Category Archives: humor

Moules de Quagga, comes with a large diet Coke

Want Rock Snot with that? It’s the best advice I’ve seen to date and based on our track record would work swimmingly, the downside is you’d have to develop a taste for Zebra Mussel Meatloaf, or Quagga Milkshake.

How to handle an invasive species? Eat it” – an article from the NY Times suggesting there’s something we can do about a seemingly impossible problem. I can’t name a culinary delicacy that’s not already on the decline or completely extinct, it seems that the best weapon against aliens is our gut.

If these species have only the most rudimentary thought processes, would they be so eager to hitch a ride on the waders of “Mr. Supersize,” or will that dark spot under the rock be “.. just fine, thankee…”

Don’t act all squeamish, as you ain’t tried it yet, some garlic and rosemary and we could be sitting on the next great fast food franchise. Mix a little patriotism in, as it’s an election year, and we could declare a culinary Jihad.

All them catchy McDonald’s jingles you’ve memorized over the years can’t compete with “You want Rock Snot with that?”

We’re not the only ones with the savvy, as Jellyfish Ice cream has made one fellow a small fortune, but there’s plenty more invasive species that taste twice as good. With canny marketing, lobsters could be coerced to invade Nebraska, and perhaps we can get a sentient strain of Blackberries to invade Phoenix, or Illinois – then really hit it big.

The profit potential is limitless provided you can keep a straight face, add a fancy french pronunciation, and the Northern Snakehead becomes anything you want…

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Oh hell, why not get inventive

Skiers get enough toys, I’d call it a “Spring Creek Float Tube” myself. Low profile for those all-too-common moments when you need just six more feet on your cast…

Need six more feet pull the ripcord

…Or, it’s getting dark and crossing the river at the car is faster. There’s no end to the cleverness of desperate fishermen.

We’ll have to lose the red color – but after a liberal dose of camo you can float right up to the wariest fish – just make sure you have the right fly on beforehand, as it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to access your fly box once inflated…

It’s actually head protection for avalanche prone skiers – but they’d never use it as they’re so fashion conscious …

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Only on the late night self help circuit

It must be true I finally stumbled on the fly fishing equivalent of those “late night medical breakthrough” shows with faux MD’s hawking snake oil. We’ve all endured them – hosted by some ersatz skeptic who adds little other than, “Well, Doctor Bob – how can the viewers get Miracle-Krill?”

This 50 page tome claims to perfect your fly fishing skills in under an hour, but wait – there’s more … we couldn’t simply pass it on, we had to embellish just a wee bit..

“…here is just SOME of the Pro fly fishing techniques you will find inside:”

  • The best way to practice at home

I practice lying mostly; where I been, how much it cost, I’ve had this rod for years..  It’s the look of indignation that needs to be perfected – if you’re unable to look wounded by the accusation you’ve no business in this hobby.

  • What the pros do when they need to find a rod that’s perfect for them.

The Pro’s buy it and enlist a buddy to smuggle it into the house. Typically they’ll pretend to be fixing the rod or have their pal make a show of giving it to them free – all the time they’re stalking the mailbox attempting to intercept the credit card bill before their spouse does.

  • How to change the hold on your grip under any fishing condition.

Most of the grip changes are caused by frustration or the “Rock Slime Rhumba.” I toss the rod away from me when falling on dry land, and cradle it unto my bosom when landing in the water. I’ll switch grip to the “javelin” style and throw it at the first onlooker that giggles.

If the grip involves fish or a beer can, there’s no need to switch unless the latter is empty – or the warden’s approaching.

  • 4 top bait choices no expert would do without.

There’s no bait in fly fishing, I presume the author means “what bait to entice your buddies to join this sordid expedition.” Promise anything – but add, “I seen it, I was there yesterday,” to the end of each sentence.

  • The secret to keeping your dry flies floating higher and longer.

Stay in the parking lot, the sumbitch floats forever in a dust eddy.

  • 3 types of reels. (which one is right for you?)

The one you can afford. The other two types are; “the one you can’t afford” and “the one you used to have but your buddy broke.”

  • 4 ways to tie the perfect, tight knot.

Get someone else to do it, get someone younger to do it, or get someone with better eyes to do it. Use this season’s tippet (rather than last year’s).

  • 6 things to look for when choosing the fishing line that gets the job done (and doesn’t lose the fish)

The right line weight, as you can’t cast for crap I would order them as follows; floating, cheap, cheap, cheap, and buy a reel – so you can have the guy at the fly shop tie all those “perfect tight knots.”

