Elastomeric sounds horribly sexy, but it’s still a rubber cap

I figured he was needling me because of my boundless generosity and acute business acumen. It’s a “no brainer” really, what with the decline in the stock market and all of us looking for that second job to make ends meet, I figured to leverage our fishing expertise into big coin…

Caribou Barbie’s” husband leveraged his into a shot at Mr. Vice President, and his fishing could be from Marine-1 from now on, why should we aspire to less?

All I had in mind was utilizing them precious dirt water skills to go into the scrap metal salvage business – and with Daytripper, the Roughfisher, and myself – that’s three states, and in the current economic climate that’s a multinational conglomerate.

I’ve got more rusting metal in my watershed than the Coral Sea, and at current prices all it takes is a little elbow grease, a couple of conservation organizations to lure into our enterprise, and we can sit back and make like Sanford and Son’s.

Instead, Daytripper sends me a napkin when I need a crane … Microtrash? The smallest refuse in my creek … is me

How many rusting Audi's will fit in one of these

Saving the environment from the perils of a six inch length of monofilament is a worthy gesture, but in a brownline fishery it’s the scale that’s all wrong.

I need something like Noah’s Ark where I can add rusting debris in pairs; first the Audi’s, then lawnmowers, water heaters, washing machines, tractors, bridge girders, and the small stuff like Volkswagens and Subaru Foresters…

That's a nine foot rod for comparison Think bigger guys, note the small sample to assist you in scoping the effort…

It’s not collecting aluminum beer cans to assist the school band in scoring uniforms, it’s heavy industry and enough income to score us each a couple of burritos.

Remember, after the first couple of million all our sins are forgiven, we’re the lions of the new-New Deal, and the cover of Time and the stony faces of a Senate sub-committee are only a heartbeat away.

8 thoughts on “Elastomeric sounds horribly sexy, but it’s still a rubber cap

  1. harry

    On another subject-been wanting to tie up some of your Little Stinking Olives to try on the smallmouths around here. Where did you find the yarn you used? Have not been able to find the green anywhere around here.

  2. Trout Underground

    We’re using elastomeric paint to revitalize the Trout Underground/Man Cave World Headquarters, and the stuff appears to be indestructable.

    That would be bad if there was any chance the Man Cave would end up in the Little Stinking, but that’s unlikely under most scenarios.

    Then again, with homes in the Central Valley falling in value faster than Bush’s Q rating, will Singlebarbed soon be confronted by a row of freshly dumped foreclosures at the next bridge crossing?

  3. Don

    Great idea, but man that seems like an awful lot of work.

    How about I manage the operation from here? You can hire the crew and then phone in progress reports to my secretary (after you hire her too).

    Now that’s a plan I can get behind.

  4. KBarton10 Post author

    Harry: It’s the perfect crime committed by me, the Bernat Boa eyelash yarn is no longer made in the “Mallard” color.

    I finally invent the fly that dominates the watershed – and no one else can tie it.

    I’ve contacted a variety of vendors and they all say the same thing, “pound sand, it’s no longer made.”

    I managed to score 10 skeins of this color from eBay – using the search criteria “bernat boa.” I’ve contacted some of the vendors selling other colors (on eBay) and asked – drawing a blank.

    You’ll have to search daily, only two lots of the color has shown in the last month, so it’s entirely hit or miss.

    The fly is that good, which is scary… I can toss some in an envelope for you if you wish, that’ll give you something to fiddle with while waiting for the next cache to show on eBay.

    My email address is in the “about” page..

  5. KBarton10 Post author

    Don – not allowed, that’s too close to you asking me to take you into the Crap water, then refusing to touch what you catch…

    You gotta get dirty like the rest of us, Sweetpea…

  6. Yomama

    Current bureaucratic eco-term for these toxic creeks is “trash-impacted waterways,” which has a nice dot-com ring to it and even suggests a colorful logo. Now a number of entrepreneurial geniuses need only to get off their arses… Calif. State Reg. Water Control Bd. has annual “hot spots” list available, but this somehow doesn’t seem to include agricultural areas where locals can’t be made to foot the bill for cleanup. You have found a bonanza all your own, Sports.

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