Let’s get this straight

San Mateo Joe,

Will I rever the slaw dog like Wally TC does?

tellfriends.jpgSlaw Dog’s are an affront to the human race. Why any rational human would desecrate an intestine stuffed with lips, beaks, jowels, and entrails – with cole slaw? The real indignity is that they are trying to hide the crime with chili and mustard.

I tried to fob these off on my girlfriend as a french delicacy, I called them “Le Canine Forested”, and she about decorated me with a rolling pin.

Nope, TC is all alone on that one.

Will I join forces with TC in ridding the world of the Nestle Menace?

Let’s say I have pounded a Nestle’s Crunchbar on more than one occasion, but if TC shows me all of his secret fishing spots, I could be born-again. Us free-writers is mercenary to the core, shameless in fact.

Will I be battling with TC in the bikini wars?

Hell yes, and if he so much as blinks he’s a goner. TC has both morals and scruples, I lack both. If it meant more pageviews than he gets, I’ll show nekkid trout too.

Why are their no pictures of my Wonderdog?

That’s the simplest question of all, my dog was a gift from my gal, she mistakenly got me a medium dun Queensland Heeler. Now I have a hairless Heeler that has to stay indoors all the time, too damn cold for him outside. He don’t mind much, except around Thanksgiving, I guess that turkey looks like a relative….

Will your ass shrink if you comment lots?

Hell no. But a taut and shapely rear is desirable only if you are sub-30, and have $8000 or more in credit card debt. This crowd is neither, and the bikini question gave you away…you own your own home, have a good woman of many years by your side, and are hoping like hell she don’t look over your shoulder while you live vicariously through my Bikini models, n’est pas?

Thanks for the opportunity to beard TC. Come again, and often.

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8 thoughts on “Let’s get this straight

  1. Pingback: Only One Day Old, and Already Biting the Hand That Feeds Him... : The Trout Underground Fly Fishing Blog

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  3. San Mateo Joe

    Dear God! You must be a physic! I DO own my own home! I DO have a good woman of many years by my side! I DO hope like hell she doesn’t look over my shoulder while I ogle your Bikini models! I can only come up with one explanation – there must be a tear somewhere in the tin foil covering the windows.

    I too fail to understand the slaw dog’s appeal. They look too much like a cross between dirty diapers and the dog’s breakfast. I personally prefer a pair or two of brats, marinated in beer, served with grilled onions and mashed potatoes (and of course more beer), on a plate, and consumed with knife and fork. Then again, I’m one of those snobby fly fishers, so that’s to be expected.

    I too have a soft spot for Nestle Crunch bars, hence my fat ass. I am no fan of bottled water, but if Nestle were to reveal plans for a chocolate factory in McCloud, I doubt I’d have the will to oppose them.

    I too live with a poor excuse for a dog, a small yellow mutt that my wife ruined long ago. She tells those who don’t know any better that it’s a confused miniature Golden Retriever with “drooling issues.” I call it an embarrassment.

    It’s obvious now that TC never really had the stomach for bikini battle, and I’ve yearned for the day when a warrior without morals or scruples would come along, snatch up the bikini flag, and charge into the fray with a cry of “No Mercy!” I know now that day has come.

    I’ll admit to being slightly disappointed that none of these comments will reduce the size of my ass, but I think I’ll get over it. Getting drunk should help.

    Mom used to say there were two babies on the church steps, but someone clocked her from behind before she could grab the cute well-behaved one. Is it possible you are my long lost brother?

  4. Kbarton10

    Do you have a large birthmark shaped like a Vibram sole on your bottom?

    Think about it before you answer, as my long lost sibling definetly owes me $20..

  5. hawgdaddy

    What the…?! Anyone who doesn’t like slaw dogs, vienna sausages, sardines AND bbq is seriously screwed up. Scared of a little intestinal desecration, are ya? I try to desecrate mine at least once a day just to make sure I don’t start going soft. When I’m short on time, I do shots of Louisiana hot sauce. Haven’t got my first ulcer yet, but it’s not for lack of trying.


  6. San Mateo Joe

    Slaw dogs are what they are; namely, what passes for “food” in a Tennessee gas station. As such, they fall into the same category as White Castle, bass tournaments, and the Macarena: that being, “things best not transplanted.” How TC can first complain about pike in Davis Lake and then enthusiastically trumpet his attempts to introduce the slaw dog into Northern California cuisine is beyond my comprehension. Slaw dogs and pike both have their place, but that place is (thankfully) not here. Let’s try and keep it that way.

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