16 thoughts on “Caption needed …

  1. Peter Vroegindeweij

    Something smells fishy?
    Heads up?
    Whatcha looking at, you slimey bastards?
    Does my butt look big in this?

    Sorry, I’ll stop now.

  2. Craig

    Rex = excellent! I see a federally funded study of the relative risk of transfer of non-native invasives via waxed and unwaxed, errr…skin. And I’m just the person to do it. I just hope replacing “felt” with metal studs is not an option.

  3. kbarton10

    Most of the California gals replaced the felt with studded rubber years ago, ditto for their nose, ears, and anything else you can wad a knitting needle through.

  4. Rex

    Millions of Siberian Freshwater Mullets make their yearly spawning run into the shallows of half frozen lakes, as they do each spring.

    While the exact mechanism that triggers this response is unknown, many scientists believe the migrations may be caused by unsually powerful blue moons.

  5. smj

    Mob boss to henchman: “This is not what I had in mind when I told you I wanted her to swim with the fishes.”

  6. Rsterfsh

    “When the fishing guide told me to bring a big blue Butt stanky salmon fly I brought the next best thing my mother in law”

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