First you take a deep fried potato skin then coat the bottom with styrofoam …

With all the recent furor over genetically modified fish, most have forgotten that the first commercially modified fish, the GloFish, was sold to kids as an techno-Goldfish …

Back then there were no pickets nor angry protestors. Fishermen didn’t see the genetically modified fish as much of a threat, largely as their kids were too busy hugging the adorable little tyke …

Big Arsed Goldfish

But like all pets eventually someone tires of something, and flushes it down the commode …

… where it isn’t so adorable – now that it’s developed a taste for children.

2 thoughts on “First you take a deep fried potato skin then coat the bottom with styrofoam …

  1. Rex

    So when will the “Singlebarb’s Tetra Fish Flake Fly” be coming out to target these fish? Will there be dry and wet versions? And can I get some tied on 3x strong hooks?

  2. Igneous Rock

    Bravo! Next week can you run a post on the Carp that ate Chicago. You could sell the film rights to the Japanese Rubber Monster Movie Corp. The wiggle bait rights might interest Lazy Ike.

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