Man of the Year is for literates, which of us will grace the cover of GQ is the real question

stanky It’s one of the great conspiracies of our industry; how SIMM’s, Orvis, Columbia, and Gander Mountain, have spent time and money marketing clothing to anglers, yet only when the catalog falls from our nerveless, napping fingers does our girlfriend insist we buy something …

We don’t tell because it would simply kill the bastards to know that only girls and hunters like Taupe.

… real Fishermen resent fashion as it confuses us from what’s truly important, warmth and not-warm-enough.

… real Fishermen resent color as it allows society to notice we haven’t changed our underwear this week.  We know that fresh undies adds precious minutes to our morning ritual and allows lesser men to get to the river first.

We’re aware society requires we cover our ample paunch, blanched soft arse, and other sensitive bits – with something – otherwise the late arrivals would bring John Law and chase us out of the best water.

But that’s all we know, yet all of that is about to change…

Imagine jeans, sweats or socks that clean and de-odorize themselves when hung on a clothesline in the sun or draped on a balcony railing. Scientists are reporting development of a new cotton fabric that does clean itself of stains and bacteria when exposed to ordinary sunlight.

Their report describes cotton fabric coated with nanoparticles made from a compound of titanium dioxide and nitrogen. They show that fabric coated with the material removes an orange dye stain when exposed to sunlight. Further dispersing nanoparticles composed of silver and iodine accelerates the discoloration process. The coating remains intact after washing and drying.

– via

I know some of the above terms are unfamiliar, so I’ll translate: “washing and drying” means … in case you fall in.

Self cleaning underwear that allows you to drop trouser for ninety seconds, which because of beer you have to do anyways, and like Jesus Hisself, all sins and indiscretions are wiped clean by modern science.

I bet astronauts get it next …

9 thoughts on “Man of the Year is for literates, which of us will grace the cover of GQ is the real question

  1. Peter

    Just eat loads of custard- you’ll make orange stains, no problem.

    I’m still apprehensive about nano-tech. Blessing? Or will it kill us all… Which might also be a blessing…

  2. Bill

    Has there been any testing on these “coatings” in regards to the family jewels? Have these guys seen any of the terminator movies? What happens when my drawers become self aware?

  3. Igneous Rock

    The “Made in China” lable makes me feel confident that there are no -Gobblers- in my shorts. GM products and nanotechnology should be limited to rod makers and fly floatants. Rise up Merica!

  4. Fatguy Aaron

    Man, you hit the nail on the head, not only are the clothes the major fly fishing companies selling goofy looking, but they have also figured out if it costs too much we will buy it. I have been thinking about that a lot in the past couple of years look what our fore fathers wore to get the job done, Flannel and jeans, rugged clothes,anything that got the job done. And what do you think our rugged forefathers would say about our goofy 19 pocket salmon”pink” $139 shirt. I am rebelling all this by buying my clothes for the field at Goodwill.

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