Category Archives: humor

I call it four grabs and a welcome asterisk

It's his lake, the rest of us are backdrop

I lack the Warden-aint-looking-Velveeta “rod holder”, the depth meter, but more importantly I’m missing that gracious and relaxed look that comes with consistent success.

I was too busy sulking to notice. Fishing is five grabs – and if you’re lucky enough to hook most of them it’s a good day; sunburn hurts less, dinner tastes better, and the mosquitoes bother some other unfortunate.

Me. Mostly.

I flopped around trying secret and double-secret, figuring with each new color I’d unlock the lake and its secrets, but it was for naught. The weather was friendly, yet the fishing remained deathly.

calibaetis spinner

Not a Factor.

My Savior

Why you keep a #10 Adams in a box of #16’s

After the sixth or seventh honey bee floated by I was rethinking the McGinty – and why hadn’t I been smart enough to have a half dozen at the ready…

Everywhere was “Pizza” water. Toppings included every terrestrial not supposed to be there, a smattering of everything that belonged, throw in some midges just to confound everyone and a rise was something to dread, not its normal welcome quickening.

Two fish over was the fellow that likes mayfly, and I’d just cast at the fish that prefers Ladybug…

… and that welcome breeze, the one that adds enough cooling to your burnt forearms so’s you won’t notice – suddenly delivers enough protein to wake up everything downwind plus sending the sunbathers screaming.

It’s the reason you have that one bedraggled #10 Adams in your box of sixteen’s – where you pray you used lots of black thread, because having tried everything earlier, you know you’re lacking ants of any shape or color.

A deft use of the nippers – a bit of artistic license, and sent on its way with a prayer. The first fish shakes it loose in midair, and with only four grabs left …

Why you have a #10 Adams

… that satisfying feeling of a solid hookup. Large meat heading for the weeds and suddenly 5X is too thin, gossamer even.

Everything looks better

Suddenly everything looks better. The girls are prettier, the sky bluer, dinner is strictly gourmet, and there’s still some fish working. No one’s noticed – none have crept closer, and after those two Canada Geese trail past my fly …

NO. He did not just eat that

(The honker is making a wry face, beak and tongue suddenly active)

… and the line is moving smartly from the slack position to nearly taught.

Canada Geese love big dries

Time freezes.

The little Devil on my left shoulder says, “ Dude, figure she’s nearly eight or nine pounds, that bitch can peel line …”

The lesser Devil on my right says, “True, but you’ve got about 60 small children and parents on the beach to your left, that Honker is going to scream bloody murder, likely go airborne – and while you’re flying that kite with your click-pawl pointing its ugly finger right at you, the entire National Park Service is going beat you to death in a really public way.”

… so I feed slack as fast as I can, the Goose is still mouthing frantically and I’m praying the last of my five grabs is a clean miss.

Ptui … and the fly drops safely into the water.

Left shoulder Devil isn’t done yet, “Dude, that counts. It’s aquatic, it lives here – it’s natural, and it was a clean take.”

Right side responds quickly enough, “ An asterisk at best, what’s important is that as the National Park Service has recently converted from wheel guns to the Model 92 – featuring 15 in the clip and one in the pipe – they’ve stopped counting until the slide locks at empty.”

We all agreed that was a good point.

Stifle the Giggles or you’re in Contempt

I’m not sure my wooden visage could stand the strain. Facing the Magistrate in all seriousness – and staring at 12 years in the Big House, I’d make a yeoman’s attempt …

“Honest, Your Honor, me and Bob there – was actually shark fishing, and them chocolate swizzling Dutchmen just opened fire out of pure orneriness …

Yessir, it was my AK and the RPG was mine too, but we was toodling around looking for a big Finn to blow holes in – not them scrawny Dutchies …”

If Twinkies and coke could get Dan White a reduced sentence, I’d gamble Hizzonor was a fisherman and take my chances – hoping “Bob” could keep his giggles under control – and not blow snot all over my sweet smelling defense attorney.

Captured by Danish commandos, after having their inflatable sunk by freighter-based signal flares, five Somali’s are opting for the “we wuz merely fishing” defense …

Farah Ahmed Yusuf, 25, accused the cargo ship of attacking the Somalis after engine failure had forced them to abandon their shark fishing expedition and seek help.

"The intention was to fish," he said.

"As we came closer, we put our hands in the air. While we had our hands in the air, they shot at us. They attacked us."

I’d call it a dry, it’s mostly barbless, but I’m unsure whether it’s cast with a one hander or something bigger … I’ll take a dozen however – as an RPG would prove useful in heavy traffic.

and only this oldie-but-goodie to demonstrate proper technique.

