California State Parks, weekday closures commence

portapotty Closures to California state parks began yesterday in response to Governor Schwarzenegger’s request that the State Parks & Recreation budget save $14.2 million over the coming winter.

In order to avoid full closure, many parks are closing during the weekdays, which spares the larger populace but may inconvenience steelhead anglers that snuck a Monday or Friday off …

Anglers within California would be advised to keep an eye on the Parks & Recreation department’s web site as the only listing of affected parks appears as a daily news item.

Notices have been posted for selected counties. The Mendocino county notice mentions impacts to the Russian River gulch, Navarro, and Van Damme, parks/watersheds.

The service reductions came about through a process wherein each of the State Parks’ District Superintendents designed a plan for specific reductions tailored for each park within their respective district. The plans included all 279 parks within the statewide system.

A lot of Porta-potty removals, reductions in allowed camping spots, and outright weekday closures, just enough to gum up a weekday pilgrimage for chrome.

Tags: California state park closures, California budget deficit, Russian River, Navarra River, Van Damme, Porta-Potty, steelhead fishing

1 thought on “California State Parks, weekday closures commence

  1. Don

    As a over taxed resident of California the State Parks belong to me. Regardless of what any Govenor or Government Agency might decree, my parks are always open to me.

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