  • 5 lures that any self-respecting fly fisherman will not be without.

Initially I’d assumed “lures” was a reference to flies, but with only 5 – I wouldn’t respect myself,  hell – 5 dozen wouldn’t hardly scratch the surface. He must mean the Great Falsehoods:

The lure that I’ll mow the lawn without being asked 14 times, honest.

The lure that after you let me go fishing this weekend, we’ll visit your Mother-In-Law next weekend, honest.

The lure that while watching this highly charged romantic melodrama whilst snuggled on the couch, I’m not thinking of how little oval tinsel I have left, honest!

The lure that were she to accompany you, she’d have a great time.

…. and a frog pattern Kastmaster. That’s five.

  • How the pros notice patterns with the weather, water conditions and more to make sure they bring home more fish than their buddies.

The Pro’s wind up with all their erstwhile pal’s fish, as he made the mistake of dropping them off first. Them pals insisted, “yup, I got everything,” knowing you were going to be stuck with all the stink fish … and guts … What that Pro really needs is a new group of buddies.

  • The secret to using sub-surface flies to reel in more fish.

Sub surface flies are the “second best kept secret” in fly fishing. Unfortunately, the “first best kept secret” is that “fly eating rocks” exist, are lying in wait for you specifically, and lead wire can drive a #4 hook into your ankle better than all else.

The “third best kept secret” is that all your buddies are inebriated and will insist on using vice grips to remove the hook.

  • 9 tips from the pros to help you fish at night, from fallen trees, in coves and more.

The nine tips are common to every venue and every gamefish;

  1. It’s illegal to fish in freshwater at night for anything you’d want to boast about.
  2. Dark clothes are best, so is “Delta Force” face paint
  3. No flashlights or campfires, the insurgency must make do with night vision goggles.
  4. No glass bottles, they clink.
  5. The wounded will be left where they fell, no screaming or moaning will be tolerated.
  6. The warden is lying in wait.
  7. The warden is going to unleash his big angry dog on your ass, just as soon as you’re comfortable.
  8. Your wife will not recognize you in your combat attire and face paint, so if you evade the warden, she’ll shoot you.
  9. Use black flies, they give the best silhouette.
  • The trick to reading the water like an expert who’s been doing it for years.

It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s fuggin deep.

  • The place where fish like to set up feeding stations (the perfect spot for your cast).

Hatcheries have the little nickel vending machine that yield a handful of trout chow, start there. If that spot’s taken walk down the creek until you see the glowing neon arrow pointing at the water…

  • When night fishing is the only kind of fishing worth your time.

After your wife changes the lock. What could you be risking at this late juncture?

  • How to use perfect form when you cast.

Since when has “form” been important? All the best casters I’ve seen have either a double joint somewhere you don’t, or possess an indescribable stroke that you can’t reproduce. “Form” matters only in the retelling of mighty deeds, but that’s for the fawning noobs in the parking lot, not real fishermen…

  • 6 rules of etiquette to follow so you don’t step on any other angler’s toes.
  1. Don’t wade upstream of him
  2. Don’t wade downstream of him
  3. Don’t ask how big that last fish was ( and edge closer )
  4. Don’t ask what fly that fish ate ( and edge closer )
  5. Don’t assume the bikini clad teenager on the bank is his daughter (and edge closer)
  6. Don’t assume that because you observed #1-#5 above – that he likes you, and welcomes your feet in his riffle.
  • 4 ways to change the way you cast for changing conditions.

Duck, Snagged, Dodge, and “Oh Shit”..

  • Why beginners like the slow-action rod (besides the fact that it’s cheap), and what you should know before you spend your money on one.

Bamboo and glass are expensive as hell, and you should know you’ll prefer a fast action graphite after you try one.

  • 4 more etiquette rules to keep you from embarrassing yourself and angering other fly fishers.

You’re a slow learner, that ain’t his daughter topless on the beach towel. Your only hope is to duck, weave, dodge, and run.

  • 4 safety steps to wading through water safely every experienced angler follows.

“Moonwalk” and “Tip toe,” anything else is asking for it.

  • Why the pros use more than one tackle box.

The pro’s only use one tackle box, the other they got off the guy that winked at their wife sunbathing. One box is enough for dries and nymphs, an extra spool and a sandwich. The other is a cooler, it’s the one he’s cradling like an infant.

