Who knew a Mullet had such a flair for showing off

Tossing a trash fish onto the bank is a time honored angling tradition. It’s been frowned on of late, but the Asian carp has brought back the practice along with baseball bats, shoulder pads, and now with easy to clean wading boots with cleats and rubbers soles, we’ve even resurrected the River Dance … of Death.

… because like terrestrial cockroaches, it’s them or us.

It doesn’t jibe well with the Catch & Release ethic we’re so fond of espousing, but clean water and black dots seems to cloud vision making some fish more equal than others …

Special regulations apply to trash fish as well, but many are not bothered by hurling lesser fish to an excruciating death, gasping out their final moments on some hot rock amid boot heels, curses, and giggles.

While I don’t ascribe to the above practice, we’d like to point out that those that do probably throw a baseball like a girl, grunting when they do ..


Considering the world’s record is an astounding 196 feet, the only question is whether that record is held by the fish, or by the thrower – or is it a joint venture?

“A very official world master’s record for a mullet,” Bradstock said in an interview with the New York Times.

Bradstock also claims to have hurled an iPod 154 yards, a mobile phone 132 yards, a soft boiled egg 118 yards, a football 82 yards and a golf ball 180 yards, with all but the mobile phone footage available on his YouTube page.

… and here I thought all tournament fish were released gently.

1 thought on “Who knew a Mullet had such a flair for showing off

  1. John Peipon

    For those of you who thought that a mullet was a haircut or a source of fish oil (or both), we salty fly rod flingers frequently fish with mullet flies! My most commonly used are September Day and Night and/or the Blue Betsy.

    Does this jackass hurl live fish?

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