109 Seconds to make you an entomological genius, and the toast of the Office XMAS Party

Only 109 seconds to master both human nature and entomology. You’ll master aquatic, terrestrial, learned behavior – and be able to relate to your children as never before.

No need to thank me, it’s what I do …

Warning: Don’t drink coffee while watching, it may come out of your nose.

… and all my taxpayer dollars were spent on, “Just Say No?” For the price paid we could’ve exhumed Walt Disney, brought him back to life, and been in syndication by now.

Tags: Spiders on drugs, YouTube, entomology, Walt Disney, Crack Spider’s bitch

6 thoughts on “109 Seconds to make you an entomological genius, and the toast of the Office XMAS Party

  1. Don

    Interesting study… should you ever see some “creative” flies in my box you might ponder that I tyed while on LSD; but, shuold you suddenly find your fly boxes empty you’ll know who decided to tie on crack.

    I think I’ll try to locate my camping hammock.
    It might be amusing to watch you tie sometime, but I might not remeber doing so. Is your tying room supplied with “munchies?”

  2. A. Wannabe Travelwriter

    I wonder how the spider would have reacted to contact with your beloved Brown Water.

    Maybe with an insatiable appetite for cheap cigars and service station hot dogs, plus an ability to glow in the dark.

    Just wondering.

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