Tag Archives: microbrewery

One if by land, two if by sea, three if by truck

Lite Beer is Pisswater anyways It’s only been 200 years but it worked the last time. Inflation or Recession is immaterial but when the price of beer is scheduled for a 10% increase, with the likelihood of mass shortages AND the flavor will be akin to strained gym socks

It’s time for armed insurrection.

The timing is perfect, this close to Halloween no one will notice a couple hundred Indians in full warpaint armed with can openers. The national media will be all over it – with the proper notification – and we can lay waste to a couple of Budweiser trucks accompanied by the cheers of the populace.

“Beer Ships” don’t exist, but with a subtle modification of venue, mayhap we can hijack a ferry, pull a couple of doughnuts in the Sound, and be back by lunch.

Personally I think American beer tastes like gym socks already, but as we are seeking the moral high ground, we can’t admit it publicly.

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