I’m still surveying the landscape changes from yesterday’s storm. I had the day off and a ringside seat to the festivities. I’m minus two fences, lost power for 14 hours, and received 3 new garbage cans from the Wind God, so I may have broken even.
Most of yesterday we received about 0.25 to 0.3 inches of rain per hour, and it was sorely needed as this winter has been as dry as any I can remember – delivered horizontal, due to the wind ranging from 40 to 60 mph, but we’re not going to quibble.
I’m guessing we may have to dig the Trout Underground out of a snowbank, if he received anything similar to what the valley got, we’ll have to locate him by his avalanche transponder.
I took a quick run out to the Little Stinking, and it’s now the Big Muddy. Swollen to about 4 times it’s normal size, and purging all of the instream debris into the Sacramento River. I guess if we’re going to see any salmon this year, it’ll be soon. Traditionally it runs at about 400 cfs, yesterday it peaked at 12,000 cfs, and is running at about 1400 cfs now.
Naturally the camera batteries were played out, I’ll make another run later just to record the high water mark. We got somewhere between 4″ and 6″ of rain yesterday, and the effects are obvious.
I think I’ll have to add 6 or 8 more turns of lead on my flies..
Technorati Tags: sacramento valley, tropical storm, wind god