Category Archives: humor

They’ll wish they had it, but they’ve got to trod crap to get it

The Chest, now you can trod crap with impugnityBrownlining is so much more than a cheesy car decal or embossed ashtray. Singlebarbed readers can enhance their stature both instream and off with the addition of the “Chest” inflatable wading aid.

A misstep in our fetid world is always life threatening, a simple pull of the imbedded necklace inflates into a snug neck shield, with ample buoyancy to keep both head and mouth above the syrup.

Slip the Chest under your shirt, relax a couple of buttons and bask in the envious and hateful stares of your Blueline opponents.

The silk screened pectorals accented deftly via gold chain, offers a demure male enhancement, adding credibility to the retelling of heroic deeds, and lending the owner “presence” in all important social venues.

Like minded friends are nice, but the reward is better

edibles-alert.jpgWe may be at a crossroads with health and well being on the one hand, and allegiance to environmental principles on the other.

While the “Talking heads” assure us the worst is over, and the President’s cabinet stump the streets doing likewise, reports continue to surface of the rebirth of angling, sustenance variety

“Belt tightening” is the rage of cocktail parties, and forswearing of luxury the new esthetic – with woeful tales of suffering and deprivation swapped between mouthfuls of Starbuck’s and Cinnabon.

“Foraging” is the rallying cry of the neo-sporting fraternity, their food-lust indiscriminate; weeds and tubers, fish in park ponds, and anything with four legs that doesn’t alert neighbors.

Distinctions between brown and blue are blurred with survivalists intent on cheap eats – and as they shove their way into the crowd of us old timer’s, do we attempt to educate, or merely guard our lunch and walk further afield?

  • Chauncey Niziol fishes for bass and bluegills in downtown Chicago.
  • Steven Rinella traps squirrels and catches pigeons in Brooklyn, N.Y.

The chances that Chauncey and Steven have cracked the fish and game regulations are slim. Trifling detail like season, tackle restrictions, and  licensing probably hasn’t occurred to them.

Steven, “squab” is a grand meal, unfortunately MSNBC didn’t bother to check the regulations, and now you’re featured in absolutely every Post Office.

So where does that leave us? Tapping the fellow on the shoulder and mentioning the need for a valid NY Trappers license, or merely admiring how many pigeons over the “six in possession” limit he’s draped on his fender?

A street sweeper employed by the Doe Fund, a charity that employs homeless New Yorkers to clean city streets, picked up a $2,500 bonus last month by defending the pigeons on the Upper East Side. According to In Defense of Animals, Desi Stewart witnessed a man spreading bird seed on the ground and “netting a large number of pigeons.”

… or are we the guy putting chow on the table after “dropping dime” on the clueless n00b?

Longtime Singlebarbed readers are fitting themselves for ponchos, slim cheroots, and practicing the “Bounty Killer” swagger popularized by Spaghetti Westerns …

… but the activity has riled the venerable New York Bird Club, and suddenly the prospect of Clint’s icy voice coming from the nearby shrubbery would be the least of my worries…

Hell hath no fury like an Old Lady crumbling a crust of bread for pigeons. Driven by her screams, the crowd wouldn’t be content with anything short of dismemberment.

A tender release and the Darwinian refusal

After an exhaustive 20 year research effort scientists at the University of Illinois suggest that the vulnerability of being caught is an inheritable trait in Largemouth Bass.

You're showing poor form, but the guy on the far bank gets your point Science like this should stifle them yawns, as it bespeaks of vast changes in your angling habits.

Study anglers were allowed to fish only under a strict reservation system, with all fish logged and tagged over a four year interval. After draining the lake they divided the recovered fish into those that had never been caught and those that had been caught many times.

Isolating the two groups and breeding them over three generations increased the disparity, the “never been caught” group was now even harder to hook, and the vulnerable strain showed a slight increase in their already promiscuous catch rate.

For us bodycount-conscious anglers that suggests we want the catch and release ritual to be stress-free, ensuring the next generation of fish at our “secret spot” are doubly available.

It also suggests that modern vests should have a shoulder holster and special pockets for additional clips of large bore handgun ammo. Treating a caught fish with great tenderness requires us to be equally diligent in the converse, stomping the life out of anything that refuse our flies.

