Category Archives: product

I’m eligible but I’ll take the path less traveled

Wii fishing controllerWill that be paper or plastic, Sir?

That “magic moment” happened to me a couple years ago, and in one stroke you’re removed from the ranks of “eligible bachelors” and inserted in your rightful place, “old middle aged guys.”

Watching my peers fight it off is a bit expected and mostly comical; the endless parade of fast two seater convertibles, the “Grecian Formula” gambit, and Botox everything.

It gets a bit scary listening to two erstwhile “normal” guys talking about “mango-aloe-tofu” face peels, but this is California – so I take it in stride.

I’m tempted to interject, “Guys, Botox your gut, ’cause even if the 19 year old’s are giving it away, they still hate fat, balding guys with sweaty palms…” – but I don’t, I pretend I didn’t notice – pour my coffee, and run like hell.

I’m taking the path less traveled. I’m going to sit at home with the gut flowing comfortably over the belt and pound snot out of virtual fish. Botox might be an option, but I’m thinking I might inject it in my wrist, so I can throw them tight loops, like when I was younger.

Christmas is enroute, and maybe this Wii thing has legs.

I’m scratching my head over the accompanying items; “fishing rope” is obviously fly line, but why would they insist on a 50mm plastic fish?

Is that somehow going to convince me I’m really fishing? If that’s the case, don’t include a damn thing, as most of the time all I catch is a cold. Beat the kids off is more my speed, perhaps torment the cat a bit…

Us fishermen can’t ever look at our sport through the eyes of someone who doesn’t fish, we lost that ability when we got hooked, but it’s times like this that make me wonder…

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Balance restored to the Universe, Pebble finished fly line available

Scientific Anglers does ridges I’ve always viewed fly line purchases as a necessary evil. Choices are limited to color and taper, available from a handful of companies marketing small variances in a similar product.

Advertising distinguishes the vendors more than performance and whether it’s the Volkswagen or the Porsche chosen, performance gain is small compared to price increase.

I was introduced to textured fly lines in 1985, at the time my home stream was Hat Creek, which was an equal mixture of “spring creek” slow water and traditional broken water angling. Most of the guides I fished with used a Chancellor Chalkstream, produced by the English fly line company, Masterline.

Each fellow had his own reasons, some liked the neutral gray color, some claimed the flotation was better, others preferred the genteel taper – all of them could agree that the “pebble” finish offered some small advantages over traditional fly lines.

My preference for textured fly lines led me to test a Scientific Anglers Sharkskin fly line for the last two weeks. It is a “ridged” finish not imbedded spheres like the old Masterline.

The benefits of the ridged surface drew me to this style of line years ago, as it doesn’t retain contact with the guides like a traditional line, rather it skips from ridge to ridge – akin to a fast boat in choppy seas. With less resistance or friction to paying out line, you will see some small distance improvement, more importantly it’s easier to mend or flip slack from the rod tip and keep your fly drag free.

Friction is your enemy when flipping slack to a dry fly drift, if it cannot pull from the rod, then it will pull the fly side of the line, yanking the fly with it.

I tested the Sharkskin with an older Scientific Angler line, a Cortland 444 floating line, and my last Chancellor Chalkstream line, the SA and Cortland lines were unused, and the Masterline had a decade of service on it.


1) The Sharkskin line is the most supple of all of the lines tested, it is markedly limp. That’s a positive when stopping your cast high to induce a puddle of slack for a long dry fly drift, as limp means more line falls closer to the fly – it’s able to fit more coils in the same space.

It’s a negative when you have a bundle of running line at your feet, as it will draw knots easier. The stiffer lines will draw the knot less tight due to resistance. I picked up snarls in waste high grass from all the lines tested, at approximately the same frequency.

2) The ridged surface of the line gives it a matte finish, not shiny or wet looking like traditional smooth lines. The SA marketing material mentions, “the complete elimination of fly line ‘flash’…” – my experience testing suggests this is largely true, it was one of the reasons we fished the Chancellor Chalkstream in the technical water of Hat Creek, whether it’s ridges or pebbles the refractive qualities of this line are much diminished.

