Does a slammed door mean landed or released?

Natural Beaver on Sunday April 24I think it necessary to occasionally give the gals credit for putting up with us. While I’ve changed the names to protect the innocent, rest assured this conversation is merely one scene among many …

(I call it “Kiki’s Guide to landing Keeper Wimmen, Fly Fishing Edition.”)

At my domicile, each time “Herself” arrives from travel she has to tiptoe around all manner of obscene things I’ve drug in from the out-of-doors. As she reacquaints herself with her surroundings, tiptoeing over the experiments in the bath tub, rotting flesh in the fridge, unknown lint and feather dander flitting about gaily, yet it’s taken in stride knowing someday all these fly rods charged to her credit card will be a one way rocket ship to wealth and infamy, and Oprah … not necessarily in that order.

Yes, I may have to kill and eat this one …

Fade In:

Natural Beaver Wed 27th 3% solution[Pointing at the sink] “Uh, what’s this? – can I throw it away?”

[Mock Terror as he rushes to defend] “No, that’s the experiment I’m running to see how many days it takes 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to remove the natural colors of a piece of beaver. I need that for a post next week.”


[Pointing at the Floor] “What about that (wrinkles nose)?”

Copper and Skins [Mock Terror as he rushes to defend] “No, that’s me attempting to make copper mordant so I can use that big bag of onion skins you asked about last week, how I was going to write a post on natural dyes and the number of different colors possible from pillaged onion husks.”

[Cross Arms on Chest] “Okay, surely I can throw out the smelly thing on the plate!”

[Mock Terror as he rushes to defend] “Only if you want to go hungry, that’s your dinner, Cupcake …”

8 thoughts on “Does a slammed door mean landed or released?

  1. Asura

    haha that’s so true! my galpal often looks at me if I was crazy when ever I go do a fly tying session.however when I bring a stringer of gills over she’s all “my hero!”

  2. Peter

    My gal:

    Did you get a good deal on those blue&yellow Macaw tailfeathers?

    We’ll need more spent spinners next week, Pete! Get tying!

    Only 50 Klinkhamers left? Move!

    We(I)’ll need an additional 4-weight this spring. 7′, or under for small creeks.

    Call me crazy, I kinda like it…

  3. Steve Z

    I have a spouse who is a gem. Tolerates all manner of my BS. But you, my friend, have a special catch who is off the scale.(or is storing up a lot of anger, hide the scissors)

  4. Ed


    Please tell me “your gal”

    a) has a sister who
    b) is not attached and
    c) was the “sister” modeling the waders a couple of posts back.

    There’s a d) and e); but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

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