At least he tried, that’s more than I can say for the Tooth Fairy

While fishing I always am eyeballing “sign” – bird tracks, beaver tail drag marks, cloven hoof prints, you name it. It’s all part of the outdoors mystique, and occasionally might alert you to something worth knowing.

The Easter Bunny made the attempt, knowing my passion for jellybeans, but like usual I was waist deep in some toxic brew completely oblivious to its presence.

The Easter Bunny done crappled here

…but he left ample sign, and now some undeserving, angelic, rug-rat is scarfing my candy.

Ah well, at least it was thinking of me..

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1 thought on “At least he tried, that’s more than I can say for the Tooth Fairy

  1. Tom.m

    You gotta love Easter.I think this is probably the last year my wife and I will get to play all the mythical Bunny,Santa etc…He just turned 8 this monthand is getting to hard to fool
    Tom M.

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