I’ll finally get to know whether Great Blue Heron tastes like Chicken or not

Guy_Fawkes It was painful watching the Republican debates the other night, what with each candidate insisting they’d remove any regulations that slowed job growth. It appears our rivers and estuaries will be drilled like a root canal, most migratory species extincted, and a steady runoff of industrial waste and toxins into whatever you fish most …

… and all them students clapping merrily as if they’d heard profound for the first time …

Democrats aren’t any smarter and it’s liable to be a tough couple of decades if the pursuit of jobs and deregulation meets the Son of Global Warming.

While us fishermen mill about in disarray, given all our hard-fought environmental protections suddenly under scrutiny, and most of our conservationist bodies still fighting over felt soles and “who stepped in what” we might have to form our own clandestine “Occupy The Esopus” movement – with what remains of angling’s lunatic fringe …

Which aren’t as plentiful as they once were. Caring for the fish was overtaken by “caring more about your rakish figure in outdoor duds” – how the thousand dollar fly rod and the Cafe Mocha neutered most of our real outdoorsy types, them that lacked a full set of teeth or most of their frontal lobe – and thought like fish do. The rest of us didn’t help as we gave them the cold shoulder thinking they gave the rest of us a bad name.

“Old Timey Conservation” meant if you found 12 sticks of dynamite on the creekbed we might’ve drawn short straw for which dam to make porous, or showed some real ingenuity by making the casting club pond manager decide to lengthen the club’s ponds (with a bit of Fourth of July pyrotechnics) to accommodate a Spey class…

… but to merely give it back to the law, that’s a waste.

The damn environmental element isn’t mad enough yet to understand that what you tracked onto the kitchen linoleum with your contagion-bearing felt soles could soon be the least of your environmental worries.

Here’s hoping you all listened closely.

6 thoughts on “I’ll finally get to know whether Great Blue Heron tastes like Chicken or not

  1. Jeff House

    Very well said and unfortunately true…every word. Get out and enjoy that shit right now while you still can because I’m not sure there’s enough of us that see the writing on the wall to stop the blasphemy our politicians have planned for our future. All we can do is get the word out and try to make a difference….Thanks.

  2. Rex

    Our politicians certainly need to concentrate on exactly three things…controlling greenhouse gases, reducing pollutants released into our waters, and….ummm….errr…what’s the third one….uhhh….hold on….

  3. John Peipon

    …while the herd thunders on toward the cliff.

    It is frustrating. Though I try to “live simply, love deeply, and laugh often”, it just won’t go viral. Our politicians continue to just bicker (on a heroic scale) while corporate America seems to pull all the strings from behind the curtain. I’ve ranted about this since the Sixties. Change for the good just doesn’t seem to want to come.

    Perhaps, I’m a covert, global cynic

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