More Freebie Scissors for fly casting clubs

scissor_spiderI’ve got additional defective scissors to dispense should your fly casting club wish to assist prospective students in defraying their new vice …

… yes, vice. You didn’t think it was possible to promote immoral behavior with such innocent intentions, but by urging them to tie flies, and given their well known propensities for spiraling out of control on any fishery-based science – the coveting of the neighbor’s tabby, and frittering away the child’s college fund follows, means you’re peddling sin.

Those that participated in the last round of freebies will remember it’ll be a mixture of stainless and tungsten styles, all will be operational, some may open or close a bit rough, may have one tip slightly longer than another, or a defect in visuals – but all will serve a student well.

My mail contact information is on the “About” link at the top of the page, drop me a note with your club mailing address, and I’ll get the packages out this weekend.

This will be a first come, first serve queue.

1 thought on “More Freebie Scissors for fly casting clubs

  1. Scott

    Got the scissors in the mail the other day, thank you very much. The Granite Bay Flycasters are very much appreciative of your kindness. I will let every know where they came from and where to buy there own.

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