Category Archives: humor

Brownliner decor makes you recession proof?

I probably should’ve held off until next week to give it that “lived-in” look; coffee spills, discarded beer bottles, Simm’s pinups, and greasy wrappers from lunch – but I was too giddy to play coy.

 The Brownliner Office, sans red stapler

The “before” is eloquence for us muddy cubicle warriors, yellow caution tape accent, paramilitary camo wall coverings, and the piece de resistance – a digital calendar that displays date and time in hexadecimal.

What’s not shown is the matching camo smock rendering the wearer invisible, proof against Boss’s that dole out a weekend assignment on a sunny Friday, and causes the lurking “Candy Dish Phantom” to crap himself as he reaches for your lunch – or the occasional leftover donut…

In the lofty echelons of the corporate world it’s important to announce yourself with authority. Fancy suits and expensive aftershave are as commonplace as McDonald’s – and when management strides the corridor looking for slackers to meet their downsize quota, you’ll be the last to go – as the hushed whispers of the Personnel analyst concur, “there’s gotta be an assault rifle in there somewhere’s.”

Michael’s will teach that tawdry strumpet, JoAnne’s a thing or two

It just opened up, and now I must tithe one tenth my get For some it’s drugs, booze, or gambling, for others it’s the rush of adrenaline. For the chaste, it’s religion, or a triple decker, three cheese, bacon-wrapped grease-meat with a side of stained paper bag.

Fly tier’s eschew such quaint mood-altering luxuries. We’ve pissed away the “milk n’ egg” money, and when we squealed out of the driveway it was with the vision of pleading wife clutching half dressed waifs, dry eyed as they watched Poppa in wonderment.

We’re the Lurkers, the Night People – the frantic males dashing for the door; 17 minutes before closing – intent on bead encrusted, yarn draped, mayhem – the bane of disinterested teenie-boppers milling absently behind the register, counting seconds to the closing klaxon.

“You got any acid dye?

“Huh? … Betty, we got any “acid dye?”

Each clerk swivels expertly like Rockettes, looking expectantly at their neighbor until the grizzled gal with the manager pin heaves her bulk into view, “You see any over in dyes?” She fixes me with them gimlet eyes, intent – waiting for me to make a wrong move.

“Madam Treblinka” is awe inspiring, somehow avoiding censure at Nuremberg – and hired as Michael’s “muscle” – knowledge expert and den mother.

“No, ma’am.”

“Then we ain’t got any.”

I beat a hasty retreat back to the floss aisle, expertly throwing elbows at the obvious noOb’s. The press of fly tying humanity is stifling, so I point to the scrapbook area and let fly, ” Ooo, that’s Jungle Cock!”

It’s a mad scramble as the throng departs, leaving some motherly looking “bluehair” moaning on the floor, her bent walker wedged between glitter canisters.

A quick boot heel to the ribs leaves her gasping, and doubled over she’s no longer blocking the Claret silk, I reach for a handful just as the Two Minute Warning sounds.

Mission Accomplished.

The rest is merely a mop up – a police action, sifting through their dumpster for a stray fragment of gaily colored ribbon, or bent pipe cleaner.

Michael’s, a SuperStore that I don’t have to protest – except when I see my bill. It’s a fly shop without silly tackle in the way, it’s a freshly downed Wildebeest with us carrion-birds lurking in every aisle.

Driving by twice a day, it’s the Sirens calling to Odysseus – and I’m thinking Nurse “Treblinka” wasn’t sporting no ring …

The Trip of a lifetime is how Much?

It's a Dead Zone ... It’s one of those conveniences we forget in our rush to make the plane. Months of careful planning, itinerary, careful scrimping to get just the right package for a once in a lifetime fishing adventure…

… and the post-trip bill arrives from your cell phone company to the tune of $24,000?

I suppose that password feature that was never set would have saved the day, and us fellows prone to “butt dialing” enable that lifesaver at the first opportunity.

The “911” operators in my area have an APB out for both “Gluteus” and “Maximus,” – and if I get in a wreck I think I’ll opt to bleed to death.

As this Canadian fellow discovered, Ma Bell is less than sympathetic when a cell phone is lost or stolen. It’s just one more thing to consider in addition to avoiding the water.

It’ll take a better man than me

I’ve got my share of adventurous and proximity to either coast gives exposure to the cuisine of many continents. I’ve happily crunched my way to obesity via chicken feet, raw fish, gelatinous stuff I can’t pronounce, dead stuff that I’d as soon forget, odiferous stuff that I can’t, and McDonalds – which extrudes lips, beaks, jowls, and gonads, through dye and onto little molds that resemble fish and chicken.

