Once it can swim 40 miles an hour will we quibble about whether it is a fish or not

Some suggest the Mecha-Fish might be used for the forces of Good, leading schools of fish away from oil spills, or other form of toxic calamity.

As we aren’t among those silly do-gooders, I’d suggest a haversack full of AA batteries, red lipstick smeared fetchingly on the front, then released to bring that school of voracious stripers within casting distance.

… then it can go get tuna or salmon.


At minimum we could replace those static rings used by tournament casters and see how they fare against moving targets …

I’d pay money to see Steve Rajeff deliver the Han Solo line, “Good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that’s something else …”

Once all the real fish are relegated to seed banks and test tubes, the Mecha-Fish might be our only adversary. Purists will insist it’s capable of carrying invasives and decry its use in anything other than a swimming pool, but once it’s capable of melting a Hardy – will any of us really complain?

With all those fancy fish finishes already decorating large arbor – add some injection molded latex embellishment and we’ve got game.

Test – Mecha Fish, Bluetooth, Steve rajeff, han solo, fly fishing humor, tournament casting, fly fishing purists, asterisk

7 thoughts on “Once it can swim 40 miles an hour will we quibble about whether it is a fish or not

  1. Ed

    I read the words “injection molded latex embellishment”, and know that it’ll only be a matter of time before you move on to silicon. I shudder, just slightly, at what you’ll come up with then. I just know it’ll need an NC-17 rating.

    I can hear it now, “No really hon! I just read ‘Hatches’ for the articles!”

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    I figure they’ll make add on packs – latex skins that come with your choice of fish profiles and colors – the “Pond” pack; containing Carp, Musky, Large & Smallmouth, the “Purist” – containing Rainbow, Brown, and Brookie, and perhaps the “Saltwater” pack; Bonefish, Roosterfish, Permit …

    Once you tire of catching Eastern Brook trout you can peel off the outer skin and replace it with the Carp version – like a cell phone cover.

  3. Igneous Rock

    I think Ed is trying to knock bowling an golf off television. The real question is whether any of our own dynamic figures are lens friendly enough to replace Tiger?

  4. John Peipon

    It’s getting scary in here. Mecha-Fish and next Mecha-Shark…why not just throw in android/robot fishers and then all could stay home and watch on TV? Gratuitous Porn would throw in an artificial love doll so that even the instant replay might be missed!

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