Category Archives: humor

Thirty Six miles of Maybe

Sure I was moving a little fast for my own good, but I was convinced I’d discovered the Holy Grail of Cloisonné (klaus-un-nay), that multifilament braided mylar tinsel we’ve adopted for steelhead flies. It is great stuff, available in silver and gold, never tarnishes and was a fly tier’s dream compared to all the thread-cored mylar tinsels of recent manufacture.

My $39.95 covered a lifetime supply plus postage from Asia.

… Oh, it’s a lifetime supply sure enough, only I missed the yarn sizing and wound up with 45000 yards each of Dark Olive and Pearlescent superfine tinsel-thread

Imagination meets Desperation, the one pounder

… that’s eighteen miles of each color.

Now I’ve got to figure something that uses a ^%$# ton of it.

It runs contrary to my ethics to invent a couple dozen patented killers, then claim how much of a favor I’m doing you by selling you some teensy dust mote of the stuff … the fly shops have plowed that ground thoroughly.

But it does represent the last unspeakable variant of fly tying creativity, the collision of Imagination and Desperation. Us “scroungers” have been here many times and can only be thankful it’s not a full Bull Elk hide dripping in my driveway.

It’s too wide and breaks too easily to use as thread, but it would lend itself to being doubled over and used to replace all the other pearlescent components we’ve accumulated over the last couple of years. I could make a spun round tinsel, shellbacks for nymphs, wingcases, Easter basket dressing …


… or I could tie the entire blessed imitation out of the stuff and hope for the best.

It’s dry, doesn’t stink, and can be stashed away from prying feminine eyes eager to pounce on my mistakes (after the obligatory lecture or two).

Trout flies come to mind and I managed to burn a foot building the little mayfly nymph above … 149,000 more and I’ll wish I’d bought two cones instead of the single …

I prefer the term unrepentant – society locks up those other fellows.

Tags: mylar thread, bulk fly tying materials, ice yarns, Turkey, mayfly nymph, Cloisonné, tinsel, fly tying

What sins are hidden away in your life list?

I'm apologizing to It! I ate everything I ever kept in saltwater, even when I found out that Rainbow Perch was most plentiful around the sewage outlets in San Francisco Bay.

They were plentiful and I was determined to exploit them, never thinking about the estrogen and grey water, and had I known it wouldn’t have mattered – Big City girls thought fish were born in Saran wrap and got the price sticker in adulthood, I was on the outs with the cheerleaders already.

I ate everything I ever kept in freshwater too – except for that Largemouth Bass from Lake Merced. I’d commissioned a couple of ne’er-do-wells to row me around the gray-green water while I flung a monstrous Purple spinnerbait. That snag turned out to be a six pound largemouth, and my youthful delight at confirming the Loch Ness monster of the lower lake tempted me to keep it.

Pop made tracings of the corpse and Ma dutifully cooked it, but nothing could make the jaw move after the first forkful entered. It was if you’d licked the glass of an aquarium …

… completely committed, like one of Ma’s chocolate icing spoons.

Now that the Winnemem Wintu tribal dancers are enroute to New Zealand to apologize to the salmon, in hopes of restoring them to California, a fellow has to look at the carnage and snelled hooks in his wake to see whether apologies are in order.

In a lifetime of fishing I’ve never toed my opponent into the brush, never tossed a stringer full of sunwarmed fish back into the depths, nor mutilated or mangled the vanquished for my amusement or for those with me. I’ve killed plenty, but made it as quick and painless as possible.

One moment of weakness on my sixteenth birthday, where I told Pop I could pass for fifteen for a couple years more, and his ethics made my path plain, “you’re the biggest fishkillingest SOB in the family, and you’ll buy a license like everyone else.”

There is one sodden red check mark near the blank pages yet to be written. I made sport of a Fillet O’ Fish, took it’s name in vain, and sprayed it across Ronald McDonald’s midsection enroute to the trash …

It’s not sport unless you can see your quarry’s eyes – and while I’m sure there are dozens of pairs within that ground, unnaturally pasty flesh, our meeting was chance – and not on the field of battle.

I’ll apologize to it them – when Ronald McDonald apologizes to me.

Tags: Ronald McDonald, Fillet O’ Fish, Winnemem Wintu, apologize to salmon, fishing humor, rainbow perch, San Francisco bay, big city girls, fishing, Saranwrap

Based on the grin alone, it’s fly fishing

I got the message The myth has it patrolled ruthlessly by a grizzled fellow in overalls whose well oiled Blunderbuss is flanked by aimlessly scratching hounds – who are wary of his large plug of chaw – which is spat indiscriminately at dogs, feet, and anything else that ain’t nailed down.

