It’s a familiar story, late night infomercial hawks guaranteed millions using system of made-for-you websites that will make merchandise fly off shelves and change your life forever.
What you get is some search engine optimized website with a web crawler that searches the entire Internet for pages that contain keywords, like “trout” or “dry fly” – and when you get a match you harvest the page and put it on your site, sometimes even claiming you authored it.
Now with hundreds of pages of “free” content you start selling stuff …
… like Coachmen Motor homes …
… actually you’re skimming existing sales from other sites and eBay, but harvesting all that goody without any real intelligence or discrimination yielded 13 pages of dry flies, etched cocktail glasses, tweed ties, and enough drink coasters to tile a couple of bathrooms.
… and the occasional motorhome.
As this “guaranteed” system probably allows you to call the Help Desk to guide you through depositing dump trucks full of money, you might ask them to refine the search criteria to at least get content of similar genre.
Tough when your website of guaranteed riches stumbles onto someone else’s reserved word.
Why’s everybody allus pickin on me?!