Note: Firing a high velocity round at a shallow angle – especially for “smutting” fish visible to the angler, will result in the far bank getting a fair amount of “skipping” ricochets. Be cognizant of your surroundings, line up both snooty fish and wading anglers – as “conservation minded” includes your ammo as well.

If the cops come don’t use any cheesy psycho lines, tell ’em Darwin told you to do it and they doubly-deserve to die.

These same researchers gave us the model for catch and release fishing, suggesting that the entire ritual take less than four minutes. Advice that Fly Fisherman’s cover-Wookie violated egregiously – as exposed by the ever vigilant Moldy Chum.

An interesting item in their research (on Bonefish) suggested that caught fish take four hours to recover from the ordeal, during that time they’re “woosy” and more susceptible to predators.

… that’s why I have my buddies fish through the hole first – they always think I’m being generous …

It’s like Bruce Lee showing the secrets of the ShaoLin, now someone has to die

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to go fishing with a genuine fly fishing blog author? Wonder why we never mention where we fish – like it’s some great, dark secret?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We sure talk a helluva game, but when it’s time to show our l33t skills, we mostly look like Miss Kitty above …

OK, I do. The rest of the crowd actually knows stuff.

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OMFG, it’s less than two weeks away

This is the weekend where you remember Opening Day is only a scant 14 days away. Tomorrow “Momma” is going to wonder why you’re mowing the lawn without her having to ask six times, why you’re suddenly attentive, and why that squeaking laundry room door suddenly claims your undivided attention.

She’ll remember as soon as your behavior changes –  and show her appreciation by leveraging the remaining thirteen days into a year’s worth of chores you failed to complete.

Secretly she’s thrilled you’ll be asking to abandon the family unit for the entire weekend – as she’s tired of your underwear in the sink, tired of your iron grip on the TV remote, and no longer considers your snores from the living room couch musical…

There’s another way to accomplish the same goal … it’s much less strenuous and keeps your dignity intact.

Take Momma, a couple sandwiches and a jug of the Good Grape ..



.. also here.


… and here.

Now yank that cork, plunk her on the tailgate, and when she’s got a firm grip on that sandwich – ask “can you have the weekend off” …

No need to thank me.

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We are so far behind the technology curve

I'd pour these SOB's on Ice Cream Can fly tying inspiration come from an unlikely source like mixed drinks and gourmet cooking?

If you’re desperate like me it can.

I spent most of this week tracking down scientific information on Carp feed, mating ritual, natural predators, response to stress, and preferred Ph – and endured the traditional dry dissertation that ensured we slept through Biology class.

Then I stumbled on the really good intel – the kind of information only hardbitten anglers produce, and I’ve been in the kitchen ever since…

After being bested by what many would describe as a “dumb underwater cockroach” – I was resolved to “man-up,”  it’s unsightly for a paunchy, middle aged angler to weep uncontrollably at streamside. It’s also mighty cold to recover a fly rod from deep water – having been thrown in a fit of pure infantile temperament.

Fly fishing can dim your vision after the first couple of decades, reducing the solution set to; dry, emerger, wet, and nymph. My repertoire is now enhanced after reading the Top 10 list of best selling Carp aids,  and neither Peacock herl or Glimmer chenille was mentioned once:

Creamy Pineapple, Double “G” Extreme Ice Cream, Wild Whiskey, Scopex,
Intense Sweetner, Cinnamon Butter Rum, Triple B, Creamy Pineapple Banana, and lastly, Pineapple Ice Cream Flavor

If that’s not inspirational just read the list aloud and see if the Missus doesn’t send you to Baskin-Robbins on the double.

We’ve been so focused on the perceived advances of ultra-extra light graphite, space age fabrics, and titanium – when the reality is we’re still lagging Carp technology. Likely it’s because revolutionary change occurs more frequently when the cost is six bucks, and we’re taking three and half years to pay off each fly rod.

Just think of these as Biodegradable Ultra Light Line – Scent Helpers with Intense Tastes, that … or fly floatant … whichever allays the suspicions of your effete dry fly pals.

Me, I’m adding a little alcohol to the mixture to numb my quarry’s lips; figuring he’ll swallow and digest the fly, and I won’t set hook until it comes out the other end.

