Fair, Balanced, and completely ignorant of what the poor fellow is talking about

walter-cronkite It’s bad enough they’ve had to exhume Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow six or seven times – largely due to the vibrations of them turning in the grave was scaring school kids.

… and major networks have to use slogans like, “fair and balanced”  to remind themselves why they’re filming some powdered milquetoast in the first place.

The reporting of news has been dead for some time, with the promotion of non-news a weak substitute.

Consider the poor fly tyer or fishing expert on display for the local citizenry; he’s already sweating profusely with all those curious eyes staring fixedly, and Jimmy Olsen Cub Reporter wads a microphone in his face for the obligatory soundbyte – hoping he’ll mention something scatological or completely profound, and not caring which …

Our hero does his best to mention aquatic insects, catch & release, stream stewardship, invasive species, and the weight-free nature of fly fishing versus heaving a projectile …

… and wakes the next morning to :

To catch fish, anglers must use proper bait, ****** said. He explained that fly fishing requires a particular kind of pole, string and bait because trout eat aquatic insects.

“On a regular fishing pole, the bait is weighted, but on a fly fishing pole the bait is so light that the string is the weight,” ****** said.

******** of Trout Unlimited demonstrated how fly fishing bait is created. He used feathers, wire and other light materials to tie a fly that would be the same weight as the insects.

It’s plain that our friend Jimmy scribbled little during the interview, and was gazing intently at the Jailbait selling Cotton Candy – hoping his press credential would mean something.

It never fails to make my teeth grate noisily. My only solace knowing once Jimmy is promoted to full time anchor he’ll drop an “F-Bomb” while interviewing Martha Stewart or confuse the Dalai Lama with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s …

… that red blinking light on the camera, that’s your career light Jimmy-Boy

Tags: bad journalism, fourth estate, Fair and Balanced, fly fishing show, fly fishing bait, fly fishing pole, fly fishing string

2 thoughts on “Fair, Balanced, and completely ignorant of what the poor fellow is talking about

  1. Igneous Rock

    Yet jimmy-boy climbed down out of the trees with the rest of us proving an admittedly unknowing and unwashed ability to survive. However, rest assured his 16 yr old daughter is pregnant and his son just broadsided the police chief with daddys new Jaguar.

  2. Don

    Sounds like I need to purchase a scale for weighing insects. Me thinks this is going to be expensive.

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