Rivers of a Lost Coast released to DVD

You saw it, you loved it, and now you can drive the wimmenfolk batty with the original DVD, or merely the soundtrack – or both.

Rivers of a Lost Coast has been released on DVD, available for $29.95 from the folks at Skinny Fist Productions. It’s just in time to wreak havoc on the entire Thanks-Christmas holiday – and may cause the in-laws to stop fist fighting over who-likes-who-the-mostest.

Rivers of a Lost Coast

Bill Schaadt was a name mentioned with great reverence around the San Francisco scene of my youth. It was respect more than veneration, as his antics caused as much bile as admiration among anglers of the day.

I never knew the man, but like all of us – fished in his footsteps.

I’ve fished the Russian River many times, without success. Although I had a couple of near “hook ups” when I burst through the underbrush and emerged in the middle of a gay nudist beach … who thought my neoprene-encased svelte form was the second coming of John Wayne, hisself.

I apologized profusely, and tried the Gualala after that …

Tags: Rivers of a Lost Coast, Bill Schaadt, Ted Lindner, Russian River Steelhead, Skinny Fist Productions