  • The secret to wading without losing your footing.

Stay in the parking lot, or be really tall…

  • Little-known ways to choose your clothing so that pesky insects will stay away.

Wear olive drab and add a shoulder patch and a sidearm. All the insects will stay clear.

  • 8 pieces of equipment you should never hit the water without.

Something to break your fall would be nice, barring that – waders, boots, wading staff, rod, vest, belt, flies, and … your choice of license or beer, pick one.

  • Why you shouldn’t use one size fly all the time (and how to know when to switch it up).

Using only one fly is a time honored practice resulting in you admiring everyone else’s fish, switch flies only when you run out of that size.

  • 10 expert tips for catching salmon by the bucket-load.

Dynamite and 9 seconds of fuse? Bring two buckets otherwise you’re catching salmon by the arm-load, that’s cheating.

  • Why your rod matters and 3 other proven tips for fishing for trout.

Your “rod” is the only thing separating you from the female of the species, without it you’d be spending weekends playing tennis or ensuring your progeny are suitable for public display.

  1. Lie convincingly
  2. Shower occasionally
  3. Soak yourself in insect repellant
  • Tricks you need to know for releasing trout (you may regret it if you don’t know these).

Release them gently, if they’re really big – release them reluctantly, always carry a camera because you’re unskilled at embellishment, everyone assumes you’re a lying SOB.

  • 4 dead-serious techniques for scoping out where the trout are hiding and likely to bite.

You entered the water like a water buffalo in full rut – the gunfire was a nice touch, as was the yelling and swearing.

Hint: the deepest, darkest, farthest away-est – is where the trout are hiding. They’re not biting anything other than their lower lip.

  • How to outsmart the “smart fish” (trout).

Don’t fish for them, if you do you’re playing their game and they are better at it than you are. Instead, take the family to the Casino with the intent of doubling your paycheck, it’s cheaper.

  • 5 things you need to consider before you choose the perfect fly for trout.

This is a trick question, as all experienced anglers know there’s no Perfect Fly, it’s a myth like the Holy Grail or Bigfoot. Little “squinch eyed shopkeepers” perpetuate this myth solely to put their children through college with your money.

If the goddamn perfect fly existed, why would you consider anything before using it? (Why would you consider using anything else is the better question.)

  • Why smart beginning anglers make a list (not an equipment list) to help them succeed faster than their friends.

The list helps get everyone’s stories straight when returning home spent and broken. Catching more fish than your friends doesn’t require a list, it requires only that you take the car – leaving them stranded at the motel.

  • The difference between fishing upstream and fishing downstream (and which helps you catch the fish).

I’ve tried both and they’re overrated. Upstream means the line is coming much too quickly and you start swearing because you can’t set a hook properly – downstream the line is departing rapidly and you can’t throw slack fast enough to prevent you from swearing.

I prefer fishing midstream – as the fly just sits there…

  • Why using a net wrong can lose your catch.

Using a net won’t lose your catch, but if your buddy uses his net your fish is gone.

  • How to care for your fishing rod and reel so you don’t trash your investment.

Put them in a darkened room with other of their kind, the next time your spouse peers at them, they’ll have reproduced like rabbits. They reproduce asexually – so even slipping condoms over them will not help.

It is impossible for the owner to trash a rod or a reel, that’s what his pals are for

  • How to handle fish once you bring them to shore.

You hook a thumb under the gills, lift the wriggling mass skyward and yell for your buddies to come look. Dropping it adds additional weight and may increase it’s length by and inch or two.

  • How rock color can help a beginner learn to fish.

You look at a rock and note its color. Ask yourself, why in hell am I looking at rocks, there’s got to be more enjoyable hobbies. Pick one, If you’re continually frustrated, bitter and cold – you picked fly fishing.

  • 4 more tips straight from the mouths of experts that will help you become a better angler fast!

Avoid women, work and taxes … inherit or remain on the public dole.

  • Why letting fish see you isn’t that bad 

Wave with the right hand – palm open and pointed towards the fish. Mime taking a drink of water. This will relax the fish as he cannot see a rod and will assume you’re thirsty.

…as he resumes feeding, aim that big rock you were holding in your left hand, and …

  • 6 great fishing areas (with lots of oxygen that attracts fish) that you should be on the lookout for.

These spots are easy to find, look for the nicer plots marked with the “No Trespassing” sign – fish put these signs up so you’ll drive past. If there’s both a sign and a 3000 pound bull with snot coming out his nose – he’s your guide.

