pinpoint control over lure placement.  Despite its effectiveness at removing clothing from sunbathers, the Vilco Corporation does not sanction the lure for this use.

I would wait for a favorable exchange rate for this little honey, $889 US, is a tad more than I want to leave hung in a tree.

Sage “Z Plane” warps Space-Time Continuum

sagelogo.jpgGranted that I only completed college, but I’ve seen every Star Trek episode twice, so I know physics.

Sage Rod Company has introduced the “Z Plane” series of graphite rods, and a quick perusal of their site brings thoughts unbidden; the X axis is horizontal, the Y axis is vertical, therefore the Z axis has to be the wobble induced by an unbalanced body in orbit near your head.

So I went to the Internet for confirmation and “Google’d” a surprising confirmation; a scholarly work entitled, “A General Definition of Ring Puckering Coordinates.” Not all of this tome lends itself to layman’s translation but an abridged version suggests – an unstable sharp object in subsonic flight, enhanced by a “wobble” in the Z-Axis, would cause my “ring” to pucker uncontrollably.

Methinks the advertising geniuses at Sage have to learn from the Cocaine energy drink flap, they can expect a call from both WalMart and Ralph Nader.