Can you flippinbelieveit ?, Palin says “Dig Dig Dig” on Pebble

With 24000 pages of email from the Sarah Palin regime just released to the public, I figured none of our guys would wade into all that puffery to glean how the Pebble mine fared, as that’s asking way too much of us action-oriented types … palinmail

Meanwhile the press is focused on the next extra-tasty history rewrite, or something scandalous. The Pebble Mine hardly garners a shrug given the possibility of secret love children sequestered away by shadowy housekeepers, paid with hush money. Given the torrid state of affairs of our politicos, little wonder the issues take a back seat to gossip.

There’s about five pages of email on Pebble and plenty of side-bar banter about similar projects as Miss Dimwit holds court with her closest aides.

5 thoughts on “Can you flippinbelieveit ?, Palin says “Dig Dig Dig” on Pebble

  1. Fatguy Aaron

    I’m not surprised. she doesn’t give a shit about Alaska. She’s moved to Scottsdale now to fuck my state all up. It’s bad enough the whole state is on fire and all the fishing waters are all closed, what kind of havoc will she bring on us in the coming years? I don’t care who the politician is of what their party they are all in it to line their pockets. Evil bastards!

  2. trout chaser

    Oh I don’t know that Palin is evil necessarily,(unlike say, Newt or Dick) but like George W. she’s so damn stupid and short-sighted she fails to see the consequences of her decisions. And her utterly egocentric outlook blinds her to any possible alternatives. Malicious or misguided, it unfortunately comes to much the same in the end.

  3. John Peipon

    Maybe, these are all signs of the coming End. Or perhaps, just an Internet manifestation of mankind’s greed and idiocy.
    They say that knowledge is power,but I get frustrated knowing that there are so many people, places and things that are, fast or slow, damaging everything that should be held close.
    Perhaps, it is I who needs help,but I can’t stop trying to leave things a little better than I found them, and speaking up when I know that something is wrong which I can’t fix myself.
    Throw in a little cynicism about hair feathers and other natural resources, and I really need a walk on the beach at dawn or a hike up a creek, just to know the world is still there.

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