He doesn’t move too fast after he’s been skewered

If a healthy shrimp can move that fast without sign of fatigue, I can only imagine what speed he’d achieve if dropped on the Barbie…

Healthy shrimp ran and swam at treadmill speeds of up to 20 meters per minute [66 feet per minute] for hours with little indication of fatigue.”

To further challenge the healthy shrimp, the researchers designed a small backpack made of duct tape to add extra load to the shrimp. With the extra weight and lowered oxygen, they were active for up to an hour.

If this kind of physical agility is indicative of more than shrimp – perhaps extending to some of the other bait groups without offensive capability,  It might alter my thoughts on a retrieve. Pauses while stripping may be the opposite of what the bait actually does – and with no defenses it may run until safe or it’s eaten.

We’ve spent so much time examining bugs and very little researching behavior on all those minnows, crayfish, shrimp, and other opportunistic foods – it could be we’ve been lulled into complacency by their aquarium behavior.