3) The Sharkskin line is ‘dry’ to the touch even when fishing. It’s not slick or moist like a traditional line, it doesn’t slip through your fingers easily, and isn’t greasy. Like the snake guides your fingers are contacting the high points, the water is in the recesses below – so a sudden hook set will not pull the line out of your fingers – something we’ve all seen occasionally.

4) You get audio feedback to stripping the line, so you can set the proper tempo without looking at anything other than where you want to fling it next. I like this feature as I’m constantly looking elsewhere at fish, bugs, and rises.

Noise Level

A single or double haul sounds like your fingers sliding down the neck of a guitar, and if you’re unaccustomed to this you may be discomforted. For us Masterline junkies – we’ve listened to “fingernails on a chalkboard” for years, this is much less evil.

Rough finish makes a noisy line and if you’ve never used one you may not like it. A double haul sounds as described, a “Wheet, Wheet” sound from the ridges screaming over the snake guides. High pitched, but not overly uncomfortable.

All that noise is abrasion. If you are using cheap snake guides or the “Japanned” black snake guides that were popular, you’ll be tearing them up. Yes, pebbles and ridges will shorten the life of snake guides, but only the cheap ones. Standard chromed snake guides are unaffected as chrome is an extremely hard surface. Older rods, especially vintage bamboo rods – with non chrome guides or whose chrome is sloughing off should not be used with this line.

I built some rods using the sneaky black snakes – figuring I could stealth up to large trout and club them. I replaced them after about five years of Masterline usage, as they had been sawn halfway through. I have to assume likewise for a Sharkskin.


The line floated well but there was little to distinguish it from contemporary fly lines. Coiled running line still sank at your feet and the tip appeared to be above water – even with the 40lb Maxima butt section I use. No, it won’t support a bead headed nymph, but none of the manufacturers can make that claim. It was vastly superior to the old Masterline as they sank no matter what was on the end of the line. It did not appear to ride higher in the water per advertising, it was comperable to the other lines in this regard.


I tested the bright yellow green flavor of Sharkskin (available in a somber gray as well) and had no issues. This morning I was using the color as a strike indicator while fishing for bluegill. The bright yellow color is stark and visible in morning’s half light and the tip of the fly line was all that I needed to see the bass and bluegill inhale the sinking nymph.

I have used all colors of fly line in the past, and am of the opinion that color does not matter. Most fish are looking up and the line will appear black in contrast to the bright orb of the sun.

Sharkskin Taper guide

Sharkskin lines are only available in weight forward taper. This is unfortunate because I prefer double taper for my fishing. Most of the issues I had with the line were due to the weight forward component, not the line physical properties or construction.

Lawn testing with the WF-5F suggests it is a double taper until 14 feet of fly line is out of the tip, after that the weight forward taper is noticeable on the cast. Assuming a 10 foot leader, it gives you a 24′ range where it is delicate – this is fine for pocket water dry fly fishing where both distances and drifts are short.

The line is good at distance as well – where the weight forward component truly shines – punching a fly into a breeze or flinging the 60 foot dry fly at some spooky critter. It’s the in-between portion that has that heavy weight forward issue; a 35-45  foot cast where the entire belly is out of the rod tip, you don’t want to shoot anything and badly need a graceful landing. The Sharkskin line was traditional in this respect – heavy and ungraceful – putting the fly into the water too fast and with much more impact than I wanted.

That is a weight forward problem, not related to the Sharkskin at all.

In summary, I like the new line as it offers some distinct advantages over the traditional smooth fly line. Suggested retail is around the $100 dollar mark, with competitive products about 30% cheaper. For the difference in price you’ll get 6-8 feet of additional shoot, the ability to mend and add slack with less effort, and a positive grip on a dry line.

I would recommend that you cast one before buying just to test your attenuation to noise. It’s likely the first thing you’ll notice about the line and you may not care for it. Most fly shops will accommodate your testing a line on one of their rods, just ask.

If this was available in double taper I would be reaching for my piggy bank.