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What did you think he was looking at?

I can’t believe you fellows are so easily snookered, all you had to do was ask … Singlebarbed as national secret – unlikely, we’re far more comfortable with the “national treasure” label…

He may just be in it for the pictures

Dick Cheney is a latecomer, it was Zsa Zsa Gabor that put us on the map. Our paparazzi are politer than most, hence the Power Elite flock to our pages like .. well .. insects to a windshield.

Must be our humility..

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Naw, I never seen the furry bastard before…

Quagga Dog after eating two sets of Simm's waders We’ve seen the pictures of animals begging for adoption at the local SPCA, but can you imagine accidentally getting a retired Department of Fish and Game “sniffer” dog?

Apparently the first six dogs have graduated from the Fish & Game’s canine academy, trained to sniff out the usual stuff as well as Quagga Mussels and Bear Gallbladders.

I know they don’t wind up at the Pound when completing their tour of duty, but adopting one would sure make a fisherman really popular.

“Hey Fella, it was peaceful and restive until you pulled in with that lop-eared, dimwitted, chow-hound of your’s – can you get him to stop goddamn barking?”

(Faithful pooch is frozen immobile on the riverbank snarling at the water.)

It smells like financial ruin, especially when you’re headed back to the parking lot and the first thing you hear is, “%$#@, some goddamn Bear ate my goddamn waders!”

If it’s dark enough perhaps you can slip “Bear” into the backseat before he burps..

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Jerry Garcia does Monofilament?

Jerry Garcia lived here

It must be all those damning statistics about the decline in fishermen and youth in particular…

Stren appears to have thrown in the towel and is hoping aging hippies will return to the outdoors in droves. It’s the only explanation I can think of as I don’t remember fishing with a Black Light ever..

When fishing in daylight, this thermally-fused braided line GLOWS a Hi-Vis FLUORESCENT Blue. In the dark when night fishing under a black light, it GLOWS a Hi-Vis NEON Blue. Stren® Microfuse™ Dyneema® fibers give unsurpassed strength-per-diameter.

These fellows should be easy to find, the old VW Microbus, the one with all the smoke pouring out of it..

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I just wanted to share the suffering equitably

The battle between Man and Fish It started innocently enough, a brief piece on Carp fishing on the Monument water in the UK. The proprietor has banned the use of maggots as they provide little nourishment to the trophy fish that inhabit the impoundment.

Boilies and pellets will now be the only two baits allowed at the fishery, as they are known to contain far more weight-gaining proteins than any other anglers’ baits.

It’s Singlebarbed custom to pounce on anything worthy of a giggle – and a lot of stuff that’s unworthy, but I was a little put off that I have to watch what I eat and fish don’t? 

This coming opener half of you will be fishing over planted fish, and with all of the medical community conspiring to deny us everything that feels or tastes good, why wouldn’t we look at what fish are eating to maximize the angling experience?

Excluding their surroundings and everything else up to the hook set, what part of the fish-Man battle is the best part?

I’d figure some anglers love the sound of the reel screaming, some prefer an aerial display, many like the bulldog tug of war of a fish headed for deeper water, perhaps a sick bastard even loves the head shakes that reverb up the line from a fish below you – knowing that fly is perilously close to being dislodged..

Our license fees pay for much of the hatchery program, and specific species are selected to ensure a hardy strain of planted trout, but is that going far enough? “Trout Chow” is something swept off the floor at the granary, mixed with leftover vitamin supplements from Cheerios and Wonder bread, I’m thinking a couple extra bucks might yield tenacious whippets that smash tackle, demean fishermen, and cause Mom to pull her dumpling back from the water’s edge.

We’ve got all that Human Growth Hormone confiscated from the cyclists and baseball players, and since you’ve no plans to eat any of this brood – why not add a couple gallons to the pond?

Plenty of science remains and you can help; we’ll leave the precise mixture to the folks that know best, but we’ll  need to tell them what fighting property to enhance – unless you want to go the dementia route, in which case “fat fish in their 40’s” will do…


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At least he tried, that’s more than I can say for the Tooth Fairy

While fishing I always am eyeballing “sign” – bird tracks, beaver tail drag marks, cloven hoof prints, you name it. It’s all part of the outdoors mystique, and occasionally might alert you to something worth knowing.

