Hatches Magazine is looking for the next Theodore Gordon

40 Rivers to Fish and his pals at Hatches Magazine are looking for a few crazed and desperate fishermen who can lie convincingly, or with a straight face, or both.

… and they’re prepared to reward you handsomely for your prose.

Hatches Magazine announces it’s first annual “The Season” Contest!
“The Season” is for anyone who enjoys sharing their fishing stories and pictures with other people. It’s a contest for anyone who keeps a journal, or has wished they would have; chronicling their fishing trips to look back on during the long, cold tying season or 20 years down the road with their grandchildren.

How To Enter
To enter, all you have to do is create a blog on the Hatches Blog Network and start recording your adventures during the 2009 fishing season. Writing a blog is easy. In fact it’s no more difficult than writing a post on an Internet message board. (Persons already part of the Hatches Blog Network are already entered.) You can tell your story through: words and pictures, just words, just pictures, long posts, short posts, whatever- It’s your season, so you can tell your story however you wish! When the snow falls in December, you’ll have a great memoir to read through, reminding you of all your triumphs and lessons learned from the past season on the water.

Only reports and photographs taken between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009 are eligible.

Writing a blog is many things but “easy” ain’t one of them. It’s fun, often addictive, sometimes a chore, and always a lot of cursed hard work. As described above, it’s a lot like posting to a message board – only the swear words have to be edited, and for varieties sake – every other post should start with something other than “Dude, your Mom.”

… everything else is just like a forum post, including finding out nobody but you likes that fly and everybody except you knew of that spot already.

You’ll also have the chance to win some excellent prizes…

A panel of judges will award prizes for best photography, writing and the best overall season. In addition, Reader’s Choice Awards will allow the public to vote in a variety of categories. Voting and prize details will be announced as they’re confirmed.

Click Here to Register for a Free Blog

There must be dozens of stalwarts itching to damage English – here’s an opportunity to share your saga while allowing us to live vicariously through your adventures.

2 thoughts on “Hatches Magazine is looking for the next Theodore Gordon

  1. SMJ

    I’ve not the heart to subject anyone other than family and friends to my poorly written fishing reports and crappy photos, but thanks for the offer.

  2. Clif

    Writing a blog IS easy. The tricky bits about writing a good one is where the trouble lies.

    Perhaps there is an award for wurst spelling, bad grammar; or most creative use of the incorrect white balance setting. I might be a lock for all three.

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