<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" > <channel> <title> Comments on: Maybe in addition to underachieving they possess small finger skills and great patience </title> <atom:link href="https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/</link> <description>Fly fishing the Unloved & Unclean</description> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 23:43:49 +0000</lastBuildDate> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator>https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1</generator> <item> <title> By: KBarton10 </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12248</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[KBarton10]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 23:43:49 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12248</guid> <description><![CDATA[@Patrick - the part I like most is how Mssr Conrad never had to wear pants with rear pockets - despite his many roles. I'd guess it didn't show his hindquarters in a macho fashion.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>@Patrick – the part I like most is how Mssr Conrad never had to wear pants with rear pockets – despite his many roles.</p> <p>I’d guess it didn’t show his hindquarters in a macho fashion.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: John Peipon </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12240</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[John Peipon]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:51:05 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12240</guid> <description><![CDATA[Conrad, Dickens, James, Dumas, and even Shakespeare. Most of the current crop of youngers don't even know that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the Barsoom potboilers that "John Carter" is based upon. And then there's hand writing, "Do I have to use cursive to sign a check?" I rest my case. Let's go fishin' ... See ya at the the creek!]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Conrad, Dickens, James, Dumas, and even Shakespeare. Most of the current crop of youngers don’t even know that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the Barsoom potboilers that “John Carter” is based upon.</p> <p>And then there’s hand writing, “Do I have to use cursive to sign a check?” I rest my case.</p> <p>Let’s go fishin’ … See ya at the the creek!</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Igneous Rock </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12238</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Igneous Rock]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:16:14 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12238</guid> <description><![CDATA[It's my understanding that alternate-lifestyle anglers are fishers of -Men- in the biblical sense. Off-hand, would you care to suggest a reel that can compete on the same level as Toscaninni? Can we get back to Steven Z's trout now?]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>It’s my understanding that alternate-lifestyle anglers are fishers of -Men- in the biblical sense. Off-hand, would you care to suggest a reel that can compete on the same level as Toscaninni?</p> <p>Can we get back to Steven Z’s trout now?</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Patrick </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12230</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Patrick]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:52:31 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12230</guid> <description><![CDATA[I've been nagged by Mr. Conrad much of my life...grew up with “The Wild Wild West” (the real one), watched “Man Called Sloane” in college (with the faux classic Excalibur he drove and unforgettable Torque, an assistant with a detachable hand that could be replaced by guns and other tools), dallied with “High Mountain Rangers” and the family affair titled “High Sierra Search and Rescue” – only many years later to find myself grabbing lunch in a little sandwich shop in Murphys, Calif., at a table watched over by an autographed photo of Jim West hisself. Now he pops up again. But the signs were there, we just didn’t see it coming…the quick descent went from the macho Ray-o-Vac challenge, “I dare ya to knock this off…come on, I dare ya.” to the cute pink Energizer bunny.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I’ve been nagged by Mr. Conrad much of my life…grew up with “The Wild Wild West” (the real one), watched “Man Called Sloane” in college (with the faux classic Excalibur he drove and unforgettable Torque, an assistant with a detachable hand that could be replaced by guns and other tools), dallied with “High Mountain Rangers” and the family affair titled “High Sierra Search and Rescue” – only many years later to find myself grabbing lunch in a little sandwich shop in Murphys, Calif., at a table watched over by an autographed photo of Jim West hisself. Now he pops up again. But the signs were there, we just didn’t see it coming…the quick descent went from the macho Ray-o-Vac challenge, “I dare ya to knock this off…come on, I dare ya.” to the cute pink Energizer bunny.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Don </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12207</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Don]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 05:33:03 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12207</guid> <description><![CDATA[Never made sense to me (not much does)... seeing as pigs hunt by smell.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Never made sense to me (not much does)… seeing as pigs hunt by smell.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: KBarton10 </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12201</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[KBarton10]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 04:25:34 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12201</guid> <description><![CDATA[What was that saying about blind pigs? Occasionally, ...]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What was that saying about blind pigs? Occasionally, …</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Don </title> <link>https://singlebarbed.com/2012/03/19/maybe-in-addition-to-underachieving-they-possess-small-finger-skills-and-great-patience/comment-page-1/#comment-12196</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Don]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 20 Mar 2012 03:30:33 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://singlebarbed.com/?p=8429#comment-12196</guid> <description><![CDATA[Odd, the way you turn the screws on us and we get a yuck? Must be the understatement thing.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Odd, the way you turn the screws on us and we get a yuck? </p> <p>Must be the understatement thing.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> </channel> </rss>