Last week while surveying the fishless Little Stinking, Travelwriter let it drop that down the road from his vast holdings, existed a farm pond where huge fish porpoised lazily in pursuit of flies. As these were few and far between – amused themselves by eating ducks in between chewing on rubber tires and the shattered remnants of rowboats, the only trace of the fellows that tried it last year, all of whom are still missing.

I’d had to pause in our casting lesson and deliver a stern admonishment, “firstly, a farm pond is a sacred thing, it could be the greatest fishing ever experienced by mortal man, or it could well be lifeless. Secondly, you’ve mastered the Third Law of Fly fishing – the casual private property name droppage, followed by the offhand mention of a white whale, or reasonable facsimile.”

“But you’ve got to learn to cast more than seventeen feet, Grasshopper – try to use less toes on your next forward cast …”

I’ve never met a pond I didn’t like, especially when trying to teach some fellow the rudiments of fly casting. I was hoping it would be full of starving stunted fish that gave no quarter and asked for none.

The fabled "Pond X"

Weed lined, perhaps a little over an acre in size, and 10 feet deep and the center … owning a flair for the dramatic she was dubbed, “Pond X.”

Travelwriter and I wandered around the edge tossing different colors of the Little Stinking Olive, which were received warmly – by small bass and bluegill.

With the blackest lateral line I've seen

… which owned the blackest, most vivid lateral line I’ve seen. The fish were in wonderful shape and most were under a pound. The owner had mentioned much larger fish present – but it was a blustery day, and a bit early yet. The spawn will be starting soon, no redds were yet visible and I assumed most of the fish were hanging in the deeper water, still a bit lethargic.

“ I see a fish … I see a fish, he’s right out from me”, came the wail from the tules behind me. Travelwriter was dancing with excitement, unsure what to do while pointing his rod at the offending beast. I says, “good, now catch the damn thing.”

“I got a fish, I GOT a fish” was the response. Naturally I dropped everything to immortalize the moment, “ … he was right out from me so I dropped the fly in the water and jiggled it … he ATE it … is that fly fishing?”

TravelWriter busts a cap on the Bass

I didn’t have the heart to tell him about all of the sins committed under the guise of fly fishing; how throwing the rod, rocks, or merely diving in with a loincloth and Buck knife could be loosely construed as same…

travel_victim2 “… now we’ve got to work on the pose, Grasshopper. That ain’t a Burrito, and your quarry is deserved of a little dignity, so hold it right side up, and give me a grimace … stretch them arms toward me to magnify …wipe that grin off your face … Oh, hell, we’ll work on the pinup later.”

“Grab that roach clip off’n your vest and see if you can’t remove that barbless hook without half the gills coming with it.”

Hell yes, based on the size of that grin, it’s fly fishing.

Tags: A Wannabe Travelwriter, farm pond, largemouth Black Bass, fly fishing, fly fishing humor, little stinking olive, bluegill,

A little imagination and a gubernatorial Prius to save the day

Wedged in the lock, problem solved Michigan is all over the news of late, largely because of the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear their case against Asian carp, Illinois and the Port of Chicago. Denied a second time yesterday (without explanation) the Court has one last hearing of the “Chicago Diversion” case in April – which many will say is too late.

“It makes sense for the Supreme Court to appoint a special master who’s an expert on this and have them take a look,” Schreck said. “Otherwise, they’re essentially telling six states to take a hike. I don’t think we’ve seen that very often.”

On other fronts, the first stonefly was discovered in the main branch of the Rouge River (also Michigan) – and Friends of the Rouge immediately claimed water quality improvements had borne fruit…

Both Non-Profits and Politicians are notoriously humorless and instead opted for a mixture of handwringing and elation …

I would have declared the Stonefly an invasive species, immediately requesting a tasty slice of the 78 million in “Obamabux” earmarked for the Great Lakes, dropped some cyclone fence into the water connected to car batteries, then blamed Illinois anglers for importing the sumbitch on felt soles …

The citizenry can rest easy knowing there’s no angler in office, as the result would be a couple of gunboats anchored in the harbor and a brigade of Michigan National Guard relieving the lock operators at sword’s point.

Subterfuge is required, which is why I’d suggest sending a couple of Toyota Prius’s screaming into the drink, neatly preventing the lock’s opening – and while the National Transportation and Safety engineers bickered with Toyota – the Great Lakes would be safe.

…for months.

