Pebble finish fly lines

RioThe downside of working in fly shops is that instead of getting a paycheck, you get first dibs in the “going out of business” sale.

Downside because 30 years later I still have unopened fly lines in pristine condition, yet have run out of my favorite. An English company, Masterline, made a pebble finished dry fly line called a “Chancellor Chalkstream.” These were uncommon for their day, as both Scientific Anglers and Cortland offered only smooth finishes.

Hal Jannsen marketed these lines under his label in the early 90’s – they were dyed oddball colors, like purple or brown.

I see Masterline is still in business, but it doesn’t appear as if they make anything other than an introductory fly line. I seem to remember someone making a “beaded surface” or pebble finish line, but now that I am interested, I can’t remember who it was..anyone care to share some information?

The prevailing theory is that as the line exited the guides it skipped from sphere to sphere, rather than constant contact and constant friction – as such, they would shoot quite a bit further than a conventional line.

Late Breaking News: I found the last of the Chancellor lines, available at $135.00 each. That’s a dab rich for my blood, are there any made by contemporary companies?

1 thought on “Pebble finish fly lines

  1. Pingback: Balance restored to the Universe, Pebble finished fly line available : Singlebarbed

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