His ringtone the sound of a thousand foraging nightcrawlers

piedpiper_offish We can only assume a similar mechanism exists in fresh water, innocent fish lured away from the safety of fallen logs and deep pools to the shallow end where they can be caught.

After developing for weeks at sea, baby tropical fish rely on natural noises to find the coral reefs where they can survive and thrive. However, the researchers found that short exposure to artificial noise makes fish become attracted to inappropriate sounds.

All that’s really needed is science to isolate the comfortable sounds of field and brook, the bell like tones of hammy feet on cobble, and the sigh of a million mayflies sunbathing. Plug those into our cell phone ringtone, turn over some rocks, rake the bushes of prey, then wait for Mom to call summoning our hapless prey …

Dr Simpson said: “This result shows that fish can learn a new sound and remember it hours later, debunking the 3-second memory myth.”

As there are laws protecting invertebrates, a couple handfuls of mashed pet shop meal worms spray painted to resemble caddis, and we can create the association between sound and meal, taming an immense cadre of intensely hungry fish, all within casting distance, who seek only us.

It’s a recipe for a “guy” romance, if’n you ask me.

In noisy environments the breakdown of natural behaviour could have devastating impacts on success of populations and the replenishment of future fish stocks.

via Yubanet.com

Were I to bust through the brush and discover some other worthy occupying The Spot, I’d move a respectable distance downstream, and then denude his sport with my siren’s call – saving untold fish in the process.

Marker – pied piper of salmonids, sound and fish, aquatic invertebrates, caddis, intensely hungry fish, fly fishing humor

4 thoughts on “His ringtone the sound of a thousand foraging nightcrawlers

  1. Igneous Rock

    An interesting idea but California ethics seldom transport well across say, the Michigan border. You may well have the full attention of Wall St. however. Broadcasting the sounds of a football stadium might attract investment by the hord. The 3 second memory length is a human phenomenon as well.

  2. kbarton10

    The three second memory length phenomenon is post Internet, post Twitter, post Facebook, all us guys that played with plastic soldiers when we were kids retain full memory faculties.

  3. Ray

    Maybe the “Meat Whistle” isn’t the mildy amusing/offensive fly name… maybe its really a secret underwater dinnerbell, err, dinnerwhistle.

  4. trout chaser

    Nice piece. You might well enjoy the Red Shed fly shop in Peck, Idaho. Located a half mile from the magnificent Clearwater river, Mike “Poppy” Cummins has built his business around two handed rods, spey casting and the pursuit of steelhead, though he does keep a fair amount of gear in what he terms “the back room” for trout fishers and single handed casters. The floors are bare sheeting, so you can wear your wet muddy river cleats right into the shop. The art on the walls is mostly by locals or friends. The service is first rate and personal, since Poppy runs the shop himself with some help from his son in law. Of course, there is the obligatory dog on duty, Daisy, a friendly pup of uncertain lineage. And no one gets out of there without a good bull session.

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