Homeland Security to Preempt Public Lands near borders

Prohibits the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA) from taking action on public lands which impede the border security activities of the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) (Secretary). States that the Secretary shall have immediate access to any public land managed by the federal government in order to conduct activities that assist in securing the border (including access to maintain and construct roads, construct a fence, use patrol vehicles, and set up monitoring equipment). States that a specified waiver by the Secretary of certain laws regarding sections of the international border between the United States and Mexico and between the United States and Canada shall apply to all sections of the international land and maritime borders of the United States within 100 miles of such borders with respect to the Secretary’s activities under this Act.

cavity HR1505 is an interesting tidbit, allowing the Department of Homeland Security to preempt all other federal agencies and restrictions in the last 100 miles between the US and any external border.

Which implies they can rattle about in gas guzzling 4 wheel drive and two-stroke vehicles, and build a network of surveillance and roads the rest of us will quickly exploit as the quickest way to the Pristine – despite any former Wilderness or National Park protections.

I think their intent is not to make it easy for the US Border Patrol, instead are opting to restore that border to impermeable status with an injection of thousands of rubber gloved TSA agents.

All the illegal immigrants apprehended will resent being groped and fondled,  turn around and leave of their own accord.

2 thoughts on “Homeland Security to Preempt Public Lands near borders

  1. Lucky

    It’s not just DHS agents playing tag with grizzly bears on their 4-wheelers or building roads in National Parks. Take a look at the 1000+ page EIS for the Northern border plan.


    This is about building guard towers, fences, moats, roads, gun emplacements, and giving customs agents unfettered access to all public and private land within 100 miles of the border. The ability to ignore all state and local laws. Making the border look like Albania to protect us from our #1 trading partner and still (for now) our best ally. It’s just plain nuts and extremely scary.

    But don’t worry. The county sheriff’s posse will still have ultimate control. Crazy ain’t strong enough.


  2. trout chaser

    Festung Amerika! Amerika uber alles! Christ. The ghost of Hitler is no doubt laughing it’s ass off somewhere. How long before an English equivalent of the the Nazi slogan “Drang nach osten” takes root here in the U.S.? Lord knows we’ve already begun…

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