These are doubly useful, if the Carp don’t care for the Tutti-Frutti, you can squeeze a dollop into your hydration pack …

It’s a commercial fly tier’s dream

The Dubbing Divan I had the same problem with watercolors as a kid, sooner or later the entire sodden mass was a muddy brown from intermingled color.

Dubbing dispensers have rattled around my tying area with similar issue – the top layer becomes a blend of everything I’ve tied in the last couple of weeks. Dander and feather duff mixed with the original color, whose self-sealing lid no longer keeps adjacent colors at bay.

The idea of a “dubbing divan” is appealing. A couple of shades purring contentedly close to hand, allowing the tyer to wrench a handful whenever it’s needed.

No drifting dustbunnies to aggravate family allergies, no mess other than an occasional coughed-up furball, and your source is mobile allowing you to change colors at a whim.

Them or us and Cabela’s picks Them?

PinkGun I’m not sure all those “helpful” spouses would’ve been so eager to dump their gal at the “ladies only adventure day camp” if they’d known Cabela’s was arming them.

Gals and guns is no issue, but my girlfriend armed with “non lethal” weaponry would crimp my angling forever. The luxury of a shotgun, assault rifle, or large bore handgun means she’ll pause for just a split second, consider the consequences, then empty the entire magazine in my direction.

That’s enough time to put a school bus between me and the Never Ending Banana Clip, just enough to hug the floorboards as the windshield is sawn in half, and when she pauses to reload – I’m disappearing around the corner on two wheels and free to fish once again.

Pink handled hoglegs have an air of permanence, it’s not as if you’re assembling gear and call up the hallway. “Dearest? have you seen my .357? Never mind, I’ll just use yours …”

Sounds suspiciously like the sporting manufacturers have given up on us penny pinching males, and have cast their lot with the Missus.

At the camp, women will participate in introductory courses on casting fishing lines, using Tasers, handling shotguns and other topics. During lunch, a hunting and outdoor apparel fashion show is planned.

In theory, the workshops hook women on a new hobby, potentially creating a Cabela’s customer for life.

One longing glance at your vest and you’ll endure 50000 volts of raw energy crackle through an arse cheek – and as your vision dims and the world turns black, you’ll hear the throaty reminder, “No, you promised to do the lawn, remember?”

It’d be Woody Allen and the “Orgasmatron” all over again, with her pumping the Taser button while society crumbles around you…

We’ll all be stuffing a National Geographic down our pants hoping the darts are diffused by the Aborigine article – just like the butt whippings we took as kids.

Is a world record Pikeminnow akin to the most Acne from a single candy bar?

When the wind's right you can hear the laughterThe roar of the motor preceded the scream of wind and shower of leaves, I broke left but evasion was useless, I’d received the Blessing of the Brownline – fertilizer dispensed via propwash – a gift from a leering ex-Warthog pilot, wrestling with his post-conflict internal demons.

The Blessing is why I retain a glossy full head of hair, it’s been fertilized, parted, and mowed regularly.

The really vile chemicals come later, as does my “full camo” ensemble, I dart from bush to brush and everyone assumes I’m just a bit zealous stalking fish. They miss the frightened glances skyward until the howl of Herr Rittmeister’s brightly colored monoplane dispenses an oily blast of fish-based fertilizer-substance.

A Stinger would be really useful, but I’m outgunned. I part the forest with my best oaths, and hope to Christ there’s nobody walking their dog within earshot – as they’d be a pillar of salt.

The creek bottom is barren of vegetation leaving me a porcine, slow moving target, we’re sure to see explosive growth in the next couple of weeks compliments of the Yellow Baron.

The Chunk Monster I rinsed the exposed flesh in creek water – swapping certain death for  disfigurement and continued my northward trek to survey what the runoff had brought me. All the really disgusting stuff is bobbing in San Francisco Bay by now – leaving a pristine creek full of snapped timber, root balls, and flattened vegetation.

Flattened and fertilized vegetation.

At the limit of the upstream section there’s a new beach compliments of a fresh deposit of gravel, and the rest of the creek was scoured much deeper. Lots of new holding water, plenty of deep slots cut along banks, and I’m left thinking the current version is superior to last year’s shallow flavor.

