Will Gas prices limit your days afield?

gasoline.jpgI was listening to some financial pundits argue about the decline of the dollar, how speculation in oil prices was going to drive the price of oil past the $100 dollar mark, and how the subprime mortgage mess was going to take us all into the poor house.

Of interest to me was how the pump price of gasoline hasn’t fully reflected the slow climb in crude oil. Raw math suggests that if $3.50 per gallon is reflective of $70 per barrel crude – then $4.90 per gallon would be the true cost of $100 oil.


1 thought on “Will Gas prices limit your days afield?

  1. Taku

    Since I live a mile or less from the Bitterroot River (depending on what access point I choose) higher gas prices will mainly mean less traveling to other rivers/lakes. Just lucky to live in these narrow mountain valleys where the smoke inversions and highways and subdivisions and all the other junk is concentrated. As a friend says “Montana – a highway runs thru it.”

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