Right around 60 and counting…

The Night the Taps went dry in Georgia As the water issues in Georgia continue to worsen, Governor Perdue is planning a gathering of ministers and lawmakers tomorrow on the capitol steps, to pray for rain.

Singlebarbed staff are required to remain strictly agnostic, but we can’t help but wonder whether this is actually an appeal to a deity, or the last request of an elected official knowing his state’s fate is tied to the legal system..

At least western states have a number of deities to appeal to – which gives them a numerical advantage, not to mention assorted Indian tribes that have dances for that kind of miracle – I guess I feel lucky.

In either case, Georgia still lacks any tangible relief and the clock is ticking. Estimates vary but many suggest the end of January the taps will run dry in Atlanta.

Vicki Lawrence can change a couple of words and breathe new life to her career.

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