I saw my first fish on mile three, which is normal for Spring. Aided by dam release and winter floods the creek can grow to a thousand times its normal size, which purges everything that can’t hide, isn’t nailed down, or attached to a bridge.

A couple dozen large Pikeminnow and the occasional smallmouth were browsing in deep water – and without any vegetation available to hold insects, and with the catastrophic upheaval of the runoff, I guessed  these might be hungry and desperate fish.

I had a fistful of the “Ellis Island” reject flies I needed to expend and plopped an Olive unknown into the water above them. With a 4mm bead and 25 turns of fuse wire there was a corresponding mushroom cloud and crater in the river bottom – and most of the fish scattered.

I gave it a quick tug to free the fly and all hell broke loose, some silver flash comes out of the water and does its best Salmonid imitation, screams off downstream and returns to sulk.

I’m long past caring what it is – and from it’s profile it appears to be a trophy Pikeminnow – but thick and fat like a bass, not skinny and cylindrical like usual.

It’s laying in the slack water at the bank, and I realize it’s the new IGFA world record for Sacramento Pikeminnow. The old version was merely 6.25 pounds – and “Mr. Chunk Monster”, the genetically blessed fatty was likely to tip them scales closer to seven.

 See that little pink spot, right next to the dent from the vibram sole, it's bleeding profusely

After I kicked it seven or eight times I noticed it was bleeding profusely from the gills, and now I’m torn … do I rush into Raley’s Meats with a dripping cockroach and insist on fame everlasting, or release it and live in obscurity forever?

… and what kind of fame does an IGFA accredited World Record Pikeminnow really bring? Kissing babies and cutting ribbons, Paris Hilton on one arm, little mean-spirited rat dog clutched uncomfortably to my bosom, or is it really infamy, the kid with the largest unsightly blemish caused by ingestion of a single candy bar?

Fearing the outcry of concerned Singlebarbed readers, and knowing how my one small ray of sunlight would be morphed into a hideous crime, the prospect of dampening some Louisville Maple on the prone and defenseless genetic-super-specimen, froze me into immobility.

It regarded me with baleful yellow eyes, suggesting my ashes will trickle off that pristine Sierra mountainside, I’ll wind up a mayfly – and we’d take up this issue again … meanwhile I’m dribbling hollow points into my service revolver wondering whether they’ll show on the cover shot, whether they’ll just go through one side and rattle around a little – and can Fly Fisherman airbrush ’em out like Playboy?

If I’d had a garlic field close I might have been emboldened, but Chunk Monster is breathing atmosphere just fine and looks like he’s finished resting and is about to chase me back to the car.

I eased the hook out and watched him disappear into the murk.

It ain’t the Hoh River, but if I’d yelled loud enough a couple would’ve showed …

The missing link discovered and the Olive branch extended

Throw that man an olive branch It’s unification of a sort, something that’s sure to unite the “X-stream” crowd with Blue and Brown water anglers. The Chinese call it a “Snow Trout“, it looks and acts like a Rainbow, only it’s a member of the Cyprinid family which contains both Carp and my beloved Pikeminnow.

I can hear the collective groan from here – both camps pause momentarily in battering each other hoping I won’t suggest a group hug.

Not a %$#@ chance.

The locale is exotic, Mongolia will be left to cruise ships and the camp followers that live in their wake; it’s called a trout – so when the dry fly types hold up their catch in an accusatory manner and insist otherwise – the local guides can smile widely and hide behind the language barrier, and the Pearl River is considered one of the world’s most polluted waterways, which will make the Brownlining aficionados plant flag.

All the enterprising expedition outfitter has to do is keep the respective zealots far apart, add some local myth about ravenous feeding habits and missing schoolchildren, ply both camps with alcohol and watch the cash registers act like slot machines.

Zhujiang Brewery, one of the three largest domestic breweries in China, is located on the Pearl River Delta within the city of Guangzhou.


“Pearl River” conjures some fanciful imagery in the mind of the fiscally prudent spouse; trade winds, grass skirts, and perfumed beaches – all you have to do is nod vigorously on the “perfumed” part, keep a straight face, and you’re there …