All our lives we’ve dreamt of this fish, and when it arrives we think it something beneath our refined taste buds and certainly unworthy of sport.
The fact that you continue to purchase Budweiser is testimony to your lack of tastebuds, ensuring you’d enjoy a donut about as much as a dog turd if both were glazed equally…
That’s primarily because you guys are optimists and think should you remain aloof something more befitting will come along. As a pessimist, I know better …
In 2008, Asian carp made up 82 percent of the commercial catch on the Illinois River and 30 percent on the Mississippi, according to the Illinois DNR.
Fourteen or fifteen states gets a fish that leaps into the boat its so eager to get caught, and rather than thank Heaven for a little tawdry sport in a river that grows more coliform bacteria than biomass, we’ve got to appoint a Czar to wage war on it …
Fortunately there’s a little “out of the box” thinking left in the lower 48, and rather than turn up their nose at all this free protein, St. Louis has decided to de-bone it, grind it up, and serve it as canned tuna and fish sticks to the city’s poor.
If Obama had any real stones he’d march a contingent of Secret Service down to Mickey Dee’s and get Ronald McDonald some waders …
Carp processing is just the run though for Soylent Green?
Careful Ol Son: According to that logic, we’ll be eating pigeon McNuggets on the way back from the stream.
Wonder if you could get one to eat a fly…?
While I haven’t heard of anyone targetting either species with flies it wouldn’t surprise me that they would take them quite well.
Aint that the truth KBarton! Glad I know someone out there has the same mindset as me.