The uncharacteristic positive post on fishing

I not sure of the pattern, but I'd guess there was a bead head on itBeing as they are simply numbers, you can ally yourself with the half-full crowd, or go with those as thinks them half-empty.

Most of the angling media has been citing small upticks in angling as a resurgence in the sport and a sign of a stronger economy, yet most of the story remains unpleasant with more to come. Wishful thinking and small upticks in statistics aren’t likely to keep us out of another trough before all those ripples from the mortgage wreckage grows quiet.

Call it a gift from your neighbor and our pals in Europe, and take it along with the rest of the damn lies and statistics, with a generous leavening of salt …

The National Sporting Goods Assn. found that sport fishing in California dropped from 5 million people in 1985 to 3.1 million in 2004. That number took another dip this year, to 2.5 million.

The California Department of Fish and Game also shows that in 2008 it issued 2.8 million fishing licenses. Last year the number had dropped by 400,000 and through Aug. 30 of this year by 300,000 more.

– via the LA Times

Add all that up and you can see why the body politic plans to kick the environmental lobby to the curb, given that since 1985, half of California’s anglers no longer purchase licenses …

Yet in uncharacteristic upbeat style I’ll suggest us longtime Californio’s have merely opted to fish illegally, rather than donate all that license money to be pissed away on the Governor’s pet projects or civil servant pensions.

If the government can redirect the cash as it sees fit, we can decide to keep the cash and blow it on munchies or Starbux and simply take our chances. Due to the budget most of the wardens have been let go already, and with hatcheries spreading Whirling Disease and Didymo, what are they really going to do, take away our birthday?

In a short 25 years we’ve lost half the anglers and three quarters of the fish, yet based on those numbers we’re still winning!

(… and you were expecting another downbeat we’re-all-gonna-die post.)

5 thoughts on “The uncharacteristic positive post on fishing

  1. MG

    The National Sporting Goods Association must be meeting frequently with the National Association of Realtors, as this story seems to trigger déjà vu.

  2. Bill

    I can acheive optimisim through my unique brand of pessimisim. Secretly I hope that more and more become armchair activists and I see less and less people on the water. But thats just me being selfish.

  3. Steve Z

    Yeah, I’ve wondered how much those stats are skewed by the fishing with no license crowd. Probably not huge, but I bet there’s a whole bunch.

  4. Shoreman

    Three things.
    1. I’m sure part of the problem is the $50+ cost of your basic license.

    2. There are a lot of people fishing out there without licenses. Just watch how many scramble and disappear when a warden does show up.

    3. Finally, notice the amount of places being stocked. Not all that many.


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