Pink can be masculine as hell

This is like a tennis bracelet for a big trout…especially when it results in you landing something of uncommon girth.

Research shows that girls actually prefer pink, it’s genetic – not some cutesy thing that Barbie taught them.

We find very clear differences between the males and females we have tested,” Hurlbert said. “We haven’t yet found any exceptions.”

Scientists always copper their bets, and trying to get one to say “no exceptions” is a singularity, worthy of taking note.

Time to bend science to my will – the only thing better than catching a lot of fish, is catching one or more big fish. If females like pinkish colors, and many of the largest fish are females, than pink flys are a perfect canary diamond to a large female trout.

Shad come to mind immediately, as all of the big shad are females, the same is true for rainbow trout, many other salmonids, channel cats, and tilapia. You stopped giggling yet?

Remember the venerable Tups Indispensable? Yep, that was the one fly you thought about as your hand hovered over that spool of pink floss. You didn’t buy it, now it’s time to kick yourself repeatedly.

The scientific term for difference in size and anatomy is “sexual dimorphism” – it’s what your wife has that allows her to outwit you at every turn.

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