All those lectures delivered by stern biologists go unheeded after it earns a nickname

and while the tabloids make great fun over the adventure, the biologists grind their teeth in frustration.

How to get the invasive message across to a public that flushes pet alligators down the toilet, tosses piranha into the Old Swimming Hole once they outgrow the Goldfish budget, or toss that Boa Constrictor into the brushy area where everyone walks their dog – as it would be cruel to dispatch the oversized SOB now that it strangled the neighbor’s cat.

… then again, it makes an awesome, albeit controversial addition to some fellow’s life list. A story that’ll fetch free beer for months on the retelling.

I can’t help it if your finger freezes on the third tap of flakes feeding your child’s pet – that lumpy orange behemoth in the video would make any fellow question his forthcoming liability.

… as for flies, I’d think an emergent Cheetos would be just the ticket.

Monster goldfish, invasive species, fish flakes, Cheetos, goldfish flies, frustrated biologists, fishing for goldfish