Category Archives: humor

Can’t say as I didn’t earn it

Just lucky I guess The real piece of good fortune was coming down with the flu on the eve of the angling departure, rather than during – as none of my pals would have noticed anything amiss.

Maybe they’d scratch their chin when I failed to acknowledge dinner, or didn’t protest when they divided up my dry flies among themselves. If there were any signs of life from my flaccid and feverish bedroll – they’d say, “he smelled bad before the trip, Ma’am -how was we to know he wasn’t simply funning us?”

The Bad News is I lived up to my promise, spending the last four days in a cataclysmic meltdown that has me in the same clothing, absent cigars, and strong coffee – and facing early demise as She (formerly banished as it was a guy only fishing trip) is racing to my door to put an end to my sufferings…

… with a large can of Woop-ass.

There will be no Angels of Mercy daubing my feverish cheeks on the morrow, no fluffing of too-soft pillows, no replenishing of the Sacred Baked Goods, there will only be those gals already angry – and those  speechless in fury at the state of Her house.

I’ll be Jimmy Stewart in Hitchcock’s Rear Window – helpless and struggling from my wheelchair – as (Ms.) Raymond Burr attempts to unscrew my head like a champagne cork before setting the garden hose on whatever stayed attached.

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Ice Cream on tap and the Pizza Chopper hovering overhead

Coin activated showers Once again I’m the center of attention as co-workers dance about me in utter horror.

We’re leaving this morning for the Annual “Guys from work go fishing and talk smack about everyone else,” trip – and I’m being admonished to bring quarters for the shower…

“Shower? %$#@ That.”

While the other fellows roll their eyes skyward pantomiming the “Eww” face, I’m wondering how we got to this sordid gentrified state.

When I backpacked we’d use a handful of wild lavender for soap and go bare-arsed into the lake – and only then after being voted off the island. Grubby clothing and a weeks worth of stubble was nothing when you’re cutting your own firewood and survival was Rainbow Trout stuffed with the last handful of trail mix.

Add eight miles of dusty trail to a week without Twinkies, sprinkle in 5000 feet of elevation and we swore Rice-A-Roni was ladled by Wolfgang Puck hisself…

Older bro’s hushed whisper, “this lake has Brown Trout!” really meant, “maybe these are imbued with different natural spices” – as we’d run out of Lemon Pepper a week ago.

Now, with pavement leading up to a groomed fire pit and a trunkload of gleaming cutlery, thousand candlepower lanterns, and Gnocchi’s boiled over a gas stove – we’re back to white dinner jackets and fine china.

“Maybe some cold cuts and a little bread to make a sandwich, we’ll have been on the water for 15 hours, horse shit will look and taste good by then. Just keep the cleanup light – as once that food hits your belly – and after all that fishing, you’ll be asleep in minutes.”

They weren’t listening. They were lost in a land of pizza choppers hovering overhead delivering cases of cold beer and thick steaks.

It dawned on me that it’s the converse that’s true – and why I find so many empty discarded water bottles in the forest. It’s not how rough it is that characterizes the outdoor experience – it’s the degree you tamed the outdoors that now separates the hardcore from the casual.

Unless you’ve got ice cream on demand, you’re not an outdoorsman, unless you transform that 30X30 regulation campsite into your living room, complete with satellite TV and NFL Ticket, you’re a total outdoor wuss.

I’ve only got a couple of choices, yank the generator cord and watch them cry over all that wasted dairy, asking each other in disbelief whether it’s safe to eat pate and gruyere with mayonnaise that’s been room temperature for the last nine hours…

“Bob? *Sniff* Christ Jesus, the Grey Poupon’s been kilt!” 

… or I could just skip the shower all three days … which isn’t nearly as fatal, it only seems that way.

… um, still deciding ..

The rise of the legendary angler and the skills commensurate

We always had some form of sporting literature lying around, old Field & Stream magazines or Outdoor Life that eventually would migrate enmasse to the John, where they joined “the sporting ladies” of National Geographic on their final tour before discard.

Whether it was upland game or bird hunting, there was always some story featuring a grizzled antisocial codger who had uncanny hounds, or Labrador retrievers that played outfield for a AAA club, whose noses ferreted out game via nonverbal link with master and whichever direction chaw was spat …

Duck hunters got the fellow that drank excessively, grabbed his nose, squatted, and bleated some high pitched noise via nasal resonance; “ee-bie, eenie, EE-nie” – causing birds to halt midair and dive for his blind like Stuka’s swarming Poland.