Tags: Toyota Prius, Michigan National Guard, Asian Carp, Supreme Court, stonefly, Obamabux, Chicago Diversion

One day the grocery lady will fix you with that steely gaze

Shopping The comment echoed as if it were yesterday. My buddy and I frozen in appreciation of the measured stride of some long-legged vision negotiating the corner crosswalk. We’re doing our best not to stare, yet as the thoroughbred approaches we realize she’s still in high school…

… which didn’t slow us down much, but we knew once she found out we were the same age as “Dad” – her drawn out “..Eeew..” would be the Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Male Ego, and we’d crawl away broken men.

I mentioned to my pal, who was older, “I’m thirty-something and feel like I just got out of High School.” He replied, “So do I, but old is when the lady behind the checkout counter calls you ‘Sir’.”

As it took an impossibly long time to get old, I figured it would be six or seven decades before I’d even flirt with the issue.

He was spot on. She’s got her hand out for your cash while the “MacDaddy” pose crumbles, the held breath exhales sharply – and you realize she’d dismissed you while you pawed carrots in the produce aisle.

(Cut to present day)

Out of a dusty drawer came “Old One-Seventy-Nine” – a Dyna-King Professional (Serial #179) purchased the first year the vice was available. I’d never grown overly comfortable with the big slotted jaw and realized I’d better get around to purchasing a set of midge jaws before they vanished forever.

Naturally, the old jaws wouldn’t come out, so I appealed to Dyna-King for assistance.

Shannon replied: “ the back end of the jaws have possibly been ‘smashed up’ over time from the cam handle, causing them to be snug through the body. If you still are unable to pull them out you can certainly send the vise in and we can take care of it for you.”

Having plenty of experience busting fine engineering with medieval German-esque hand tools, I opted for the safer course of action.


Enclosed you’ll find the stem and jaws of my Dyna-King Professional, Serial # 179. I’ve secured the replacement midge jaws to the vise via rubberband …

The reply came back quickly, “Damn that’s old.”

Cue the sharp exhale of breath, and the inaudible mumble of protest when the bagger offers to push my shopping cart  to the vehicle for me. I’ll just dodder along in her wake …

Tags: Dyna-King Professional, midge jaw replacement, old guy, misspent youth, gene pool, MacDaddy

Your Honor, a poor knot doesn’t imply premeditation

The Victim As a really tasty “pain and suffering” verdict could be in excess of twenty million, now’s the time to look hard at your legal staff.

I’ll be sprawled amidst all that oak and cow leather sending another smoke ring towards the ceiling fan, while the earnest young chap insists he’s onboard … he’s got the full weight of his sprawling legal enterprise behind my corpulent frame …

… then I’ll stob the cigar out on his forearm, and if he flinches slightly I’ll be looking for another legal team to defend my use of barbless hooks, light tippets, and small flies.

Fly fishing will be part rodeo spectacle and part courtroom drama. We’ll have stern accusations, wooden faced judges, and be paraded through the docket in an orange jumpsuit, but there won’t be any victims.

… no maimed witness to demonstrate our instream excesses, no grieving relatives to narrate the hideous deed, and only the warden and his ever present stopwatch between us and freedom…

Last month, Antoine Goetschel went to court here in defense of an unusual client: a 22-pound pike that had fought a fisherman for 10 minutes before surrendering.

via The Wall Street Journal

… because dead fish tell no tales.

It’ll undo the last couple of decades of conservation ethic, and angling organizations will have full color brochures on how best to off your quarry with dignity – we’ll finally listen to doctors and be surprised how good fish taste …

Largely because our neighbors are no longer interested in being an accomplice to our crime.

“0X is the new 8x” – the Boomers will claim, and we’ll be launching curious or dim witted six inch smolts into orbit – compliments of long rods and hawser cable tippet.

… and when that nearly imperceptible take occurs, and the warden steps out of the underbrush holding the incriminating stopwatch, we won’t be worried about the niceties much, it’ll be hand over hand – dog the fins down with piggin strings, yank the gills and lower jaw hook out and yell “Time.”

The case revolved around the idea that the pike suffered excessively because of how long it took for the angler to reel it in. Mr. Goetschel lost the case last month, but is considering an appeal.

The IGFA will pull a “Tiger Woods”, confessing their Director of the 2lb tippet class always seemed a bit twitchy – but he’ll wash up somewhere, likely with his commodore hat still set at a rakish angle.

Barbless hooks will disappear along with the barbaric regulations that promoted unnecessary suffering, along with dry flies – when chicken feathers prove unable to float that meaty treble.

… and you’ll be demonstrating fly tying technique and hook removal to both Fish & Game and your insurance agent, as there’s no chance you’ll be licensed without being bonded.

It’s a bold new litigious world your kids will inherit.

Tags: animal lawyer, animal rights, Pike, Antoine Goetschel, fly fishing the Bloodsport, animal cruelty, Tiger Woods, IGFA, dry flies, Tiger Woods, heavy tippet

The Director turns to you and asks, “fluorocarbon or regular Mono?”

