Saving critical watersheds … a quarter at a time

WhacAMussel While ecologists lament the uninspiring, “Clean, Dry, and Inspect” message, and its inability to keep us awake, they’ve commissioned something more to the tastes of us natural born killers by opting for a video game to deliver that critical rush of adrenaline, that “them or us” message …

I’d always thought there were too many syllables in the “clean and dry” part to resonate with real sportsmen.

Figure the published mean for fly fishermen being 51, the only real risk is us having to surrender our driver’s license soon – video games and adrenaline sports being something we gave up with our real teeth.

With the power of damn lies and statistics on our side, it suggests we are guiltless in the spread of invasive anything, as only boat owners still have reflexes, and therefore must be the guilty party …

"Invasive species education is critical," said Teeg Stouffer, Recycled Fish Executive Director. "But it can be kind of dry and boring. Just say the words ‘Invasive Species Education’ to people and watch their eyes glaze over. This is a learning tool that is fun, dynamic, engaging and interactive – it cuts through the clutter. We’re excited to introduce Whac-A-Mussel at the BASSMASTER Classic!"

– via the Fishing Wire

… proving all them massively overpowered bass lunatics with their blown V-8’s done it, as everyone knows that protruding Lucite lip on their crankbaits are a mating hotbed for invasives …

2 thoughts on “Saving critical watersheds … a quarter at a time

  1. Yomama

    Video games are okay for geeks, but for my money they’ll never beat Shakespeare’s Barbie Fishing Kit. For only $12.99, the thing comes in hot pink, too !

  2. Teeg Stouffer

    Thanks for the mention on our game.

    We think it’s a new twist that will hopefully get people excited about something that’s not very exciting – but that’s really important.

    If the reception we got at the BASSMASTER Classic was any indication, we’re off to a great start. The game was a big hit down there in Shreveport.

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