I always thought fishermen were shortchanged with all these colorful stories, we got the “snagged rubber boot” story, whose characters spoke precise English and observed semi-normal hygiene.

Some fellow living in a log cabin in West Yellowstone isn’t colorful enough, especially when he’s book-ended with wife, kids, and SUV. Relationships prove he’s mastered most of the social skills, and not the kind of hoary legend I’d pay to guide me through the woods..

Water-witching, old guys with uncanny skills, and outdoor exorcisms have been the exclusive purview of our gun-toting cousins, but all that’s changed – we’ve got our own brand of superhero …

The Worm Grunter.

Feast your eyes on Page One of Sports Afield, ladies

Little red flags mark the writhing hoards of monstrous worms ready to do their master’s bidding – thousand yard stare from three tours with the LRRP’s in ‘Nam, it’s page one material, ladies …

… and if your Yellowstone guide can’t summon clouds of mayflies, you got ripped, Pilgrim.

Where Elvis and the Buzzbait will reign supreme

Lake_Tahoe Steeped in controversy yet the theory is simple; if garlic and lemon makes it palatable then it escapes the invasive label. If it’s too small to barbeque it’s destined to be fought tooth and nail.

The exception being Rock Snot, which despite urging from the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, we avoid salad like the plague so there’s little mystery in why we’re determined to eradicate it.

The Jewel of the Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe, may soon dwarf anything on the B.A.S.S. circuit – what with it being the second deepest lake in the US, proximity to the glitz and glamour of Reno, and filled with defenseless fat Mackinaw, Rainbow, and Brown trout just waiting to serve as forage for the Largemouth Bass…

That new world record from Japan is on unsteady ground in light of this high elevation jewel and its gradually warming water – two degrees in the last seventy years, and projected to warm further in the next decade.

Likely introduced by anglers in the Tahoe Keys neighborhood of South Lake Tahoe in the early 1990s, bass and bluegill appear to be spreading throughout the lake slowly but steadily.

The fish have overrun the Keys and have been found in more than half of the marinas and lagoons sampled around the lake.

The current residents were all introduced by Man, with eradication of the native Lahontan Cutthroat following shortly thereafter, making the Largemouth and Bluegill introduction a “double negative” – halting efforts to restore the native fishery.

A cold water Largemouth is fine table fare – and other than the Elvis impersonator in the V-8 equipped “party barge” next to you, little will change other than the quarry.

A powerpoint presentation suggests that the shallow marinas offer warmer water – and further development near the lake shore assists the warming process, with portions of the lake warming as much as three more degrees, allowing for a longer growth season and approaching temperatures Largemouth find attractive.

If current warming trends persist – about 2070 we’ll be hosting some spectacular fishing.

Raised in an artificial environment what did you expect?

He died for your sins... Raised in a bubble with the press of humanity alert to your every move, tight security and handlers catering to your every need, with researchers and reporters combing through your trash -you’re certain to have reproductive problems.

Androgyny is the least of your worries, what with caretakers ensuring you’re fed and clothed, associations groomed to the privileged few of similar means, thrust together in some artificial world the rest of us only read about. Why wouldn’t the entire boy-girl thing gets skewed- where little boys look cute and girls are asexual … free drugs from a licensed physician, and never have to drive yourself anywhere …

I want to be a hatchery fish too …

Under those circumstances I’m surprised the scientists at Oregon State University were surprised that hatchery fish have trouble breeding  – and more importantly so do their offspring.

Fishery managers have suggested boosting the last vestiges of wild-spawning native salmon runs by crossbreeding them with relatively abundant hatchery fish.

Doing so may cause more harm than good, according to the OSU researchers.

As I’ve been keeping score their current management scenario is as follows: They’re shooting sea lion’s that eat the returning hatchery fish as there ain’t enough of them to feed us and the sea lions, but the fish they’re protecting are intermingling with the last few native fish, which undermines the reproduction of both, so:

“We have to go to greater lengths to (enhance) our ability to remove and harvest hatchery fish,” he said. “Those that aren’t harvested ought to be captured.”

… we’re going to kill all of the hatchery fish as they’re now the enemy.

It’s clear to me, kill %$#& everything, pave it, then blame our parents for the wanton despoiling of our precious fishery.

