Cell Phone Priest

Just smack 'em with it It’s guaranteed to take the fishing world by storm, a multipurpose gadget we’ll all find indispensable, combining the services of a “priest”, an agreed upon measuring standard, and a digital forum allowing you to torment the fellows back at the office.

…the Singlebarbed “Catch and Release” version substitutes a landing net for the weighted blunt end – not out of any sense of Purism, rather we catch so damn few fish we don’t need it.

Billed as the “longest cell phone in the world” – and just the kind of accouterment to redefine your angling experience. If the testosterone doesn’t flow ample enough simply just tuck it into your wader leg and vie for Alpha Male in the parking lot.

The handy digital display will verify fish length in centimeters, millimeters, or yards, and can snap that hero pose with the built in 7 mega-pixel camera.

Pollute your coworker’s email with a press of a button, but if you called in sick, remember to omit the boss’s address, else you’ve got some ‘splaining to do…