A two hour movie is all that separates you from Lefty Kreh

Agent Smith knows Spey Casting Every guide has been there, a novice client attempting to learn fly casting while fishing, and for the want of practice no fish will grace the deck anytime soon.

The Matrix had the promise of knowledge at the touch of a button, but “wet-wiring” the cerebral cortex may take a couple more decades.

Until then we’ll have to rely on a two hour special on Spey casting and the Haptics jacket.

It shares the same tailor as those Startrek tee shirts circa Shatner & Nimoy, but science has never understood fashion – and once Simm’s or Eddie Bauer adds floor length leather and three layers of Goretex we’ll be cracking the piggy bank for sure..

The jacket contains 64 independently controlled actuators distributed across the arms and torso. The actuators are arrayed in 16 groups of four and linked along a serial bus; each group shares a microprocessor. The actuators draw so little current that the jacket could operate for an hour on its two AA batteries even if the system was continuously driving 20 of the motors simultaneously.

A couple of fish porn DVD’s with the wearer buffeted by tactile feedback and you’ll have the muscle memory of a casting professional. Add a 100 pound Tarpon thrust into your living room with a flick of the remote, and dispel cabin fever instantly.

As the entire human race is at stake, it’s certain why the jacket ends at the waistline.

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1 thought on “A two hour movie is all that separates you from Lefty Kreh

  1. JB

    I think that with anything in life that you [I mean ‘you’ in a general sense] are learning for the first time… or when you may be driven to master a new technique which you believe will allow you to return to a fishing spot you just couldn’t exploit due to the lack of a better casting technique, we often wish there was someway to skip ahead and avoid the frustration that goes with struggling through the learning process. But when you get to that point in your lust for fly fishing, perhaps you’ve forgotten what I think is one of the most valuable elements of fly fishing… the process and practice of the sport.

    I’d rather be back-casting a cadis into my earlobe than writing a monthly report any day…

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