Most fly lines will last a decade or better with even marginal treatment. It always sounds more expensive than it works out to be, and considering the last of the Masterlines are now $135, this is cheap. I’m down to my last Chalkstream, so I’ll  likely pick up a couple to cover me for the next twenty years.

Update: This line is rough on the stripping finger. A sustained 6-7 hour nymph outing can produce visible damage and increased sensitivity on the finger that the line is being stripped over.  My fingers have fair callous and are not overly pampered, last week’s outing is still visible on my forefinger after a week without touching the line.

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Evacuation with style, no need to fight congested freeways, just drive into the lake

It's like Cleopatra's Barge, only noisier I think we’re outnumbered. I keep looking for guys that gnaw their own arm off while trapped in the wilderness with naught but a dull buck knife, and I’m coming up empty.

I find  a virtual cornucopia of Glam-per articles replete with stunning gear, stunning women, and equally stunning price tags. Are we simply the last of the “old fools” that sleep on hard ground, unwilling to admit that the horse has given way to the horseless carriage?

Thanks for bloody sharing, I could’ve been eating microwaved steak all this time instead of warming a can of beans gripped in rusty pliers.

Palacial accomodations fit for a Glamper Here’s the latest, the Hydra-Terra motorhome, designed for the conspicuous overconsumer that wants to drive to the lake, then drive in the lake. The perfect vehicle to evacuate your luxurious villa due to an encroaching firestorm.

Available in the low 800’s, the featured model is $1.2 million, cheap at any price.


Just enough time for a tidbit

Tells everything but the real story My raw unbridled envy with the electronics available to the bass boat crowd has me  attempting to reproduce that functionality for the “old school” fly fisherman.

My goal is unclear, something less than burdening myself so I sink like a stone with a misstep wading, and something more than licking my finger and holding it skyward.

How about a watch that reads and analyzes atmospheric data so it can tell you the wrong time to go fishing?

I figure them solunar tables are akin to weather forecasting, occasionally right, but never something more than a gamble.

Altimeter, barometric pressure, even graphs your vertical changes over the last 8 hours, but more importantly a built in compass, which may actually be the most useful of all the gizmos.

Brownliners will scoff only because we know “crap flows downhill” – hence our car is easy to find.

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Fly Fingers of Poor Idea

Finger Condoms The only debate that has raged longer than, “ tying your own cheaper than buying them..” – is the issue of human scent as relates to fishing. I’m reluctant to even mention the issue as it usually sparks a storm of partisans, ending in somebody mentioning someone’s mother in a non flattering tone.

Widely considered the “worst iPhone gadget ever conceived” is the Phone Fingers – ersatz finger condoms for cell phone junkies.

Singlebarbed readers delight in other’s suffering, and are canny enough to realize this instrument may mitigate the Garlic Sauerkraut Tofu & Watermelon sandwich you ate at the picnic table.

Yes, friends, now you won’t transfer that culinary misdeed to your flies.

Fly tiers may have an additional half dozen uses for this monstrosity, as our hammy fingers usually stain the primrose floss required for every Atlantic Salmon Full Dress we attempt.

But wait a week, the stock will likely scream skyward due to this post, grab it on the plunge that follows.

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To Hell with Fishing, Gadgets are much more fun

So, what color is pissed anyway’s? Phillips Electronics is interested in feedback for their “emotion sensing jewelry” – that’s right, jewelry that changes color based on the emotion of the wearer.

I’m thinking strictly of fishermen here, as the only emotions fly fishermen exhibit are; pissed, optimistic, and skunked. Who wants to walk in the door and be pre-empted by the spouse, “Oh, didn’t catch anything again?”

Worse yet, if lying stretching the truth exaggerating a fish story has a color, none of us would buy it …would we?

House in a shipping crate “Glampers” are folks with too much disposable income insisting on roughing it so long as maid service and a Jacuzzi are present. Outdoor innovation has caught up with the trend, and yields something truly fashionable to tow behind their 700 series Beamer…the House in a Shipping Crate.

I want one. I figure 1/2 an acre near a trout stream with a flat spot and Internet access and I’m done. Property taxes? Exactly how much will I owe for parking a rusting shipping crate on my property?

