My Bonefish loves Jesus

Trout Unlimited's Car Decal I suppose it’s piling on, but as absolutely every organization insists they’ve pulled out all the stops to attract youth, I can’t help but notice my yearly Begging for Dollars solicitation from Trout Unlimited, is about as marketable to youth as spinach.

… it might be a trout, but after looking closely I get more of a “My Bonefish Loves Jesus” instead.

Fish being the symbol of the Christian faith, and as most of the really talented anglers and their children are neither Christian nor god-fearing, it’s about as likely to grace a bumper as a Social Studies term paper or a root canal.

Kids love advertising, they wear slogans and maker’s mark proudly on tee shirt and bosom, status symbols all, announcing their social status without reservation.

… and none of them will be tattooing some tired old fish to their forearm.

We’d all be thrilled at some new blood, some additional exposure to our presence and ideals. But some stylish dead fish isn’t going to make the gals lust after the wearer, nor can it be “dope” gear without contemporary or risky. We’re not wooing anyone under the age of fifty-one – and then … maybe.

A bit more contemporary

It’s a bit more contemporary, but I’m much too old to be in touch with what’s really worth gracing a tee shirt. With finances and the continual prostrating for dollars, what’d be better is if the TU logo was adopted by Columbian drug lords and became “colors” for either the Crips or Bloods. With a steady stream of dollars TU might be able to fix more than a creek or two …

Lefty updates the tired old fish

Sure,  Lefty is getting pretty long in the tooth, but with the Oakland Raiders color scheme – just the kerchief and jersey sales alone might keep Trout Unlimited in the black.

Silver and Black is fourth all time in NFL merchandise sales, and while the Cowboy colors have outsold everyone else, it’s their cheerleaders that are largely responsible for that gold mine…

Save the old familiar to appeal to the fellows on the bench, snazzy won’t hurt much and may lure something other than those who’ve given twice already.

2 thoughts on “My Bonefish loves Jesus

  1. KBarton10 Post author

    Well … truth according to my warped vision of the Planet (which you might share). I think Trout Unlimited might not share some of my … er …enthusiasms.

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