Sure doesn’t sound like guts and entrails

Yea, we're really going to mourn this Sure it’s morbid, but knowing all of the scientific hijinks involved haven’t you wondered what they were going to call it?

… a leading producer of functional, sustainable Tilapia biomass …

With the Food & Drug zealots insisting it has to respire to be called “fish” – and the animal welfare crowd insisting it has to have a heartbeat to be an animal – and hence possess a soul, and with consumers adamant that it has to be boneless to be real food,  Madison Avenue has to come up with some catchy new phrase to describe the contents of  fish-like substance.

On the surface, it’s brilliant.

Note how weak it sounds when added to, “ %$#@*, that noxious bath of chemicals you’ve leaked into the water has nearly destroyed the Tilapia Biomass!”

Widows and orphans don’t exist with “biomass” – as it sounds too much like, “eww, hope I don’t get any on me ..” Now we can stomp life out of whichever species tastes best, without mourners or anyone protesting.

Love it.

Test: tilapia biomass, widows and orphans, real food, madison ave,