… well, after they breaded it and added sugar …

Carp Caviar, for them as won't faint

I never have developed a shine to fish eggs, likely because they’re bait. I don’t care what the price per gram is – a couple of decades filching Pautske’s and Balls O’ Fire out of a jug, builds .. associations.

Like the time you thought the goo in the bottom might be Strawberry flavored.

… by the time I finished spitting, I was a dry fly purist.

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Technology enables as much devastation as innovation

Technology can prove painful All of us have a pet gear peeve, hoping someday that space science, nanotechnology, or pixie dust will fix that silly component that’s plagued us for years.

For me it’s the venerable fly box, and despite metal springs, gimbaled doors, foam, clips, slots, fleece lined, or adjustable compartments, none of the boxes will hold what I need held. Extravagance isn’t limited to the rod making front, as I’d be the first to buy a brace of $700 fly boxes, knowing I was finally delivered from polystyrene hell.

Dyneema is one of many recent advances in ordinary fly fishing sundries. There’s still a problem or two with fast moving fish and traumatic amputation of fingers, but once the cost drops we’ll be discarding thick Dacron and piling on yards of braided razor blade.

I’ve never been accused of being a Luddite, but lately it seems like all revolutionary changes in fly tackle hurt like a sumbitch.

No? Attach your weight forward Sharkskin to a motorcycle – and after you finish blowing on your fingers to cool them, examine your fingerprints …

Scientists have discovered how to make a spider’s silk gland – and while you wonder how that pertains to our death wish,  they’ve added metal to the silk to make extremely strong fibers for surgery.

We’ll be blessed with 7X backing rated at 450 lbs, and fly tying thread that a beginner can wield to turn a 3/0 stainless hook into a knot. Both will cost a fortune, but we’ll send the kids to a year of undergraduate studies at the University of Burger King, and divert the freed cash to ourselves.

Finger guards will be replaced by chain mail gloves, prosthetics will be the darling stocks of Wall Street, and we’ll witness the demise of both wet fly and the married Salmon wing. Bass bugs will be made from closed cell foam, and the Elk Hair Caddis joins a long list of flies that can only be tied with the “old” stuff…

Tiny diameter will allow the silk to sever rather than bind materials, and mallard wings and spun deer hair will be exclusive to the diminishing stocks of “old school” – hoarded by white haired, vengeful geezers like myself.

My recollection is we’ve had issues with technology in the past. Prick your fingers with a handful of urine burned fox and it’s gangrene with a tetanus chaser, and Picric acid has killed or maimed untold hundreds of unwary fly tiers who swooned over the stunning yellow it created.

Just mention “chemically sharpened” and “sock feet” to a fly tyer and watch their face drain of color. Forged was bad enough, now the debris field under the desk is fatal.

With only hair-trigger reflexes keeping limbs intact, is fly fishing “a young man’s game” – and it’s technology that puts us aging starlets out to pasture?

Light, composition, and Pink is the new Manly

“Media Day” featured an irresistible seminar on angling photojournalism and I couldn’t resist, as feeble photography and halting punctuation are two of many growth areas for me.

I’m scrubbed and coifed, sitting in the front row listening attentively to some eye-opening subject matter; which pastels clash best with bankside foliage, pink is the new green, and how judicious use of mouth to mouth can sustain a salmonid until the lighting is perfect.

Periodically, I’d raise my hand and ask about composition, post shot doctoring, preferred software to stretch a fish yet preserve aspect ratio, and why we reserve “Grip & Grin” for traditional fish, and the counter cultural “rifle” pose for anything else.

Before: the pretty flowers nice to see a hint of colorI got answers, and they were meaningful to my “toy” camera – chosen by waterproof versus optics, and I remained riveted by the discussion on f-stop and SLR focal planes. I caught up with the speaker at break to discuss composition, the subtle play of light and dark – and how the subject can be juxtaposed with it’s surroundings to convey meaning.

… all the really cool artsy stuff.

Prior to learning lighting, staging, and message, I would’ve simply snapped the pretty flowers and mentioned how nice it was to spy a hint of color on the landscape.

Now that I’ve learned the nuance of the cover shot, how to mix overtones with the piscatorial pinup, a vast new world has opened up.

Instead of editing the picture as before, I prefer the Grip and Grin pose to all else:

Meaning far beyond the subject, Grip and Grin at it's finest 

… and while the “Professor” was clueless, I’ve an inkling why Brownliners prefer the “rifle” pose …

Wherein the author eats massive crow and exposes his mincing, Poseur nature to the jeers of an angry throng

You’ll remember my pitiful bleat aboutbut Joe, it might … s-sn-snow!” – and how my iron will trodding through cow crap, farm chemicals, and scorching desert melted after the weatherman claimed it might pizzle snowflakes, with temperatures “near freezing” – or at least 85.

