Yo bg gddmn Fsh nxt 2 U

Coming to a stream near youGet with the program – now that you have the cell phone on your hip, isn’t it time to embrace text messaging?

Yes, I’m joking.

I’m just thinking past our generation’s quaint respect for the sport to see the tools the next crowd of anglers will deem essential. The combination of Internet gaming English coupled with the omission of vowels should make instream communication much easier and more verbose.

Tired of waving frantically to an angling buddy because your voice is drowned out by fast water?

“Bg fsh nxt 2 me, g3t y3r Btt dwn h3r3”

The guys that love Latin may be resistant, can’t say I fault them much as “Paraleptophlebia” should translate to “Prl3pt0phl3b14,” which should slow them on both the reading and comprehension tests. I expect them to figure out, “lttl3 brwn 16” is quicker to type and easier to read.

Phone on vibrate tucked into a strategic location, and you’re the portrait of the New Age predator.

C U on the fone line..

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5 thoughts on “Yo bg gddmn Fsh nxt 2 U

  1. Sully

    On the plus side “Prl3pt0phl3b14” just may identify both genus AND the Borger color number matching it.

  2. KBarton10

    Borger numbers scare me, I developed a similar system using football teams and jersey numbers…worked great until the running backs started bleeding, then it threw my colors off kilter..

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