Christianity to blame for housing collapse?

farside It appears the real cause of the housing downturn may not have been all them paper derivatives no one understood, rather it  was all them Christians selling their homes and possessions knowing the fabled “End of Days” is nearly upon us.

Which in part explains the surge in emigration from those south of the border, they know all them nitwit Christians will be having some serious sales come April, and the Mayan calendar says they’ve got until September 2012 to enjoy those abandoned homes and the Norte Americano lifestyle, Holmes …

… after which the world cracks open and most of us will enjoy global warming, personally.

For the 37% of the US looking at everyone else as if they were nuts, largely the agnostics and atheists, it means to hell with the limit, and don’t limit your kill; right or wrong – no one’s watching.

… and if you’re only now worried about what Saint Peter is going to say, you’re fooked already. Skip purchasing the license entirely, what with only four weekends before the Big Cleansing, a couple more demerits aren’t going to hurt you much.

On the chance you’re sniggering about all this, perhaps you’ll explain the linkage between Brett Favre retiring and why 5000 red winged Blackbirds fell from the heavens. They claim it was a midair collision, but that was to buy time to get the President to Cheyenne Mountain …

7 thoughts on “Christianity to blame for housing collapse?

  1. Rex

    If for whatever reason you are taken up in the Rapture…can I have all your Mallard Bernat eyelash yarn?

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    In my case Saint Peter is going to fix me with a stern look and simply point, he won’t say a word.

    … put in a good word for me with Old Scratch, so I get the cool corner of the BBQ and I’ll think about it.

  3. John Peipon

    I already put in for hot ‘n sour, but could ya will me some of your red hot dubbing? Just in case…

    And don’t forget that, ” Nobody really knows what will happen.”!

  4. Shoreman

    If the world is going to end in 2012, we best get out butts out there and do as much fishing as we can. I’ll fish till it hurts.


  5. Owl Jones

    hogwash. You can make up stories, but they’re still just…umm…made up stories. And believe you me, I know how to make up a story – I’m a fisherman! But this….this idea or story or wishful thinkging by atheists or whatever it is, is nonsense.

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