…. and that World War II thing, that was lame too …

Brutus earns his keep

He can’t talk so he wouldn’t rat you out if you’d been skunked. Just smooth out the teeth marks, dry him off, and throw him a Milkbone…

I’ve got to get me one of these – sure he’d be a liability, but any flea bit chow hound can do sit and roll over…

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The hoary spectre of precise imitation rattles its chains

They compare culinary notes...I’ll unleash a storm of precise imitation, a half dozen tell-all manuscripts, and turn both coasts of fly fishermen on their collective ear…

… and I’ve always wanted to do that, just once …

Having fished for American Shad for many years I’d always subscribed to the “attractor” theory; they smack flies out of spite/anger/curiosity but they didn’t feed in freshwater…

Conventional wisdom said, “Shad feed on krill and plankton in saltwater, but don’t feed while migrating…” This is “fishing wisdom” talking and after you get a similar response from the first nineteen fellows that know more than you – you stop asking.

A recent article in the American Fisheries Journal suggests Shad do feed in freshwater, but neither regularly or with much gusto..

(Extract follows – the article body is available only for purchase)

We evaluated the feeding habits of American shad Alosa sapidissima on spawning grounds in the St. Johns River, Florida. Feeding intensity in freshwater was generally low but highly variable. The items consumed were mainly pelagic (cyclopoid copepods and woody debris), although benthic (mollusks and sand) and surface (adult insects [Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Odonata]) organisms occurred occasionally. The stomach fullness index varied by location for males, suggesting that ingestion is related to prey availability. Feeding by females also varied by location and continued during final oocyte maturation and active spawning. Egg cannibalism was suggested by the presence of some eggs morphologically similar to American shad eggs in the stomachs of males and females collected when females were running ripe. The results from diel sampling suggested that individuals consumed approximately 1.727 kJ/d in freshwater, which represents only a small fraction of the estimated daily energetic expenditure during the spawning run. Unlike iteroparous populations, Florida’s American shad probably do not conserve energy for out-migration. While this low incidence of freshwater feeding did not maintain fish weight, it may increase available energy and thereby increase fecundity.

Gives us something to think about. Shad don’t feed much and when they do eat mollusks, wood, shad roe, moths, damsel/dragonflies, and midges.

…which neatly explains why Shad are attracted to florescent flies with eye-watering vibrancy and dripping shiny … after completing a thousand mile journey to an exotic locale they’re sampling the local cuisine – same as we would.

shad roe Before you run out for eleven dozen egg flies of steelhead vintage, shad eggs are about a size 20.

Calf liver would be a close approximation to an egg sack – but the bait issue would send you mincing about gashing yourselves in mock horror – so I’d go for a couple packs of rubber dogshit and shape it with a paring knife…

… that shouldn’t offend them delicate sensibilities too terrible much.

My public school system only awarded degrees in Modern Chemistry, now the kids get Angling?

Degree in Timewasting mostly The credential is slowly winkling it’s way into our sport, and I have mixed emotions about the legitimacy that implies..

It was the same when I worked for a large brokerage house (now deceased); I asked the traders what it took to be a stock broker and was surprised how little training was required, “Basically, we offer positions at $1100 per month (1990), and after they take their Series Seven exam they’re brokers – so we turn them loose on their friends and family, and if they ever ask for their salary – we fire them.”

… OK, maybe I’m less surprised after the last six months …

If my kid ever darkened the doorway and announced proudly how he’d chosen to spend the next five years studying angling – he’d taste the boot heel, and as the door slammed behind him he’d hear the tail end of, “Good, start with the Fillet O’ Fish…”

Five years of womanizing and beer drinking I’m expected to pay for – but angling? Screw that …

We’ve got certified casters, certified instructors, and the Certifiable, can we assume there’ll be a “certified angler” shortly?

I’d bet on it.

Vendors have been “endorsing” all manner of anglers for decades, it’s the best way to cement brand loyalty and outfit a new angler from head to toe. A couple days on the lawn and a pancake breakfast on the Battenkill, with little pewter pins tacked on starched olive vests to mark coming-of-age.

That’s neither extreme nor hardcore, so the process will be amended to include rigor, that way we can have gradations of certification akin to military awards – with Oak Leaves, 1st Class, and with Cluster.

… then again it could be Boy Scout badges, where you can drape your accomplishments over your gut, and watch the riffle clear of riffraff at your approach.

The current flavor emphasizes the Big Three; casting, knots, and entomology (flies). Certified “fly fishing schools” all list some variant of the above like an intro to fly tying – or some similar difference. That’s way short of the mark. Angling certification should make you sweat akin to your driver’s test – where you hoped that little squinch-eyed fellow doesn’t ask you to parallel park.