Most of you missed the most important Oscar of the evening. It wasn’t Best Picture or Best Plastic Surgeon, rather it was the Oscar for Most Lifelike Portrayal of an Inanimate Object by an Out of Work Angler…

Somewhere between your groggily becoming aware of the festivities and the consumption of night before last’s leftovers, some poor fellow strode to the podium (looking uncomfortable) and accepted his destiny.


Acceptance speech wasn’t terribly memorable, but then jigging cheetah skinned  underwear as it attacks sorority girls isn’t terribly memorable either.

We naturally perk up anytime Hollywood intrudes into our rarified space, debating everything from casting doubles to fly pattern selection. No doubt you’ll complain that a six weight would’ve been more lifelike – but the sorority girls will ensure it’s queued on your Netflix.

Tags: Attack of the Killer Thong, Netflix, fishing, sorority girls, Oscars, the out-of-work angler

We put the Junk in Junk Food – a Superbowl photo journal

Little Stinking in between rain showers

A Saturday scout in between rain showers. The Little Stinking, swollen and defiant… Bagged it in preference to assembling an artery hardening ensemble of deep fried, coagulated, and partially hydrogenated Superbowl chow.

Superbowl Sunday

It was the Czech’s against the Slovak’s at my place – and the first quarter featured Strawberry Yogurt Pretzels and  …


… Brachycentrus, which suddenly sprouted a hint of Claret to match – washed down with a fully leaded French Roast chaser.

Dree Brees removes Indianapolis body parts from his facemask

The second quarter started briskly, and while Drew Brees clawed a couple of Indianapolis body parts out of his facemask, the Czech’s retaliated with …

Black Beans featuring Cilantro and Tomato

… the Black Bean, Cilantro and Tomato nymph. I was a mess – hyped on sugar, caffeine, and with a methane potential of a herd of fattened bovines.

.. and the Aint's are beginning to ..

By the third quarter the Saint’s fans were getting raucous while the Indianapolis crowd grew silent. As the excitement grew I was noisily toasting each and every catch, run, and timeout. I’d sworn off the bean dip, yet it would haunt me throughout the day.

Yogurt Stained finger nymph  

The spinach and black olive veggie loaf was the antidote – yet it added a certain hallucinogenic bent. Embellishments started to come unbidden to the latest Czech patterns – and the book was closed in favor of the Sunset Rhyacophila …


By the fourth quarter I was on the downward spiral while the Saint’s began their ascendancy. The down side being that the obscene mixture ingested allowed me to translate both Czech and Slovak – and I could read the giggles and catcalls from the tiers whose patterns I was attempting to reproduce.

The Pepcid-Maalox Olive Dun

… which was a warning sign it was time to hit the medicine cabinet, but not before finishing a dozen of the Pepcid-Maalox Olive Dun in size 14 …

I think I missed the Lombardi trophy, but I was past caring …

Tags: Czech nymphs, Olive Dun, Slovak fly tiers, Czech fly patterns, Brachycentrus, Rhyacophila, Super Bowl, California cuisine, Maalox, fly tying

They rattle around in the box when startled

They are easily startled It didn’t work back in the Sixties, when J. Edgar and his G-Men encouraged academics to rename the lowly “Egbert Carp” to “Grass Carp” as it’s known today.

The conservatives figured it would end the Hippy movement, with the participants lulled into toking away on a bowl of fish spleen …

… it didn’t work too well. Mainly because the Egbert was tough to keep lit, and even if you removed the scales it was awful harsh …

Louisiana figures they can handle their Asian Carp issue by promoting the culinary aspects of this mighty gamefish, and rechristening it the “Silverfin.”

Them Southern boys know a thing or two. While the Yankee states fight each other is court – allowing the gleaming hordes of Carp unfettered access to the Great Lakes, Louisiana will be fighting to the last Man with what it does best, deep fry.

Louisiana is known for its food, Parola said. So rather than poisoning the fish to get rid of them like northern states have done, wildlife officials are opting to make them an appetizing meal.

With one of the highest obesity rates in the lower 48, they’ve got a better than average chance of winning, but “Silverfin” is a bit on the flowery side, and doesn’t embody gluttony the way that, “Buffalo Winged Frying Fish” might.

… and with McDonald’s carefully monitoring the trend, if the steam reconstituted, mechanically seperated,  Asian Carp is indistinguishable from the Chicken McNoogie – it’s game over for our shy silver visitor.

Tags: Asian Carp, McDonald’s, Louisiana, deep fry, Silverfin, obesity, J. Edgar Hoover, Grass Carp, don’t Bogart that Carp, Yankee