The list of donors being long and distinguished

While completely contemptuous of the current congress, I was surprised to learn that in addition to insider trading, ignoring any real responsibilities and the President, they have a sportsman’s fraternity – a caucus actually – where they can pontificate on all the reasons they love Mother Nature, so the carbon lobby feels obliged to add a couple zero’s to the legislators favorite charity … hisself.


While the Democrats have consistently outshot the Republican team for the last three years running, it was amusing to see the group mentioned in a recent interview …

Mullins: What in the world does the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus do?

Harper: We hunt liberal, tree-hugging Democrats, although it does seem like a waste of good ammunition.

While I commend the above sentiment, I’m thinking they may want to dispense with the sporting clays and simply unload on the assembly from the spectators balcony.

… with an approval rating less than 10%, tree hugging Democrats are indistinguishable from washroom toe-tapping Republicans, and we’d be better off reshuffling the hand versus playing the cards dealt.

I figure those hoary old politicos who’ve held their seats for a couple generations will soak up most of the lead – leaving them young, fast-moving freshmen to hide behind all those splintered oaken seats.

Might increase their respect for the office – and give their debate on the ban on lead fishing tackle some small insights.

The 2011 Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Banquet and Auction was hosted by Amgen, Anheuser-Busch, ATK, Cabela’s, Cox Enterprises, Dallas Safari Club, Diageo, Ford Motor Company, Intermedia Outdoors, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Natural Resource Results, North American Deer Farmers Association, Outdoor Channel, Richard Childress Racing, Safari Club International, Shimano, Sportsman Channel, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America and Yamaha Motor Corporation USA.

7 thoughts on “The list of donors being long and distinguished

  1. John Peipon

    What, no NRA?

    Could be that TU was smart enough to stay away. I think I’ll cancel any plans to buy anything from Cabela’s!

  2. Yomama

    With respect to “fair and balanced” here, it should be remembered that V.P. Dick Cheney was perhaps the most celebrated shotgunner in modern history. Other famed WH sportsmen (R), include T.R. Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge and Chester A. Arthur. Democrats (D), lose by a large margin, with Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, and Jimmy Carter, on the record. It is not clear whether Pres. Obama will fulfill his promise to return to Montana to regain his creds as a fly fisherman, but there is “hope.” The Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus performs a vital function; lobbyists, corporate sponsors with millions, notwithstanding.

  3. Bash

    I’ve got the A-political Blues, scarfing down a McFish waiting for Bruno to give me my daily sponge bath.

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