Tags: RPG, Somalia pirates, Fishing Defense, shark fishing, Dan White, Twinkies

Hail the returning warriors and their feats of daring

Pioneer_Starbucks Yet another reason to fiddle with caustic chemicals and satanic dyeing ritual; when the French Press dies an ignoble death after being rapped too harshly on the sink – you’re only mildly put out …

Two fur strainers and a paper towel, and Starbuck’s is a distant memory.

With the entire angling world returning from three days in the piney woods with matching stubble and tales of hardship, I wanted to show solidarity …

Extra pioneer points scored for the remnants of blue green fur by the handle.

Tasted pretty damn good too.

Tags: French Press, French roast, inmate coffee, invention, dyeing fur, fly tying

The Top 10 Undiscovered Secrets of Tiger Woods

Forbes Magazine has the golfing community in an uproar after it dared  publish the Top 10 PGA holes that contain Monster Bass. I was a bit perplexed at the ferocious response by golf’s governing entity, as almost every major publication has already exposed Tiger’s favorite 10 holes …

… and as “Chee-tah” doesn’t play public courses it’s a surefire course lifelist for them as ply both crafts.

… he usually returns to the hole in the late afternoon, when most golfers have left the course. He slings casts right from the green. "There are some huge bass in that pond," he says. And there’s plenty of room for your backcast.

There’ll be plenty of incensed blue bloods with gendarmes at their beck and call, but it would make a hell of an alternative fly fishing video, what with the face paint, tallboys, and enraged patrons wearing plaid.

The Blue Monster

– via Forbes Magazine (click on the above to see the Top 10)

Baird is part of an unofficial PGA Tour fishing club, a group of players that brings along both rods and clubs to tournaments. The water hazards they avoid during competitive rounds? With rod in hand, those ponds and creeks transform into fishing sweet spots. Many courses in the country frown upon fishing the hazards, but look the other way when it comes to Tour pros. At Sawgrass, only Tour players are allowed to fish.

… legally, perhaps. But the half dozen lawsuits filed by Trout Unlimited, whose board members actually want to play there, but aren’t rich enough, will blaze the trail for the rest of us more pedestrian fishermen.

We’ll be quiet as church mice, and apologize profusely if some predatory heavy-gutted Largemouth decides to tail walk through the lilies and fetch both our fly and that errant tee shot.

Tags: PGA golf fishing, black bass, Tiger’s favorite 10 holes, golfing, Trout Unlimited, Tiger Woods

Fair, Balanced, and completely ignorant of what the poor fellow is talking about

walter-cronkite It’s bad enough they’ve had to exhume Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow six or seven times – largely due to the vibrations of them turning in the grave was scaring school kids.

… and major networks have to use slogans like, “fair and balanced”  to remind themselves why they’re filming some powdered milquetoast in the first place.

The reporting of news has been dead for some time, with the promotion of non-news a weak substitute.

Consider the poor fly tyer or fishing expert on display for the local citizenry; he’s already sweating profusely with all those curious eyes staring fixedly, and Jimmy Olsen Cub Reporter wads a microphone in his face for the obligatory soundbyte – hoping he’ll mention something scatological or completely profound, and not caring which …

Our hero does his best to mention aquatic insects, catch & release, stream stewardship, invasive species, and the weight-free nature of fly fishing versus heaving a projectile …

… and wakes the next morning to :

To catch fish, anglers must use proper bait, ****** said. He explained that fly fishing requires a particular kind of pole, string and bait because trout eat aquatic insects.

“On a regular fishing pole, the bait is weighted, but on a fly fishing pole the bait is so light that the string is the weight,” ****** said.

******** of Trout Unlimited demonstrated how fly fishing bait is created. He used feathers, wire and other light materials to tie a fly that would be the same weight as the insects.

It’s plain that our friend Jimmy scribbled little during the interview, and was gazing intently at the Jailbait selling Cotton Candy – hoping his press credential would mean something.

It never fails to make my teeth grate noisily. My only solace knowing once Jimmy is promoted to full time anchor he’ll drop an “F-Bomb” while interviewing Martha Stewart or confuse the Dalai Lama with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s …

… that red blinking light on the camera, that’s your career light Jimmy-Boy

Tags: bad journalism, fourth estate, Fair and Balanced, fly fishing show, fly fishing bait, fly fishing pole, fly fishing string

Dump the Hodgeman stock and short SIMM’s

Waterproof and breathable is so yesterday, along with all that Extreme you hoped to find. Simm’s will never recover and it seems water repelling rubber soles are the new aesthetic  – with both cleats and felt discarded out of hand.

Likewise for fly rods and Tenkara, as the real aficionados will be touting bare knuckle.

