I say, "Run What You Brung" and let Darwin sort them out

Wow, we need a new wardrobe Thirty three seconds of flight for $155,000 is cheap. That’s just enough flight to violate the landowner’s airspace, and not enough time to allow a Stinger to get tone lock…

That gives us fisherman 15 seconds from car door to “below the high water mark” on whichever exclusive “Donny Beaver” stream we want to fish. We’re allowing for a return trip, only zealots like Tom Chandler may contemplate a power dive into the clubhouse.

JetPack International is about to debut the latest in rocketry to us ultra-consumers, we can expect to see the traffic patterns in LA lessen considerably as all them debutantes and heiress’s spiral lazily through the clouds.

Them gals couldn’t drive anyway…

Rocket belts ala James Bond, 33 seconds of 70MPH flight, and by year’s end it will be 19 minutes, complements of the T73 – powered by your choice of eco-friendly fuels, kerosene or propane. Eco-friendly is a bit of a reach, but the legions of  Hollywood spin artists will find some way to put lipstick on that pig.

Me? I am all for it, run what you brung and let Darwin sort ’em out.