Evacuation with style, no need to fight congested freeways, just drive into the lake

It's like Cleopatra's Barge, only noisier I think we’re outnumbered. I keep looking for guys that gnaw their own arm off while trapped in the wilderness with naught but a dull buck knife, and I’m coming up empty.

I find  a virtual cornucopia of Glam-per articles replete with stunning gear, stunning women, and equally stunning price tags. Are we simply the last of the “old fools” that sleep on hard ground, unwilling to admit that the horse has given way to the horseless carriage?

Thanks for bloody sharing, I could’ve been eating microwaved steak all this time instead of warming a can of beans gripped in rusty pliers.

Palacial accomodations fit for a Glamper Here’s the latest, the Hydra-Terra motorhome, designed for the conspicuous overconsumer that wants to drive to the lake, then drive in the lake. The perfect vehicle to evacuate your luxurious villa due to an encroaching firestorm.

Available in the low 800’s, the featured model is $1.2 million, cheap at any price.