… I begged off claiming I was overdue for a pedicure, while San Mateo Joe blanched momentarily and decided to chance it …

Our policy has always been to turn the other cheek; insults and name calling flow off us akin to dollars out of federal coffers; we might be bullied, harried or buffaloed, but we’re never cowed, and always defiant.

Occasionally sheer eloquence requires I print my comeuppance – the epic spankage visual and without taint…

The cheap cigars that I missed

The Cigars that I missed

The liquor that made the stories better

The liquor I could’ve drankled

Even if it was cold this is what we'd be fueled with

The Breakfast that would’ve proofed me against cold

The snow that turned my knees to water

The deep piled snowdrifts that reduced the Donner Party to cannibals

The freezing temperatures, obligatory mayo-stained wifebeater

The poly-fleece mayo-spattered wifebeaters

The alleged frozen and chill resident that might have ate my fly, had I the good gotdamn sense to be there

The alleged fish that would’ve liked my fly better had I been there

The Missing Man formation at supper

The “Missing Man” formation at supper

Wayne Eng says thanks for the beef Jerky

Wayne Eng enjoying a vast trove of Teriyaki Beef Jerky, that had my name on it.

The word I’m searching for is “Owned” … and while you feast with relish on the dish best served cold, remember me fondly.

The Oscar for Fly Tying Theatre will be awarded Saturday

Commercial tying is a hellish occupation, once your orders breach the 100 dozen of a single fly single size  – it’s becomes a ghastly test of endurance where perspiration and desperation perch on opposite shoulders, you discover nerves in your backside you never knew existed, and all the careful planning has been frittered away by pals and fishing, it’s crunch time and a #18 Pale Olive is this week and most of next.

shankapotamus Your only real friend is “Fly Tying Theater” – that collection of tapes or DVD’s whose dialog you recite from memory, you know the audio cues for the heroine disrobing, what she displays and for how long, and can list the internal organs forcibly removed by the next violent death.

National Geographic loses luster after 1:00AM, and as eyelids start to droop and you’re gingerly shifting weight from one tender cheek to the other, you want coffee, Sensurround, and the screams of the dying…

You can’t watch it – the TV is there to give the illusion of company in the pre-dawn darkness, glance up and refocus the eyes – then back to threading small stuff onto smaller stuff.

Audio-only is the best of the Best, those actors and subjects whose delivery is so wooden and uninspired you’ve no need to watch:

5) Anything by Steven Seagal. Note the deft use of all black clothing and clasped hands at midsection to disguise his ponderous gut. Ninjitsu can render an entire human invisible – but the gut is still a problem even at the 13th Dan.

4) Anything by Chuck Norris. Like Steven Seagal, Chuck possesses only a single facial expression. He let’s Steven live only because he needs an opponent in his next movie, he’s killed everyone else.

3) Anything with Jean-Claude Van Damme. No, Bruce Lee never sounded like that. Chuck lets him live so he has a love interest in his next movie.

2) Anything with The Duke. You’ve seen them all 17 times, and only his 4″ lifts hurt more than your 14 hour marathon of garage sale chair and hip pointers …

… but the undisputed King of fly tying theater – the show that dwarfs all competition is ..

1) Anything with Mel Kiper. He emerges from under a rock one day each year, hosts the NFL Draft, the most inane non-event on television, and as quickly vanishes from whence he came.

For those that aren’t fishing, Saturday is your chance to make up for winter sloth.

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Despite what Pop says, I occasionally show some good sense

He don't call, he don't write Pop would see the gear lined up by the back door and hear us revert to “sporting speak”, clipped sentences punctuated by, “you bringing the …” and “did you remember…” and he’d gaze out the window, gauging the rainfall and comment to no one in particular, ” .. another goddamn fishless fishing trip.”

Naturally we were incensed, I’d retort with, “fish are always wet!” and older bro would mumble something unintelligible – as older brother’s are want to do, letting me bear the brunt of Wisdom’s cool gaze.

Pop was almost always right. Sometimes we’d catch fish and other times we’d catch cold, but we always sniffled defiantly while Ma spooned us Chicken soup.

Somehow we all learned what Pop knew; for some it was early, for others it was much later (if ever). One day it was us gauging the water spilling off the roof and we reached for the TV remote rather than the rod…

Opening Day 2009

SMJ and I were headed North for the Season Opener, with the above weather forecast as backdrop.

Hardened Californio’s scoff at inclement weather, insist on camping outdoors versus moteling it, prefer “wife beater’s” imbued with wood smoke and mayonnaise – versus water resistant Poly-anything …

… at least we did in our 20’s, now that we’re nearing the Half Century mark – I’m not so sure old guys aren’t like a couple after their first spat, both poised over the phone refusing to be the one that wimps calls first.

