Is this going to be a stand up fight or another bug hunt

I’ve always claimed foul on much of the environmental sciences simply because the message is so often co-opted as to be meaningless. This being an election year and with “rightsizing” re-entering the economic vocabulary, and every candidate eager to claim credit, it’s about time science was devolved into something we could all understand

Like mixing blown V-8’s, tow ropes, massive quantities of alcohol, and pump shotguns so we can denude both banks of the watershed of buildings and citizenry.

Obama’s Czar didn’t accomplish much beyond obfuscation of the issue, making impatient Illinois lawmakers plot to remove Big Government from natural resource protection, insisting us outdoorsy few can hold the breach into the Great Lakes via an impenetrable barrier of beer cans, dove loads, and cordite smoke …

Last week, Illinois Rep. Dave Winters (R-Shirland) introduced a bill that would amend the Fish and Aquatic Life Code, allowing registered gun owners in the state to shoot Asian carp "with a shotgun off of a motorboat in the Illinois River beginning with the 2013 licensing year."

– via The Huffington Post

Just Add more beer and full auto to the picture

While wrinkling my lips at bullshit science, I’ve always applauded Darwinism, and can only wait with great excitement as Youtube boils over with videos of screaming water-skiers, holes blown in boats and passengers, and bumper-to-bumper bridge traffic sprayed with all those leftover lead #8’s …

10 thoughts on “Is this going to be a stand up fight or another bug hunt

  1. JP2

    Beer and a pirch fork would work better,perhaps a 32 oz. Louisville Slugger….a wood one,none of this pingy aluminum crap…..

  2. Marty

    It will be Ok if they do it the green way and use steel shot to protect the waterfowl. Because waterfowl are controlled by the feds they will be involved,

  3. Steve Z

    I think this is a move in the right direction. Bow Hunting for fish is just lame; someone’s bound to get hurt. The application of large amounts of lead shot did wonders for the Passenger Pigeon, perhaps we can do the same to these carp.

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