… and for the devout, you’ll have to rework the Jesus legend, as “Ulf” appears to enjoy similar powers …

Those long August afternoons offer ample cross training opportunities, and come the evening hatch you can run right out there with the rest of the throng and grab the fish by the lower lip just as it breaks the surface.

Mayfly? Denied!

Tags: Liquid Mountaineering, walking on water, something to do when fishing sucks,

A fitting end to a “Wedding Cake” Fin Nor

The miracle of modern chemistry Six weeks of rehab isn’t changing anything, it’s just celebrity traffic school for first offenders. Like the Phoenix, recently emerged and armed with the verve of the righteous, we’re supposed to wear our addictions like the Albatross, around the neck.

Proof positive that we’ve licked the Beast, or at least that’s what our press agent claims…

They missed all the really compelling addictions, certainly all those related to fishing and the outdoors – and not even a 24K clumsily rolled roach in honor of Tom Stienstra.

For fly tiers it would have to be Sterling silver hackle pliers. The bulk of our milk and egg money was pizzled away on exotic chickens while the kids went hungry. In the wrong company they could pass as a roach clip – that way you don’t have to reveal your obsession to them as are uninterested in anything other than your hoarding of the Tofu-Watermelon sandwiches.

hardy_necklace The rest of us could wear a fragment of the $800 rod we sat on, perhaps with the label foremost – or at least a guide wrap visible so we could give each other the nod, and cluck our tongues in commiseration.

… and it would be a great way to part with that odd extra spool from a reel long past its prime. Put an hour and minute hand on it and claim how you and Flava Flav invented wrap music.

Yeah Boy!

Tags: wearable addiction, hardy spool, Flava Flav, rap, hackle pliers, Tom Stienstra, Cast of vices

He didn’t pay attention to the limit either

The limit was five, ten in possession Here I think I’ve got it bad – a two year ban on salmon fishing and me and my fellows either gashing ourselves over too much water or too little, and now they’ve banned fishing on the Sea of Galilee

… makes you wonder whether that magistrate or agency middle manager wasn’t feeling the heat of a thunderbolt when he put that pen to paper.

So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” 9 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

As the above passage suggests, given a little wiggle room, anglers have exploited fisheries since ancient times. Little doubt that all of Pontius Pilate’s regulations were ignored – who wouldn’t throw caution to the wind when the fellow yanking on the net next to you could walk on water?

As TC is wont to say, a sure sign of the coming apocalypse …

Tags: Sea of Galilee, fishing pressure, fishery closure, Jesus, Simon, walk on water,

Thirty five Chickens or a couple boxes of stale Ho-Ho’s

Breakfast will be a bit of a liability, but I can just point out the cars in the parking lot with coolers.  While he’s separating the body and chassis by way of the ripped off door, I’ll be cleaning my fingernails and keeping an eye out for cops. “Big Fluffy” as a sidekick kind of opens the field a bit allowing me to ignore most human niceties, fishing regulations, trespassing issues, and neatly guarantees my solitude in your riffle.

Brutus the grizzly bear enjoys his 25,000-calorie breakfast — 35 pounds of treats such as raw chickens or carrot cake — but when his human best friend, naturalist Casey Anderson, presents him with a fresh, flopping fish, Brutus is confused and uninterested.  Raised by Casey from birth, Brutus is used to having his food delivered.  Now, Casey sets off on an adventure to the Alaska wilderness to observe Brutus’ grizzly cousins salmon fishing, hoping to gain new insight into their technique and teach it to his six-foot, 800-pound, furry friend.


I want this guy’s job …

Once “Pooh Bear” and me shoulder through the remnants of the fly shop’s door jamb, I’d mention, to no one at large, “Brutus needs to learn to fish, I’ll take that Scott, two of those Sage’s, the zipper-front Simms, and a handful of those Bogdans in the display case – all on the house, right?”

… and if some fellow feeling plucky so much as trembles a lower lip, I’ll point and tell my furry pal, “Look BooBoo, it’s a talking Twinkie!” They don’t have to know that “Fleabit” only kills for red licorice – and they can find that out in syndication…

Then we get helicoptered into some serious pristine, and as I gear up – I’ll glance at the competition and tell Brutus, “clear the riffle …” The salmon and steelhead will be running – as will all the guides, nature lovers, and sleepy-eyed fellows that got there at the crack of dawn.

Any handler worth his salt recognizes there’s no need for a magnum sidearm, all that’s required to immobilize a hungry, charging bear is a theater sized Ju-Ju-Bee’s.

Tags: National Geographic channel, teach a bear to fish, salmon, grizzly bear, Bogdan, Scott, sage, simm’s, Casey Anderson