Our womenfolk have witnessed this male ritual too many times to be fooled, yet endure our manly posturing like Pop did:

“It’s going to be snowing all three days, you guys are nuts!”

“Yea, it’s no problem, I’ll pack an extra tee shirt, unless Meathead wimps.”

She’s out of earshot usually, scribbling “Chicken broth” next to “NyQuil” on the shopping list, so’s when Dan’l Boone returns she’ll have all the proper restoratives close to hand.

I’m sure SMJ’s jaw was set like iron as he leaned over the phone expectantly, so I sent an email instead. Wisdom intrudes occasionally and like my Pop I’ve begun to recognize the crucial underpinnings of fishless.

The Norman Rockwell thing is a trifle out of date

Ford Ranger making a spawning ReddThe excited catcalls and snarling gears suggested I’d better hurry if I wanted to watch the kid get stuck.

Rubber is pretty ineffectual when the “Bones of the Old Girl” are exposed – ocher clay, equal parts mud and Vaseline, with a veneer of gravel that lures the aggressive into complacency. Offroad tires and wading boots are equally ineffectual – and only the cautious remain dry.

It’s a female six cylinder Ranger making a “spawning redd” on the far side of the creek, the eight cylinder male is winching her out of the hole, and as I gain the crest – camera in tow, the high pitched squeals of anger and blame hush as the kids point in my direction – then vanish in a roar of mud, snapping timber, and giggles.

Some father is sleeping uneasily, replaying the scene of his darling handing over his SAT scores…

Further upstream I’m peeking through the foliage eyeballing the first smallmouth bass of the season, a pair of large fish cruising carelessly in shallow water. High pitched motor whine terminates in the “whump” of collision – as grape colored “female” and pursuing male crest the dunes upstream like T-55’s crossing the Suez Canal, slip-slide their way through the center of the river sending a rooster tail of mud and crap flying in all directions.

Steam hissing off manifolds they plow upstream and out of view –  and my fish are lost in the roiled ocher mass coming from upstream. 

The Carp Hole is occupied with the ATV subgenus of outdoor youth, and the approach of a portly scowling Brownliner with a couple days of stubble sent them scampering for the far bank.

I watched Carp chase each other around for a couple minutes; full mating ritual so I knew they weren’t hungry. Faced with the prospect of a forced march back – I sat and watched the kids climb aboard and disappear.

A couple of Pikeminnow broke the surface gobbling spinners, so I restrung the rod with 5X and a dry fly and waded in above them. The first couple of casts were ignored, and as I’m pondering something else to try the roar of approaching ATV has me wondering whether to pack it in completely…

It squeals to a stop behind me, and a voice asks, “..excuse me sir, are you fly fishing?”

The “sir” part was uncommon and I turned to see a couple of young fellows, replete with “Tat’s” and piercing’s – American flag emblazoned on one pectoral, possible White Supremacy sign on the other … but the look was sincere and the “sir” thing got me.

“Hell yes,” I says, “mostly I’m walking around looking impressive, but occasionally I throw flies in anger.”

I’d been retrieving a weighted nymph while chatting and a lonely Pikeminnow obliges me by eating it. I land the fish while basking in their apparent awe, and the kid harsh’s my awesomeness with, “you ain’t going to eat that shit are you?”

“Nope.” I let the fish go and back out of the water. The first fellow has a barbell through the lower lip, one eyebrow, and a nostril – and the second is a Texican, proudly wearing their flag engraved on his back.

“Sir, I just bought this fly rod, but haven’t had any lessons – and am learning how to use it, can you show me?”

Norman Rockwell and his ilk suggested it’d be some crewcut child chewing a wheat stalk – some Angel Baby, good grades – sings in the church choir, and as I’m watching the kid rigging his fly rod, I can’t help but smile at the picture.

“I’d be thrilled, unlimber that Beast and I’ll show you how to imbed a hook solidly in your partner there.”

Pierced Boy chimes in quickly, “no way, Dude – that shit hurts!”

Texican is looking at me expectantly with a sample of Big 5 wet flies, ” I bought these, which one should I use?” I crack open my box and hand him a fistful of weighted nymphs and streamers.

No way!, Dude – you want a beer?”

Respect for elders, appreciation for the outdoors, and the all important iced suds. I spent the next 30 minutes drilling “10 o’clock – 2 o’clock” into the 2010 version of Norman Rockwell, while they hung on every word.

I can imagine the cover of Fly Fisherman in twenty years, and can only hope the Steelhead hides the Swastika.