I’m not sure Singlebarbed readers have the maturity necessary, but with the decline in home prices, real estate near airports and busy freeways may be your ticket to financial independence.

With neon text enabled roof tiles this may turn into quite the cash cow.

Did I say your maturity was in question? I meant mine – as my airport house will say, “You’re missing an engine!”

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I wouldn’t mind so much if they only doubled their money, but they prefer the consumer pay much more

3911 feet versus 30 feet, 34 Gauge is standard flytying wireI use more copper wire than the Intel Corporation, and my recent whirlwind tour of fly shops gave me a shopping list of items to find in bulk . Copper wire was first on the list, as a measly 30 foot spool costs $2.00 at the shop.

I use the standard size and the “ultra” wire size, which is slightly smaller. The electronics trade calls this stuff many things, but “magnet wire” seems to be a common title. It is a raw copper wire with an enamel coating, and comes in a variety of colors.

I prefer the enamel coated wire to “raw” copper as the enamel prevents the wire from tarnishing. I usually apply a rubberband to the larger spools to prevent unraveling, the enamel protects the wire against discoloration caused by damp flies returned to the box, and the rubber band securing the spool.

A half pound spool of magnet wire is about $10.25. In the 34 Gauge size (our fly tying standard) you get 3911 feet of wire for the price of five fly shop spools.

I am guessing that the Ultra Wire is 36 Gauge, but as it is on backorder I cannot confirm this. I got two 1/2 pound spools today, 34 Gauge and 32 Gauge for larger steelhead flies.

The hard part is electronic supply houses don’t care about the color. You have to ensure that you are getting the simple “brownish” enamel finish, not purple or green, or whatever they have in the rack.

As a reference vendor, Action Electronics was where I got mine, but I got assorted colors which are less useful than the natural copper color. You need to call or visit to ensure color selection – as I haven’t found an electronics site that allows me to choose color via the web.

Singlebarbed readers do not tremble when shopping with a coupon, so buck up.

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Too old to stand in cold water? glimpse the future

By the time we’re ready for this it’ll be cell phone sized with superhero option. I don’t need to leap a tall building. I’ll settle for getting my last dry fly out of that dangling tree limb.

Can I get the miniaturized cell phone version?

Our skills have been diminishing steadily with the increase in paunch, this may be the Fountain of Youth we’ve been seeking.

“The suit, which weighs four kilos, presents “some safety concerns for elderly people,” he said.

“So for now we have limited the suit to caretakers or even construction workers whom I think would benefit greatly from this. But we hope in the future this will give old people more mobility with their arms,” he added “

We have breathing room, but once the wife straps this on and limits your couch time – urging you to “get off your backside and mow the lawn,” Malekind may be doomed.

The NFL will be taking a significant ratings hit on Sundays, at least until we can afford two of them.

A small cooler clipped into the belt, with on-demand four wheel drive, and I am all over this.

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Can we rethink our distaste for offroad vehicles?

…or is it too late, and we’ve gone on record too many times to take it all back?

Chalk it up to a burgeoning midlife crisis, or the dirty secret that my credit cards  are paid up, this augments those unmentionables folks claim are the purview of high powered hand guns.


This is the latest in ecological damage compliments of Yamaha, all it needs is a rod scabbard and my overly large bottom affixed to it, and I command the Brownline – environment be damned.

Yes I’m joking, but the above picture is inspirational, no?

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Billy Bass Eats Chrome

big-mouth-billy-bassNo rocket scientist needed, as we were as nauseated by the “Billy Bass” phenomenon as you were. So what do you do with a warehouse full of singing articulated liability?

Simple, hammer them onto a trailer hitch.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention, and one million plastic bass wilting in a warehouse likely breeds desperation.

In this day and age of the Michael Vick Pet Backlash, this won’t sit terribly well with the animal rights crowd, but the shotgun displayed in your gun rack will keep them at distance.

For those that giggled at the testicle trailer hitch, and realized it was inappropriate on anything other than your wife’s car, now you’ve got options.

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