A couple of weeks on etiquette is sorely needed; it’s bad enough the SOB can’t cast – but he’s put down all my fish too..

Toss in a couple of heartstoppers like, “identify which feather is called ‘Greenwell’ ” – have them demonstrate a Bimini Twist, and for graduation we could have them barehand a Ling Cod, replete with those icicle teeth …and we’d be getting somewhere.

Lastly, issue them an identity card with a unique serial number so you could build a database like the Sexual Predators system. Internet based so when you sidled up to your next prospective mate she could find your shortcomings via her cell phone.

… besides, that pick up line was truly awful, now she suspects …

Yep, he’s a certified angler.

Death Wish XVI: The Stream Why

It was the same eerie death rattle I’d heard earlier from Wally, who was keenly aware of the piles of rods, waders, and tackle, being transferred from porch to vehicle, and once freed found two cars in the driveway with doors open – and he’d made a dash for the Old Familiar.

Tail thudding a steady beat, big pink tongue lolling at half mast, he’s regarding me from the back of the Chandler automobile, “I’m going to Sizz-ler, we going fish-ing, I’m going…” wet tongue pauses in mid pant, huh, Tennis?

A big Charlie Brown wail of anguish as Miss Nancy disappears in a cloud of dust, Sausage Dog trying to claw his way out the rear window …


Now I’m replaying the same scene, my navigator’s fingernails clawing desperately at the passenger armrest – as civilization and pavement becomes a memory, “No, you Caustic Ignoramus – I meant hard left!” – triggering yet another four point broadslide in loose aggregate, tires snarling for purchase as we careen through the woods.

“Jesus Tom, a little lead time on them directions would be appreciated, something akin to ‘at the next bloated deer carcass, make a left.’ ”

“Hush, I’m confusing your innate sense of direction, Break Right, RIGHT I said!”

Rocks and tree limbs bounce off the undercarriage, and we’re plowing sideways through another stand of small pines, 140 degrees into the full 360, when the tires find narrow purchase on the tent of unwary campers; kids and adults scatter screaming, and we’re through their dining area and clawing onto the road pulling a festive streamer of laundry and barking dogs…

“There, right there – go down that!”

I make out a dim track between tall pines and cut the lights, and as we jostle down the rocky path TC is scanning for enraged pursuers. “OK,” he says, “now the tricky part – I’m going to have to blindfold you.”

Before I can protest, my vision is obscured by an empty gallon sized “Baja Picante” Doritos bag thrust over my head, and I can’t help sneezing uncontrollably as each dip and bulge in the road shakes additional dust from bottom seam – all the while listening intently to “left, gas, right, brake, hard left,” from the passenger seat.

“We’re there, can you see the river?”

“Nope, TC – can I remove the fuggin bag now?”

“In a sec (I can hear the whine of the camera autofocus, click-whirr, click-whirr), OK – now you can.”

I’m clawing at the door, eyes watering from the combined Picante and pepper,  trying to blow the last of the potato chips out of my nose – and there’s a sudden steely grip on my arm. “Wait, I should warn you – there’s mosquitos.”

I crack the door anyway and we’re instantly inhaling waves of blood seeking flying suction. Two grown men making schoolgirl noises intent on securing whichever bag contains the worst chemicals. Out of my vest comes the last of the vintage Muskol, 100% DEET – guaranteed to cause birth defects, melt fly lines, and kill everything – including the wearer.

TC is doing homage to Michael Jackson away from the vehicle, attempting to shoot some inferior aerosol product on all the pertinent limbs, both his and the neighboring pines, and managing a reasonable falsetto while doing so.

I dived into the safety of my sweltering cocoon of neoprene to reduce exposure, then combed a generous double handful through my hair – and the pair of us re-emerge looking like slickened stock brokers, but we’re no longer a food group.

The mosquitos are at a safe distance, but undeterred; they know what we know – it’s early yet and with the heat of midday, coupled with a vast expanse of flank steak, that impenetrable barrier of protection will weaken with each droplet of perspiration…

I’m preparing the next edgy retort – when I’m robbed of speech; despite the dented truck smoldering nearby, and after donating a couple of pints of Hemoglobin, I’m surrounded by the Mother of All Pristine.

A boneyard of aspen and pine

An alpine torrent surrounded by lush vascular growth, framed by fallen trees and deadheads. It’s a rare moment for any fisherman, and happens a half dozen times in our travels, the solitude and majesty of your surroundings is first in the retelling, and fishing may serve only as punctuation to the story.