The Easter Bunny made the attempt, knowing my passion for jellybeans, but like usual I was waist deep in some toxic brew completely oblivious to its presence.

The Easter Bunny done crappled here

…but he left ample sign, and now some undeserving, angelic, rug-rat is scarfing my candy.

Ah well, at least it was thinking of me..

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I see it as more of a “truth in advertising” issue

Alistair of the Urban Fly Fisher caught my attention with his unveiling of yet another collection of ladies giving their all for a fly fishing calendar. It’s a known angling weakness, starting with Ulysses and the Sirens, you fellows keep thinking around the next bend is a bevy of panting nubiles intent on portly, middle aged men wearing rubber.

Of all angling fantasy – this is the least possible, and despite council to the contrary you persist in perpetuating falsehood.

It’s about time you were rewarded.

It’s all true, it’s just beyond the next page – countless taut, bronzed and passionate beauties, aching for a real man! Like all “pay-for-Pr0n” sites I’m only allowed to show you a teaser or two, you’ll have to subscribe for unfettered access to the Hotties…

You’re a Dead Man Walking

It’s up to me to add a measure of reality, and is sapping you of your vigor. They’re nice, but can’t hold a candle to the bevy of Hotties I’ve got under contract.

That’s why she insisted you go, honest

This is the real deal guys, the AFTMA Nymphets, “Anglers by day and Soiled Doves by night” – domestic Ninjas, skilled in fishing, credit card abuse, and thrown crockery.  The kind of gal that adjusts your priorities, whilst gazing adoringly from the wall of your Mancave.

The whole “girls gone wild” thing is REAL, ignore the fact Joe Francis was convicted of a morals beef and only recently has seen daylight – in reality he was saving the “good stuff” for you …

She’s without flaw, but she doesn’t speak your language

Fly fishermen are notoriously slow on the uptake, like “tight lines” – “Gone Wild” has already seen its best days, but it’ll take a couple of decades for it to run it’s course with the fishing crowd. It’s that hellish optimism thing we’re imbued with – leading to cold feet, colder dinners, and fishless fishing trips.

You can’t speak their language and you don’t know the business end of a Jello Shooter, just unlimber plastic and I’ll show you what you’re missing.

See you in line for the Webcam.

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I think I’ll save my "boutique" experience for a venue with less strife

Mr. Slazinger and aidesI found an old Fish and Fly article that outlines some golf-fishing synergy, initially I was thinking an “olive branch” extended to the lads at work, but after thinking it through I’m not sure that this isn’t the resort from Hell.

“…our own lake at Sagebrush doubles as our irrigation reservoir and private trout lake and is stocked with Rainbow. These are Triploid Rainbow which means they are non reproductive and therefore spend their days eating and growing.”

The first thing to mind is the nightly brawl that occurs at the bar, as only fishermen are more opinionated than golfers, mix the two together for a volatile cocktail hour. It would be like Marines walking into an Air Force bar, and assuming most are passionate about both sports, shifting allegiances and piling on would be commonplace.

To raise the capital to fund the club, he is selling 40 shares in the club for $200,000 a piece. From there, there will be annual memberships sold. These members will become part of the “Posse” Zokol?s nod to Redtail?s “Round Table.”

My guess is they pass out armbands at the front desk, red for fishermen and blue for golfers, and both are reversible. It helps to know who you’re throwing the chair at…

Large trout sipping mayflies near the dock, you’re inching forward with rod low to avoid detection, and Mr. Slasinger strides to the tee and slices his ball into the feeding fish – not once, but three or four times. The golf cart broadsides to a stop in the wet grass, and Himself steps from the cart, insisting you recover his lucky Titleist – as you’re the only fellow in waders..

I’d interrupt his “toddy” later, and with great enthusiasm.

I’m sure the Course Marshal would be distraught at the slow play of my foursome, what with my bag containing, woods, irons, and graphites. All it would take is a couple feeding fish to have me selecting the #5 graphite from the golf bag.

Triploid fish would likely respond well to a golf ball with a couple of treble hooks attached, to save space I’d put them in play – likely I wouldn’t have to number them, I’d just ask the bystander hopping around with both hands on his arse whether he’d seen my ball.

…but what to yell when casting is the real conundrum, golfers are obliged to yell “Fore” – and us fisherman are likely to counter with something witty, I’m thinking “Ten” – homage to the traditional 10:00 – 2:00 casting stroke, but mainly as it’s two and half times better’n fore.

We’ll settle this at the bar.

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