“Watch out for the Cow Flop, it’s fresh …”

My revery is punctured grapically, yet I’m wondering about the role reversal; I’m the hardened callous urbanite – what wades in a chemical cesspool, and Mr. Bamboo Nestle-Anti-Christ is swilling Wasabi Peas, painting the forest with noxious chemicals, and ignoring the barbed wire …

“Catch the first fish, fling something over by that log there..”

I yank out some line and prepare to cast when I see the look of consternation on my host, “… the downstream dry fly – Oh well, if you must…” TC’s fumbling with the blue kerchief knotted around his neck as a mosquito barrier, and I can just make out its transformation to nimbly tied cravat – which makes me feel the better, as I’m much more comfortable as a callous heathen than consummate champion of the Wild.

A rare straight stretch

The fishing was extra-ordinary – and we developed a modified variant of the “Cover two” – where one fellow leapfrogs the other while offering biting commentary, stomping the bank near his pal’s feeding fish, or hurls a soggy cigar butt into the midst of the prime lie …

… and absolutely none of it mattered.

TC pretends to need stealth

The fish ate dry flies all day, and with the dense timber every pool was a blend of shade and direct sunlight, offering both bugs and fish someplace to hatch or eat from morning till dark.

Beautiful little brown trout that ate without restraint and whose coloration was dictated by hiding place; dark fish under the log jams, light fish in the riffles, and golden bellied to match the instream mix of volcanic rock and downed timber.

Unmarred by hooks, and the fly du jour - a blue dun Humpy, with yeller belly

Ample shade offered a lot of egg laying stoneflies; golden’s interspersed with the smaller olive, and the occasional giant stone. Mosquito’s outnumbered everything but the repeated stop to re-dip the upper torso kept everything but the pesky bluebottles at arm’s length.

Dark - under the logjam fish

TC offered up some dried “kibble” bar for lunch, so I had to break out the chemical mainstays; trail mix with M&M’s, accompanied by a piquant fistful of Chevron station Teriyaki beef jerky.

I’m not sure that he wasn’t asking the same question, “did I put this in the pocket for the Sausage Dog, or is this human food?”

He swore this wasn't Wally kibble“Tom, you ever consider flaking this greenish-Wally kibble up and selling it by the kilo?”

It actually tasted pretty good – but after six hours of humping logs, concrete would’ve had its moments too…

Two tired and appreciative old guys embarrassed by the bounty of riches, buttressing our obscene resolve to catch even more fish, hoping that last swig was off the hydration pack and not the Muskol bottle…

Light colored mid riffle variant of brown trout

“OK, on the way out we make a mad dash for the truck, toss your gear in the back at the run, then drive up the ridge in your waders until it’s safe, then we can stow everything.”

“Do I have to wear the Doritos sack again? Might slow us considerably.”

Tom Chandler and prayer pose

“Nice one, Smartass – just remember not to remember anything.”

Role reversal followed by living Catch-22 – and I’m giggling wondering whether Yossarian or Major Major is my co-pilot.

I mash gas and it’s  academic, we’re both careening about the cab in a dash for freedom.

Grab a rod for its length versus label, a reel for storage, a handful of simulated insects which have no latin counterpart, and go someplace singular – populated with scrappy fish whose idea of selectivity is hiding under a log. It’s exactly what lured us to the sport in our youth – one really superb day, forging a lifelong pursuit of another just like it.

My thanks to my host for sharing something truly spectacular.

(No, I can’t find it again, but as the directions to the party you were supposed to go to were on my dash – suggesting you were relieved of that responsibility, you owe bigtime …)

Risky given its connection to cholesterol

Tom Chandler of the Trout Underground has been rather tight lipped of late so I knew something was in the works…

Espionage being crucial to us dirty water anglers – and with an embossed invite to fish the Upper Sacramento as a token gesture his guest, provided I bought all new wading attire and tackle, I figured to scoop the rest of the angling press by sneaking into his workshop the night before – to see what he’s working on ..

Wally isn’t a threat unless you run out of Slim Jim’s …

While innovative, I could see nothing “revolutionary” in its design or utility – nor could I find any bamboo present, although it was locked and I couldn’t make out the faux wood in the center console …

The SlawDog?

I’m not sure whether it’s the “Slaw Dodge” or “Slawdog” – the badging was still incomplete.

It’s a helluva gamble given the state of the economy, but with GM gone it appears the path to World Domination may go through Mount Shasta.